Saturday, February 14, 2009


"When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society..."


It was decided to make a trial...
Buckets were drawn, pronounced pure
A wheel was placed by the side of the scaffold,
wooden planks piled near the wheelbase
in order to make a ramp...

Messrs Brathole and Stouckhhton of Chicago's University
denounced the proceedings. The imploring of legal scholars
possessing impeccable credentials and law degrees
was summarily dismissed in a colloquy, ex facie,
in limine litis before the implacable judge...

A pair of teeth, planted-buried in the ground...
were brought to coincidence with the fixing means!

The soil seemed more favorable in each new layer of clay
What happened was not a simple crime of murder
and most certainly bore a pedigree of Asef Shawkat...

Shawkat, accused mastermind of mischief's manifold
was south of them, playing a waiting game,
knowing full well that the learned men
would not comprehend what they had unearthed
and pay dearly for their imprudent disregard....since he

Ask the Assyrians, they know best the greater Middle East for centuries...

Lebanese be aware of the following fact of life...

Selon d'autres infos... l'hypothèse israelienne serait en plus confortée... car il est probable vu la desertion actuelle du Liban par sa population chretienne, que Israel cherche a islamiser le liban, [ une tentative a deja ete faites avant l'election du faiblard Michel Suleiman, a travers le Roi Abdallah d'arabie...mais elle a echoue miserablement grace a d'enormes efforts de la part de HK...] vraisemblablement pour y exporter tous les palestiniens......wake up and Unite for ever.

Ask the Assyrians, they know best the greater Middle East for centuries...

What happens in Lebanon so becomes the world...Lebanon is the global moral barometer. Everyone wants to know what the Lebanese are doing to further solidify the amazing cultural, religious, ethnic and political diversity....which we need to embolden, strengthen and modernize, together with the valiant Resistance, for it is an example for the whole world to follow in these treacherous, turbulent times....

The Lebanese seem to be the foci for many of the world's attention...the reasons are wrapped in mystery. The ridiculous coverage a fact....the question why? Is a question that swirls around the Phoenicians, Canaanites, Invaders...Christians, Moslems and Jews throughout the 6000 year history of the Levant and its tremendous reverberating influence worldwide....
We must be in harmony with one another... Discord has no place in Nation building....especially in LEBANON.
We must learn to see with a different eye... We are all Brethren. If you can hear the words of the Nation... but fail to comprehend their meaning, we must learn to listen with a different ear... Once we learn our potential, we will be capable of sharing the experience as it was meant to be shared, as one Nation with a Unity of Purpose, design and destiny...
  1. One nation that is worthy of imitation; a model, an Ideal.
  2. One nation that is typical or representative; an example...
  3. An ideal nation state that serves as a pattern; an archetype....
  4. A copy, as of a book....One that is worthy of imitation, duplication or translation...Worldwide into Nation States, mini-Statelets...or thousands of Tribes with Flags?
The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its
warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by

Lebanon is heading for more US brokered assassinations and crisis?


Few outsiders can fathom the CIA2/MOSSAD inspired, concocted, perpetuated, organized and deliberately targeted towards endless Lebanese political rivalries that strive to perpetuate CIA2/MOSSAD ossified fiefdoms... On Monday, leading zu'ama (CIA/MOSSAD) adjourned negotiations on a national defense strategy until early March, because little progress was made on the thorny issue concerning Hezbollah's weapons. With about a month to go before the international charade of a so-called tribunal convenes in The Hague to try CIA2/MOSSAD/Syrian/Lebanese military Intelligence suspects in the 2002 assassination of ex-minister and ex-MP Mr. Elie HOBEIKA and the murder of Rafik Hariri, and with the threat of fresh CIA/MOSSAD/ assassinations looming over the horizon, Beirut is on the brink of new confrontations for the perpetuation of additional tribes with flags...?

Again and again, a killer in murder/assassinations , starting from the CIA2/MOSSAD assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika in Beirut/Hazmieh January 24th 2002, and the infamous "White House Murder Inc." , headed by Asef Shawkat in Syria.

