Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Elie HOBEIKA, RIP ; God DID avenge your Precious blood, and the blood of your 3 wonderful companions....

تقبر قلبي هالضحكي...وعيون البدا تحكي...من يوم غيابك ايلي حبيقة... بس اسمع اسمك ببكي... اشتقتلك

لح بيضل بيقلبنا يا معلمنا في هيدا النهار الحلو بقلك الله يرحمك ونفسك بالسما وسلم لي على ايلي وعلى كل الشباب الله يرحمن
....احتفال بمقتل آصف شوكت

Crude, cruel, rude and not very shrewd...

....الدور السوري في لبنان كان يتقاطع مع أدوار دول أخرى إقليمية ودولية

آصف شوكت الصهر واليد اليمنى.... المجرم الأكبر آصف شوكت ....إغتيال مفبركوا الإغتيالات

....أتت ساعته بالفعل
.....جيران اقرب الى وحوش

....من يزرع الريح سيحصد العاصفة


Elie HOBEIKA, RIP ; God DID avenge YOUR blood, and the blood of your 3 wonderful companions....With our daily prayers, ARIEL the Butcher SHARON is a Vegetable since 2006 and Assef SHAWKAT
has been blown to bits today in a Huge Bomb in Damascus....
but many more will see the same fate soon in many other countries as well.....

However, their time is drawing nigh, and the fires of the Brazen
Bull are destined to blaze brightly in the!

It may seem curmudgeonly, cowardly, or both, to regard this latest episode in Damascus with anything less than unqualified enthusiasm. However, an exclusive focus on the delinquencies of selected scapegoats during the despicable string of assassinations in the Levant, starting on January 24th 2002, may divert attention from questions more directly relevant to understanding how the scum-team of the most infamous White House Murder INC, with local cut-outs, came about sine 97 with a detailed road-map for barbaric extra-judicial and cowardly political assassinations by the smug butchers of Herzliya and Washington DC...., and how what now seems an almost inevitable recurrence might perhaps be prevented some day....

Chta2nelak ya ra2is....

نم قرير العين يا رئيس ها هم قاتلوك يقتلون الواحد تلو الآخر بالأمس الارهابي .... واليوم السفاح آصف شوكت ... وبشر القاتل بالقتل ولو بعد حين

ما تم تسويقه بوصفه «ذكاء سياسيا» طوال العقد الماضي من حكم الأسد لم يكن إلا جبلا من الأوهام

...شرُّ البليَّةِ ما يُضحِكُ

Allah yirhamak ya ra2iss w yerham el-chabeb...., Dimitri,
Fares and Waleed...

HK for ever a Heroes' Hero and unparalleled unique Leader, a victim
of the most infamous and Barbaric White House Murder INC,
in the Levant, January 24th 2002....
Elie HOBEIKA, RIP [ God avenge his blood, and the blood of
his 3 wonderful companions. ]

يطيب لي أن أصرخ، يطيب لي أن أبكي، يطيب لي ان تنهمر دموعي على خدي وان اتذكرك، وقلبي ودموعي عند .... وأنا اعرف أية علاقة تربطكما وأي تفاهم
آه كم رحلت باكراً، آه كم كانت تنتظرنا أحلاماً كبيرة، آه كم تصديت للمؤامرة
استشهادك وانت ما استشهدت، انت حيّ، انت موحّد، انت إنسان عظيم
رحلت باكرا وباكرا جدا، كنت النجم الساطع، كنت الامل الواعد

The deliberate CIA disinformation about the dearth of strong U.S. intelligence
on the situation in Syria is a sharp contrast to its actual enormous presence on
the ground, in Syria, in Lebanon...., [ where hundreds of operatives are very active ]
in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, IsraHell, Cyprus, Dubai, Qatar, KSA, Egypt, and in the Eastern
Mediterranean, as well as Greece....
The number ONE Target now for the White House Murder INC, is Maher ASSAD,
who is being tracked every second of the day or night. Huge resources have been
put in place to Take him out SOONEST. Bashar is a Target as well, but his moves
have been restricted to the Palace grounds for now....

On the Barbarians at the Gate in the Zioconned sphere:

Zioconned Western powers' clear intention is to wage war on earth and in the heavens above....
We know that and we are waiting!

