Are there any journalists left in the government stenographer sell out corporate presstitute whore media?Anyone in Lebanon who listens or accepts any arguments presented by the Zionist Neocon and Assassin in Chief, Jeffrey CIA FELTMAN will be wrong, and the tune they sing in making the argument is simply another part of their best-known melody, “Whistling Past the Graveyard.”
“All you have to do to be hated is to do hateful things....”Truth is very often the antithesis of conventional wisdom....
To paraphrase Voltaire: We are born free but insist on leading our lives chained to sectarian myths....
....ملتزمون بقول الحقيقة
"In politics, nothing happens by accident...., especially the "formatted" release of a convicted criminal from jail by CIA..., Geagea, who was serving a life sentence for multiple barbaric political Lebanon... If it happens you can bet it was planned that way...since1998...."
« Qui croit devoir fermer les yeux sur quelque chose se voit bientôt forcé de les fermer sur tout »....Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” --John F. KennedyThe truth has a certain elegance and restraint to it... Sometimes it can be a little rough because the truth doesn’t spend as much time in makeup, distortions and obfuscations for years, like the WESTERN/ISRAELI lies of STL/TSL, covering up Western Covert Assassination programs in the Levant do since 2002.... Western and Syrian-Alawite fantastic Lies require cosmetics and strategic lighting.... Truth possesses its own beauty (if you can see it), without the need for artifice and Truth always produces its own light....Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty...
Liberty won has to be maintained to remain, and when you have it solid, you cannot stop paying the attention you should....
Truth Will Set You Free...
When there is a smoking, radioactive hole in the ground where
CIA and MOSSAD headquarters used to be, then the CIA/MOSSAD
will realize the lack of wisdom in creating endless enemies with its own
bottomless corruption, criminality, bestiality and sleaze..., and the same
goes to ALL Western Intelligence agencies and their puppets, lackeys and
stooges in various Arab/World Governments, especially in SYRIA/KSA...
Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE...
The CIA/MOSSAD have almost boundless ability to manipulate the craven
United States and World news media, and to paper over its own misdeeds,
but the ability to hide behind a world of lies ceases to work
when the nuclear explosion begins....
The destiny awaiting as the inevitable climax for decades
of unspeakable decadence.... You could plant a flower on
these CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE/BND....etc., organization's graves,
but it would fail to grow....
Typical Declining Empire...
To think that they are world-beaters who only need
to get a little meaner in order to preserve and restore
their disappearing control and dominance....
Only hastening their own demise by doing so....
It's beyond inevitable now, no matter what they try...Hence, the cowardly visit yesterday of the assassin in Chief, Jeffrey CIA FELTMAN to Michel CIA SLEIMAN and Walid CIA JUMBLATT...., despite ALL his Gesticulations for months..., Walid Jumblatt is still manipulated by his masters at Langley/CIA/MOSSAD....
My sources Lend additional support to the long-known willingness and ability of CIA to operate in Syria..., Lebanon... or any other Middle Eastern country, in anything, from undeclared off Embassy NOCs and front companies for CIA, to declared liaison capability....especially with the assassin in Chief Asef SHAWKAT, an executive working for the infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant since January 24th 2002....The action is in the reaction.... in 2005 and beyond..., it was hoped.....
Always remember that racial psy ops are in the corrupt tank that runs the Obama/CIA/MOSSAD machine....we have seen plenty of it... But it is a central-agenda-driven social wedge issue division to get us all Lebanese to hate each other based on Sect, Religion, right/left paradigm politics, pro and anti-Resistance, social hot-button issues and all they can find to keep us from uniting against THEM... And the sheeple and traitors of March14th always oblige...., Hence FELTMAN's visit..."Washington" is getting extremely delusional these days.... So much so that I wonder if it has collective terminal Alzheimer's....
Jeffrey CIA FELTMAN's hasty phone calls to the idiot Amine CIA GEMAYEL and the criminal Proxy CIA Militia thug, Samir Geagea.....of the LF, ( assassins and barbarians ), are just meant to rekindle internal divisions meant to divide in an attempt to reconquer....but it is way too late for USA's crumbling Empire....falling apart before our eyes Worldwide....and everyone knows it by now....
The majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power. To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives... What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, deceit, utter corruption, and demagoguery upon which we feed....