After four stale rounds, puppets participating in the so-called national dialogue have failed to reach a consensus on routine procedural matters, which prompted the CIA2 President Michel Suleiman to seek the appointment of a committee of experts to examine several CIA/DIA.... inspired proposals....

الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة هو انتماؤنا إلى ذاتنا الإنسانيّة وتجذّرنا بأرضنا الطيّبة ورسوخنا في هويّتنا الحضاريّة...«وعد»

The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its
warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by
fools, stooges and puppets of the Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD and the
odious White House Murder INC,....

.....إن ما سبق يؤكد أن عملية اغتيال
ايلي حبيقة كانت بتدبير أمريكي والموساد الإسرائيلي، وتنفيذ سورية،
شارك الجميع في الحروب، ولا يجوز تحميل المسيحيّين وحدهم كل أخطاء الحرب، فلولا المسيحيّين لما كان لبنان، فهم أساسه.
وعام 1975 قاوم المسيحيون وحدهم التوطين في حين أراد الفلسطينيون وطناً بديلاً، وبعض اللبنانيين الذين يرفضون التوطين حالياً كانوا إلى جانب الفلسطينيين في وقتها. المسيحيون هم المقاومون الأوائل ولا يجب أن نحمّلهم الأخطاء كلّها. أنا أؤمن بالـ10452 وبالتعددية، ولا يجوز أن يهمش أحد في لبنان، والآن المسيحيون في لبنان تحديداً هم المهمشون

الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة هو انتماؤنا إلى ذاتنا الإنسانيّة وتجذّرنا بأرضنا الطيّبة ورسوخنا في هويّتنا الحضاريّة...«وعد»

الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة حاضر أبداً بيننا نغماً وعبقريّةً ووطنية، فلا الموت ينسينا إيّاه ولا الرحيل يبعدنا عنه...«وعد»

لم تكن نظرته إلاّ أبعاداً واسعة المرامي تستقر في الوجدان، بها يستنهض الهمم، يحثّها على التمرّد واختراق الرتابة. عاش الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة لبنان في ذاته، لبنان الصامد الذي لا ينكسر بل يكسر من، بحقد وظلم، يتجرّأ على النيل من عزيمته وابتغاء هزيمته، لبنان المنتصر دائماً لأنّه مشروع حضاريّ انسانيّ بامتياز.

حين تبحر معه في انجازاته الخالدة التي هي من عبقريّةً ووطنية، ونبض، من رؤى ورايات، لا تنس أنّه ليس واحداً، بل هو أقنوم أحدٌ لطبيعتين إتّحدتا معاً لتكوّنا شخصية واحدة: " HK ايلي حبيقة ". أعني هوية لبنان المتمايزة؛ حدّها حدّ الحق، وحدودها آفاق اللا محدود، وهي "من تحت هالأرزه... لآخر الدني!" صورة نقية ووهّاجة عمقاً وتألّقاً...«وعد»

في الوطن كان هو الأقرب إلى انسانه الأحبّ. وفي المنفى كان هو الأقرب إلى رجاء انسانه المتهيّب للعودة بعناد وتصميم؛ إذ كان لا بدّ من العودة مهما تأخّر وصول الربّان بالسفينة ليوقف هروب الشطآن المرميّة بالغربة... «وعد»

هكذا أراد الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة الذي عرفته، أن يبقى موسوماً بدفع المدى الفرح. فرحاً يحمل للناس، ويمضي يفتش عن مظلوم بعد مظلوم ليحمل لإرادته المعنى الحقيقي للوجود: أن تكون يعني أن تثور، أن تواجه المفروض المرفوض، وأن تبذل نفسك في سبيل قيامة وطنك وشعبك...