...معلومات عن آصف شوكت

A monstrous thug, a creep, an assassin for hire and a Barbarian who was the number one liaison with CIA, DIA, DGSE, MOSSAD, AMAN and ALL the arch-criminal Western intelligence KILLERS for well over a Decade or two....

He was instrumental after the False Flag attacks of 9/11 in the CIA rendition program and was an executioner for the most Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant, on January 24th 2002, and Feb. 12th 2008, etc etc...

He was asked to foment a Coup D'etat in Syria by his despicable and criminal Western handlers but he was unable to deliver because he is a cowardly thug and an assassin for hire and a pimp, not a Leader...., Hence the decision was taken to eliminate a whore who knew too much...

Good riddance.


"A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible."
"The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable'.... Since you don't know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism?"
"In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics." All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia."
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of
intelligent men."
"ما يجري في لبنان من فوضى وقتل ذريع وافقار هو متعمد من حكام هم ادوات حقيرة عند الاميركيين...."، انهم "يريدون لنا ان نبقى في العالم العربي نلحق لقمة الخبز وصولا الى تدمير بيئتنا اجتماعيا"

The ZIOCONS big Plans continue...., they think!!! LOL
Counter-plans are in Place and the wait won't be long!
Total Victory is the only outcome.

After SYRIA, Lebanon and Iran...Russia's South is next.... Russia's SVR should quietly grab a few drunk Saudi princes, Qatari thugs, US/Israeli assassins from Paris, L.A. & London's ZIO-whorehouses and send their balls back to the ZIOCONNED Saudi octogenarians in Riyadh & Qatar....


من يحكم سوريا عصابه وجاري تصفيتها قريبا واولهم الجحش ابن انيسه الخسيسه...
جميعنا يعلم أن هناك قناة اتصال خلفية تتم منذ الاحتلال السوري للبنان بين دمشق وتل أبيب على مستوى الاستخبارات العسكرية بين البلدين

هذه القناة السرية تعمل بكفاءة وانتظام بصرف النظر عن طبيعة العلاقات أو اللاعلاقات العلنية أو مستويات التوتر بين سوريا وإسرائيل... وقد أثبتت هذه القناة أنها «ذات كفاءة وأهمية قصوى للأمن بين الطرفين». وتعززت هذه «القناة» في دورها أثناء وجود لجان عسكرية تفاوضية في ماراثون التفاوض السوري - الإسرائيلي الذي تم في واشنطن برعاية أميركية في عهد بيل كلينتون

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Barbaric White House Murder INC, of the Dick CHENEY/Elliott Abrams Vintage....

بئس دولةٍ تتوسّع بالتحقيق من أجل خونةٍ أنذالٍ وتتناسى شرفاءَ أبطال. رحمك الله يا أشرف وأطهر الناس، على العهد باقون ...

Hard to tell where the Zioconned CIA ends and the Mossad begins, since 1995..., and especially these days....

“Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.” ~ Henri Amiel

The White House assassinations INC, courtesy of Langley and Herzliya.... CIA and Mossad, the dastardly duo....

The most Infamous, Odious, Criminal, US extra-judiCIAL assassins on the World Stage are alive and well in the Levant...., very much Zioconned and Operational...
with their cowardly and carefully orchestrated smokescreens.... still desperately wanting and dreaming of being king of the hill in the Levant.... plotting in mannerism found in medieval fiefdoms or kingdoms of Europe....

The Barbaric White House Murder INC, of the Dick CHENEY/Elliott Abrams Vintage..., is very much alive and Kicking in Lebanon, as well as JSOC/OSP PsyOps for All to see....and more are on the Way soon....and in the pipeline since January 24th 2002!

MP and Ex-Minister Mr. Elie Hobeika: He who sows to the Spirit, will from the Spirit reap eternal life... Our Lebanese heroes who gave their lives on the altars of the nation also taught us that he who has faith in the nation, in liberty, and in the rights of its citizens will defend them with absolute vigor and most honorable dedication, and will not fear any threats, threat of oppression, the loss of position or property, or the disappearance of "Thyself" in a Fiery US/Syro/Israeli Car BOMB, orchestrated by the most infamous White house Murder INC, with CIA's Blessing, logistics, utter disinformation for plausible deniability and more....The US/Israeli Ziocons are cowardly and despicable entities/ZOG... who should be locked up for life for their barbaric war crimes and extra-judicial assassinations....