We know that the Zionist plague, that insidious CIA/MOSSAD March14th virus, has taken over the banking world and is instrumental in many of the powerful government's institutions, starting with the Prime Minister's prerogatives...but the most telling impact and the least obvious is in the Jewdiciary.... It is in the courts where the important things take place and one should make a calculated search to see just how much of a percentage of Zio-influence pervades in this arena.... Consider the judges who were instrumental in critical court issues concerning STL's creation under the Traitor Fouad CIA SINNIORA and issues related to the Proxy CIA/MOSSAD militia of the LF..."LBC" [ Lebanese criminal Forces of Geagea.... ] and the ignorant buffoon/stooge of Geagea, Ibrahim NAJJAR....The air is heavy with a portending deliquescence that shall bring an inescapable lachrymose compulsion into the doomed lives of the vampires in our midst and…
LF, brainwashed buffoons and gullible pathetic idiots...., a typical CIA/MOSSAD Proxy Militia in the making....Je dirais même personnellement que Samir Geagea et "son" parti/FL...., appartient à une sous catégorie encore plus particulière : celle qui claxonne en s'imaginant que le mur va disparaitre.... Ceux là sont les idéologues proxy de la CIA/MOSSAD/KSA..., ils ne devraient jamais s'approcher des hautes sphères du pouvoir, tant la réalité du pays leur est étrangère....
Tout le monde sait qu’une tête bien faite vaut mieux qu’une tête bien pleine de slogans tous aussi débiles les uns que les autres....
On STL/TSL...,
infested with CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE/MI6 and other intelligence agencies in order to utterly obfuscate the reality of the initial blatant Covert operation wall to wall....Lebanese will do well to remember/read the criminal assassin's Karl ROVE's words in 2001...
Says Karl Rove, the assassin in Chief of the infamous White House Assassinations INC, together with the Killers Elliott Abrams and Asef Shawkat....: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.... And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, with more political assassinations in the Levant and the World..., creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out.... We're history's actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do...."
It's not unlike the Lockerbie airliner bombing, when the Syrians were originally fingered with hard facts at hand... and then – when Syria's help was needed in the coalition against Saddam Hussein following his American induced/encouraged invasion of Kuwait in 1990 – the West started blaming Libya and convicted two Libyan intelligence agents of this Barbaric CIA/Syrian act...., in order to hide traces of much more malignant covert operations and Heroin deals involving CIA/Syrian goons..., where 270 people were murdered, mostly Americans, in mid-air over Scotland in a 747 Jumbo Jet, in a typical False Flag attack.... and, " EU begs for closer ties with Syria's Dictatorship of ASSAD so they do not become the next target of the terror axis of Al-CIAda..., who fight their ideological battles in our lands...."
I spent 5 years in xxxxxx during all active war years, dealt with all these entities daily and came to know the situation on the ground well - these organizations are all dirty, including the ones who "document" the crimes.... Another one "documenting" war crimes was George Soros with OSI and its many octopus arms such as Helsinki Committee - their job was to document such crimes - and sweep them under the rug and FRAME someone else.....this evidence was later used in the Hague ICTY War Crimes Tribunal.....getting George Soros to gather war crimes evidence is about as objective as getting Blackwater/Xe to gather evidence about Abu Ghraib crimes against civilians....and the same goes for Fitzgerald...., UNIIIC, STL/TSL, ICC, and the UN....all tools of CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE/CSIS....etc.
As for the Press, print and otherwise in Lebanon and's quite Pathetic, Treacherous and fully BOUGHT by the usual suspects....
-- Goethe
The US Office of Public Diplomacy has always served as a front group for the American ultra-right... I would hope that LEBANESE were intelligent enough not to fall for this CIA penetration operation, but judging by the number of similar LEBANESE journalists that have already been groomed by the USA/CIA, I know that this is a golden fish hook which ordinary human beings have little chance to resist....especially Gullible and ignorant Lebanese "pens for hire".... the list is long and the names are well known by ALL MEDIA outlets from BOTH sides of the Newspapers, Television and Electronic Media avenues....ALL paid for by FDDC, CIA and Jeffrey Neocon Feltman, the assassin in Chief....
After all, the STL/TSL is designed and funded to promote certainty and reinforce prevailing beliefs....linked to blatantly obvious CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE covert operations (even while occasionally using alternative concepts to feign a dialectical approach)....