ايلي حبيقة أنت الغمر الدائم القامة، أنت الجموح بحقيقة القيامة، بل أقول إنّك استحقاق النعمة للبنان...«وعد»«وعد»

قال الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة إنّه "منبسط اليدين"، "حب مصلوب عن كل الشعوب". وأنا، "اليوم" في وداعه الأخير، أقول له: "هون رح نبقى"، نعاند، نتّحد بترابنا، نتموضع بمحيطنا ونتفاعل بمعجن رسالتنا. وتبقى أنت يا عزيزنا الخالد طائر الفينيق الذي هو مربضنا الدائم فوق قمم البطولة، تصرخ أبداً: «وعد»! حرية! حرية!

ونتقدم من عائلة الفقيد الكبير الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة وأبناء بسكنتا والجوار خصوصاً واللبنانيين عموماً بأحرّ التعازي بفقدان هذه الأسطورة التي قد لا يتكرّر مثيل لها
عاجلك القتلة الخائفون مما تعرف قبل ان تشهد للحقيقة وتنتزع براءتك
من أيمتين في ميّت أكبر من ميّت؟
من أيمتين في ميّت أهمّ من ميّت؟
بالموت ما في كبير إلا الشهيد...
والشهيد بتعريف كل الديانات السماويي هو اللي بيروح ع الموت بملء إرادتو دفاعاً عن وطنو أو عن دينو
شو الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة ، الرئيس الحلم، منّو شهيد؟ ليش ما خصصنا 22أيلول يوم عطلي وعيد الشهادي... انا، بنظري أكيد الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة شهيد أكبر، شهيد لأنو مات فدا وحدة لبنان... بينما غيرو بعدو لليوم المال السياسي عم يخفي عنّا حقيقة قتلو...
طيّب ليه بدنا نتجمّع بهـ التاريخ بالذات، ليش بدّن يقتلولنا هيدا التاريخ ويشوهوه، هيدا التاريخ يللي هوّي عيد الحب (عيد المحبّي والتسامح كمان) يعملوه عيد حقد ونكايات ومشاكل.
ومن ايمتين بيسمح لنفسو رئيس وزرا ، قد ما فكّر حالو مهم يصنّف شعبو ومين احسن من مين؟ إذا يللي بيركّب علينا ديون اكتر، وإذا يللي تاجر بكل الشعب اللبناني، ...ا

From a humble background who had risen to hold the highest political and security offices in his country, in response to his own painful experience in political confrontation.... had proposed the establishment of a political party to serve the following aims:

- furthering political and social education of individuals from all walks of life in the spirit of democracy, pluralism, non-sectarian political overhaul of the Republic....
- facilitating access to university education and research for gifted young people by providing scholarships,
- contributing to international understanding and cooperation.
- The Wa3ed party sees its activities in the developing political situation as a contribution to:
- promoting peace and understanding between peoples and inside the factional groups,
- supporting the democratization of the State and society and strengthening the civil society,
- improving general political, economic and social conditions,
- reinforcing free trade unions,
- developing independent media structures,
- facilitating regional and worldwide cooperation between states and different interest groups and
- gaining recognition for human rights....etc.

Grant Honor to the minority who dwell in peace and brotherhood with you, for you too were the minority in Egypt....

"Grant Honor to the minority who dwell in peace and brotherhood with you, for you too were the minority in Egypt...."
Druze in Golan vote Lieberman out of 'Brotherly Love...'

Yisrael Beiteinu leader receives nearly half of votes in Druze villages Majdal Shams and Buqata. More than half of votes in Masad'e go to Shas... One Druze in northern Golan explains phenomenon: 'It is a lovely vote and support of Jewish extremist parties with tough leadership'

Not Labor, Meretz, United Arab List-Ta'al or even Kadima. No, the Druze in the Golan voted overwhelmingly for Yisrael Beiteinu and Shas. In the recent elections, 50% of Majdal Shams voters cast their ballots for Yisrael Beiteinu. In neighboring town Masad'e, 53% of voters voted for Shas, and 38% for Yisrael Beiteinu. In Buqata, Lieberman's party received 48% of the votes, while Shas got 21%.