In the world of international espionage, assassinations are considered a sign of a *LACK* of sophistication...

Yeah, I know. 007 and the "right to kill". But that is fiction... And the Mossad, with its Kidon teams. But the Mossad is not a sophisticated outfit at all, only a very arrogant and utterly criminal one... Amongst non-Western civilized actors, assassinations are a very rare tactic, used when no other options are open, and the decision to do so is always taken at the very top of any cowardly criminal state, like IsraHell, Syria, Lebanon and the Zioconned USA....and its Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant...

About the most Infamous White House Murder INC,!!!
When an organization like the CIA openly makes
a holy grail of a concept such as "plausible deniability"
and also has extreme technology and funding to create
that illusion of deniability and also has an extremely
shady history of scandal and atrocity, then it is puzzling
why they should seem to assume implicitly that they
are nonetheless entitled to such a nicety as
"presumption of innocence".

With plausible deniability comes the death of trust and
negates the presumption of innocence...

Plausible deniability negates the logic and justifiably
creates an assumption of guilt for which "evidence" or
"proof" is no longer either possible or necessary.

If the CIA can be cynical, then it is only fair
that the People can be cynical in reciprocity.

The assumption of guilt is a basis for corrective action
by whoever might have the boldness and ability
to seize moment, needing the blessings of no
authority and carrying all the seriousness and weight
in possible remedy as if it had been a jury
verdict in a murder trial or a genocide tribunal.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

الينا حماية قضية العدل في بلد العدالة، لبنان

في زمن قلّ فيه الرجال وكثرت فيه الكلاب النابحة .... نشتاق اليك يا شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة
Elie, Your Heroic Life is your message to the world, Making it Inspiring to Millions in Lebanon and across the Globe....

الينا حماية قضية العدل في بلد العدالة، لبنان

...شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة

رغم كل السنين الطويلة التي مرت، والخيوط الواضحة التي كشفت، وكل الاستغلال السياسي الذي مورس بظلم وكيدية على الاخرين من اقرب المقربين الى الشهيد، لاتزال حتى اليوم جريمة اغتيال ايلي حبيقة التي كانت بتدبير أمريكي والموساد الإسرائيلي، وتنفيذ سورية..., غامضة ومن دون عقاب، والارجح ان تبقى كذلك لمدة طويلة. حقنا كلبنانيين ان نسأل: لماذا كل هذا التقاعس؟ لماذا كل هذا الارتباك؟ اذا كان القضاء غير قادر على حل هذا اللغز، فالمصيبة كبيرة. واذا كان القضاء يعرف هوية المجرمين ويتستر عليهم، فالمصيبة اكبر

...أمّا روح ايلي حبيقة التي لا تموت أصلاً فنتمنّى لها دوام القوّة والعزم والطهارة

The point is that the prospect of disaster, no matter how obvious, is no guarantee that nations will do what it takes to avoid that disaster. And this is especially true when pride and prejudice make so-called leaders, who are actually stooges, lackeys of this or that camp, through various and very numerous intelligence services scouring Lebanon for Decades.... unwilling to see what should be obvious by now....!!!

A difficult problem facing a diverse nation is that strong central government based upon party politics will tend to favor one group or alliance of groups. One solution is to have a confederal structure that yields, through a nomination process, a technocratic government at the federal level. But this entails crooked and utterly corrupt and subservient party politicians yielding to reason. A lot to ask....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Elie HOBEIKA, RIP, Lebanon Born again without the Infamous White House Murder INC,....