New guidelines for ASSAD's thuggish intelligence services, specialists in covert assassinations...
The commander of "Air Force"Syrian intelligence..., Maj. Gen. Abdulfattah Qudsiya, was transferred to head Military Intelligence, the principal service among Syria's myriad murderous security agencies.... Qudsiya was replaced by Brig. Gen. Jamil Hassan, deputy head of State Security, who was promoted to major general...
Maj. Gen. Zuhair Hamad, a counter-terrorism specialist, was promoted from head of the Special Intelligence Unit at State Security to become chief of the entire department, with Brig. Gen. Ghassan Khalil as his deputy. Hamad replaced Maj. Gen. Ali Mamluk, who has reached the mandatory retirement age of 62....just like the suicided General Ghazi KANAAN had outlived his he was retired by the ASSAD Mafia...
Mamluk, who has run State Security since 2004 and has been involved in some of the most sensitive issues concerning Syria's thuggish dictatorship of the ASSAD Mafia family and the infamous White House Murder INC, headed by Asef SHAWKAT since January 24th 2002..., will become a special adviser on covert assassinations to Assad, joining Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nassif, who is but another criminal assassin in the thuggery of Damascus....
The head of Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Assef Shawkat, Assad's brother-in-law, was promoted to lieutenant general "in preparation for appointing him minister of defense.......and ongoing covert assassinations program in the Levant.......and rewarding him for an excellent assassination program well done on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE...since 2002."
The marriage of Shawkat , seen by many in the regime as ambitious and hungry for power, to Bushra was opposed by Hafez Assad and others in the family, like the other assassin Maher ASSAD. However, Shawkat was reported to have been appointed chief of military intelligence, the most powerful of Syria's security services, Feb. 15th, 2005...., rewarding him for the successful assassinations of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA in 2002 and Hariri's in 2005....
But the reports of a reshuffle in recent weeks come amid a backdrop of significant events in the region that could decide whether there will be new conflicts or geopolitical realignments, most of them involving taming trying to target Hasan Nasrallah for assassination BY THE SYRIANS soonest.....
"This reshuffle takes place at a time when the Syrian regime is taking a number of calculated foreign policy risks with the intent of expanding Syria's influence in the infamous White House Assassinations INC,....closely targeting Hassan Nasrallah on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/AMAN....
"While keeping an eye on the U.S.-Iran negotiating track, Syria is -- in collaboration with the Zionist Saudi government -- using its dominant position in the odious White House Murder INC, in Lebanon to try to contain Hezbollah anew....."
As Syria's Mafia totally indebted to CIA/MOSSAD steadily restores its control over Lebanon, five years after a military withdrawal triggered by the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri by Asef SHAWKAT and the barbaric White House Murder INC,..., there are those who believe Damascus will have to rein in longtime ally Hezbollah to re-impose its mastery as demanded by CIA/MOSSAD killers....
Syria's July rapprochement with Saudi Arabia, Iran's main Arab rival, in an apparent effort to prevent Lebanon erupting in sectarian violence again was seen by some as a debt paid to CIA/MOSSAD and the beastly White House Murder INC, which eliminated Imad F. MOUGHNIEH Feb. 12th 2008 by Asef Shawkat....
Hamad, is close to the Iranians "and Tehran made it clear it wanted Hamad to replace Mamluk," who was seen as the architect of the July agreement between Damascus and Riyadh "that focused on trying to control Hezbollah's actions in Lebanon anew, by attempting the assassination of Sayyed Hassan NASRALLAH on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/AMAN/DIA...., Hence Shawkat's new-found "promotion....Ever Since Asef Shawkat’s elimination of Imad F. MOUGHNIEH in Kafarsoussa in 2008….Syria was shielded from STL and will remain so for good....despite the daily conflicting stories....
The Sheeple will never disappoint....
" A crowd thinks in images, and the image itself immediately calls up a series of other images, having no logical connection with the first.....It accepts as real the images evoked in its mind, though they most often have only a distant relation with the observed fact...."
" It is to the creators of illusions that they have raised more temples, statues, and altars than any other class of men."
" The beginning of a revolution is in reality the end of a belief." Gustave Le Bon
These are quotes from Gustave Le Bon's book, "The Crowd: A study of the popular mind".