The Druze residents of the Golan Heights were not surprised by the support garnered by Eli Yishai's Shas and Lieberman's hard right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu, which ran under the platform "Without loyalty – no citizenship."

Salim Abu-Salah of Majdal Shams explained the voting mindset. "It is divided in a few directions. In some cases, voters issued a protest vote, in others, it was support for parties with tough leadership. Clearly some of the voters would like to go home to Syria, but I am not surprised by the result. Some of the residents cast a brotherly love vote for more tribes with flags of PNAC's assassins...."

In regards to the Shas votes, Abu-Salah explained, "This is a party that greatly helps families with many children, a widespread phenomenon both among haredim and among the non-Jewish sector."

The big loser in the Druze villages was Kadima. Some 35% of Majdal Shams voters supported Kadima in 2006 compared to a mere 15% of voters casting their ballot for the party this time around. Kadima received 10% of the vote in Masad'e in 2006 and only 3% in the recent elections. Twenty percent of Buqata voters chose Kadima in 2006, compared to only 4% who voted for the party in 2009.

Youssef from Masad'e tendered his own explanation for why Golan Druze did not support the larger parties. "These parties come to power and only support the state of Tel Aviv. They don't care about the periphery, and certainly don't care about non-Jewish citizens. Clearly, the moment the opportunity arises, a prime minister will discuss the option of giving back the Golan. No one even talked about giving back Gush Katif until (Former Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon conceived the selective re-engagement plans....for more tribes with due course, in order to serve the New Jewish Century's planners.....".

For the last several years, I've been told, repeatedly and emphatically by very deep, extraordinarily capable sources who monitor human corruption, that the following people are "direct operative" in a pacification plan to de-stabilize this planet and essentially harness us with a regime that drastically reduces our freedom. The plan is apparently rationalized, as Cheney reportedly once said to Bush, as "technology's plan." The inference, of course, is that certain black budget technologies now in the hands of some of the named suspects, will determine the human future. The thinking is symptomatic of a mindset in which heavy industrial compromises and bad planning due to technological resource needs are all rationalized as God, in a sense. It's a scheme in which rigorous, critical thinking is supplanted by a kind of resonance, instead.

The named suspects: the French Rothschild, part of the Biderman-DuPont family, the Sauds, (David) Rockefeller, some Dutch royals, Prince Phillip, a NY investment family named "Gold"-something (appears to be Goldman), Netanyahu, Bush Sr., Gen. Hugh Shelton (commander of the joint chiefs before and during 9-11), and others numbering some _3000-4000"--not named yet. Fritz Thyssen, the prime financer of Hitler's rise, was also mentioned obliquely (the obliqueness perhaps owing to the horrendous design of Thyssen's work--the source apparently wanted us to do the final footwork on his case). The source(s) of these reports have demonstrated a highly advanced ability to tease out breakthrough details of communications that are reported at critical junctures, here...
I should add that a sustained effort was made to tease out and test and further details about the subjects. Corroboration, sometimes tacit admission was seen--sometimes from quarters that few would normally suspect. Again, these sources are unusually capable and they work outside the nominal structure of the named suspects....
more later...

But the lousy relations among the Livni-Barak-Netanyahu....
triumvirate have created a balance of fear:
Does that sound familiar in Lebanon...?
Sayeret Matkal ...?
"During the Israeli military attacks on the Lebanon in 2006,
the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting with
Evelyn Rothschild's grandson, who abandoned the family to
be a Mormon (so actually he didn't, even if he thought he did).

Chamish said he learned that just seven families were
enjoying the 'fruits of the war' with the Lebanon. The grandson
had said of the Rothschild's: 'They created Israel as their personal toy.
It makes them richer and gives them more control.
It's not going to be destroyed.'

The Rothschild's funded the early European settlers in Israel,
manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment
of Jewish people and others, and then used that as the excuse to
reach their long-term goal - a Rothschild-Illuminati stronghold
in Palestine using the Jewish population as fodder to be used and
abused as necessary.

They called their plan 'Zionism'. This term is often used as
a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement
devised and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews."