CONNECTED AT THE HEART Words and music....
by Susan Stark

Spirit is not bound by time or place.
We can be together, though not face to face.
All I have to do is see you, tap into your soul.
It matters not when last we met,
Nor how living takes its toll.
We are connected at the heart, always. (2x)

Death, though but a passage, has its sting.
I would love to see and hold you, more than anything.
The curtain that divides us, does not extend inside us.
Keep confident, and feel me close, and call me when you need me most.
I’ll come to you, I’ll never break the tie that binds. (2x)

I wish that you could see and know that I am near.
In dreams we walk together, through the seasons of the year.
The days we have upon the earth are numbered from the start.
And all that any one of us can do to play our part…
Is love the best we can, and shoot straight from the heart. (2x)

No one said it would be easy, no one said we wouldn’t fall.
How exquisite is the pain and the courage to stand tall.
The naked fear, the awful shame, the vexing, stubborn pride,
The contradicting passions and the loneliness inside…
How the currents swirl around us as we search for higher ground. (2x)

How sacred and capricious and surreal.
The only things we really have are love and how we feel.
This living is an awful thing, so precious and so brief.
We face the hour of death with both deep sorrow and relief.
And so we love, we learn, we lose, we choose, we grow. (3x)
And I know you’ve always loved me…and I’ve always loved you so…..

© Susan Stark Music, October 18, 2000,Windsor Locks, CT.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

HK Elie HOBEIKA, for ever a Heroes' Hero and a unique Exceptional Leader.

Chta2nelak ya ra2is....

Allah yirhamak ya ra2iss w yerham el-chabeb...., Dimitri,
Fares and Waleed...

HK for ever a Heroes' Hero and unparalleled unique Leader, a victim
of the most infamous and Barbaric White House Murder INC,
in the Levant, January 24th 2002....

Elie HOBEIKA, RIP [ God avenge his blood, and the blood of
his 3 wonderful companions. ]

عمل إستخباراتي إجرامي يتضمن تشويه السمعة بهدف القتل المعنوي وصولا إلى القتل الجسدي ؟
إنه عمل تضليلي قذر ترتكبه وحدة إجرامية يعني إسمها باللاتينية ( الحقيقة ) وهذه قمة الإستخفاف بانسانية البشر
بعض مستندات تظهر الجسم التنظيمي والقواعد النظرية للحرب النفسية التي تمارسها المخابرات الأميركية وقوى عسكرية أميركية

وحول تفاصيل عمل هذه الوحدة النشطة في الساحة والتي لا ينحصر عملها في التخطيط بل يمتد إلى التنفيذ

هي وحدة مخابراتية عملانية – نفسية مشتركة إنبثقت عن الوحدة الأساسية ” فاريتاس” الأميركية في نيسان – ابريل العام 2000 ، وجرى دمج خبراء هذه الوحدة من بين عدد محدد من كبار المختصين في عالمي الاستخبارات والحرب النفسية في أجهزة مخابرات وفي وزارات دفاع وخارجية كل من أميركا وبريطانية وأسرائيل ، وجرى إتخاذ إحدى القواعد العسكرية في ضواحي لندن مقرا رئيسيا لهذه الوحدة التي ترتبط مباشرة بقيادة الحرب النفسية في الجيش الأميركي والمعروفة بأسم ” مدرسة جون كنيدي للعمليات النفسية الخاصة ” وبوحدة الحرب النفسية الاسرائيلية ” ملاط ” المتخصصة منه . وما يميز هذه الوحدة أنها مشتركة بين الخلايا الناشطة عمليا والتي تدير وتنفذ عمليات الاغتيال و القتل الجسدي ، وتلك التي تمارس القتل المعنوي ضد من لا يتجاوبون مع محاولاتها لشقهم ودفعهم إلى الانقلاب

المخابرات الأميركية ومخابرات بعض الدول الحليفة لها مثل اسرائيل وبريطانية وحدة مشتركة تمارس الحرب النفسية والدعائية على المسؤولين والشعب ، ولكنها في الوقت عينه تغتال معنويا أو جسديا من ترى أن إغتياله يخدم أهدافها لدفع كبار المسؤولين والمقربين الى الانقلاب

التركيز على ذكي له صورة بطل حربي ، وبالتالي يحتاج الأميركيون إلى تفتيت كل نقطة قوة يملكها شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة

.....إن ما سبق يؤكد أن عملية اغتيال ايلي حبيقة كانت بتدبير أمريكي والموساد الإسرائيلي، وتنفيذ سورية

On the Barbarians at the Gate in the Zioconned sphere:

"A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible."
"The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable'.... Since you don't know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism?"
"In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics." All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia."
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of
intelligent men."
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."