If there is one book that details the conditions necessary to carry out acts like that day in Sept. 11 2001, the odious assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, January 24th 2002, Rafic HARIRI on Feb. 14th 2005, and the toner-cartridge al-CIAda snafu it is captured in this book.... I recommend it to everyone that wonders how governments control the minds of people....
There are numerous voices throughout history that have warned us of the capacity of man's oppression of man for the profit of the most ruthless....
If you want to win the hearts and minds of your enemy and convince them to adopt your ways you don't use your military, like in the US/Israeli war of 2006 on Lebanon..... unless you are either an idiot or a leader of a nation of idiots who are easily bamboozled....
Orwell's New Year....
Quote for the new year....
"Last year was 1984, and this morning the year changed to 1984. It has always been 1984, and it always will be 1984."
Syrian Alawite Thugs and Israeli governments are two sides to a coin....
Lets have a look: They both have secret nuclear activities... They both oppress their populations (for Israel-its the Palestinians)....For the Alawite Dictatorship, it's the Lebanese, Sunnis and the Kurds for decades. They both have extremist political views. They both deceive the world and have covert links since 1970.... They both can't wait to gobble more neighboring land.... They are both corrupt... They both commit crimes/assassinations in foreign lands, they both have layers upon layers of intelligence agencies who coordinate closely since 1970....and they are both founding partners in the infamous White House Murder Inc,.... I can't tell the difference!
A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook! --Bertolt Brecht
By way of influence, the power behind the power in America, lobbies and campaign contributions, et al, the U.S. elite utterly controls the apparatus of government, with worldwide ramifications.... Naturally, this 'ruling elite' favors economic policies which enrich them to the detriment and/or impoverishment of everyone else... This is the reductio ad absurdum of the Scrooge (Herbert Spencer) position which maintains, wrongly and fallaciously, that the rich are rich because they are smarter and better....They often resort to economic hit-men or wars to get their way, if all else fails....
I am of the opinion that at present, when the U.S. empire is illegally embroiled and mired, when the military of the United States has proven its corruption to the entire world, when the armed forces of the U.S. have been videotaped in acts of atrocity and otherwise exposed to have committed numerous war crimes to include tortures resulting in death, mass murders of civilians (captured on video tape), when the criminal nature of numerous U.S. occupations, aggressions, extra-judicial assassinations in the Levant, through the infamous White House Murder INC, and Asef Shawkat..., incursions most of which violate every international treaty to which the U.S. is signatory it is unconscionable not to yell 'fire in a crowded theater!!
Al-Qaeda, Aka Al-CIAda.... was a U.S.A./Israeli creation, specifically a product of inverted right wing pseudo logic. If 'Al-Qaeda' did not exist, never mind --the shills would invent it and cite it to justify wars abroad, crackdowns on freedom at home! They would bestow upon it a virtual existence via press releases, propaganda and outright lies --deliberate attempts to mislead the American people!
The "basis" for the specific principles of International Law to which the U.S. is "obliged", indeed, even insisted upon are as follows:
An excerpt:
(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
I also recommend ‘Preventive War’ and International Law After Iraq. An excerpt from the introduction and executive summary:
However if change is to be effected, it must be carried out in way(s) that promotes international peace and security through multilateral action and the rule of law. This may be time consuming and frustrating, but the alternative danger is a weakening or even abandonment of the rule of law and undermining the prohibition on the use of force which has been the product of not only the international consensus to avoid war following two world wars but decades of consensus. --‘Preventive War’ and International Law After Iraq, Duncan E. J. Currie LL.B. (Hons.) LL.M., 22 May, 2003
To conclude that because one has power its exercise is always right is, simply, wrong! It's a non sequitur! On trial for his Nazi crimes at Nuremberg, Goering called it "victor's justice"!
What remains then is the truth: Bush and some members of his administration conspired with agents of the CIA, DIA, OSP, COG and MOSSAD/Aman to commit the crimes of mass murder and high treason against the people of the United States, the good citizens of New York and the World. Let the trials begin....
Sing us a song of the century....
That’s louder than bombs and eternity
The era of static and contraband
That’s leading us into the promised land
Tell us a story that’s by candlelight
Waging a war and losing the fight
They’re playing the song of the century
of panic and promise and prosperity
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me .…
Green Day – Song of the Century