Read the rest of this article at

The US Government is utterly corrupt and deceitful beyond redemption.

"The US Government is utterly corrupt and deceitful beyond politics, policy, economy, monetary, finance, Intelligence and CI practices and much much more ta name!"

The UN tribunal to try Hariri's alleged killers is due to open its doors on March 1, housed in the former headquarters of the Dutch intelligence service, well known for kowtowing and complete submission to MOSSAD and AMAN for decades, on the outskirts of The Hague, the capital of ill-justice.

The tribunal will also try those known to be responsible for a series of attacks on other Lebanese political and media figures, starting with the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, Fares Sweidan, Walid Zein and Dimitri Ajram, January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

US President Barack Obama on Thursday vowed to support UN moves to bring to justice Hariri's killers....which is a travesty of justice in of itself and the biggest lie ever to known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

"As we share our grief with the Lebanese people over the loss of prime minister Hariri, we also share our conviction that his sacrifice will not be in vain," Obama said in his new and additional lie in a million others..., the biggest lie ever to known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

"The United States fully supports the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, whose work will begin in a few weeks, to bring those responsible for this horrific crime and those that followed to justice." the biggest lie ever to known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

MP Mustapha Slouch, a member of the parliamentary bloc headed by the slain ex-premier's son and political heir, Saud Hariri, said he had no doubt that the tribunal will serve its purpose....

"There are those who had doubts about the tribunal and thought it was a political instrument but it has now become a reality," Slouchy told APO.... the biggest lie ever to known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

Seven suspects have been arrested in connection with Hariri's assassination. Among them are four generals, including the former head of Lebanese state security, Jamil Al-Sayyed who is the prime planner of the execution of the crimes on January 24th 2002 and February 14th 2005, together with Asef Shawkat and Raymond AZAR, on orders from the White House Murder INC, of the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD of Langley and Herzlia...

The UN probe has also implicated senior officials from Syria but Damascus has strongly denied any connection with Hariri's death and accuses Washington of using the tribunal as a political additional extravaggant and deceitful line of rhetorical moves, in tandem with Washington and Tel Aviv to obfuscate the assassinations responsibilities and cover the tracks of the Syrian KILLERS, all in a day's work of the FDDC within DOD, and the NID of Israel...

The Hezbollah-led alliance in Lebanon, which is backed by Syria and Iran, for its part is demanding full transparency as far as the UN probe and tribunal.

"We don't want the ongoing investigation and the tribunal to be politicized because any such move would affect credibility," Hezbollah MP Hassan Hoballah told ....


For the last several years, I've been told, repeatedly and emphatically by very deep, extraordinarily capable sources who monitor human corruption, that the following people are "direct operative" in a pacification plan to de-stabilize this planet and essentially harness us with a regime that drastically reduces our freedom. The plan is apparently rationalized, as Cheney reportedly once said to Bush, as "technology's plan." The inference, of course, is that certain black budget technologies now in the hands of some of the named suspects, will determine the human future. The thinking is symptomatic of a mindset in which heavy industrial compromises and bad planning due to technological resource needs are all rationalized as God, in a sense. It's a scheme in which rigorous, critical thinking is supplanted by a kind of resonance, instead.

The named suspects: the French Rothschild, part of the Biderman-DuPont family, the Sauds, (David) Rockefeller, some Dutch royals, Prince Phillip, a NY investment family named "Gold"-something (appears to be Goldman), Netanyahu, Bush Sr., Gen. Hugh Shelton (commander of the joint chiefs before and during 9-11), and others numbering some _3000-4000"--not named yet. Fritz Thyssen, the prime financer of Hitler's rise, was also mentioned obliquely (the obliqueness perhaps owing to the horrendous design of Thyssen's work--the source apparently wanted us to do the final footwork on his case). The source(s) of these reports have demonstrated a highly advanced ability to tease out breakthrough details of communications that are reported at critical junctures, here...
I should add that a sustained effort was made to tease out and test and further details about the subjects. Corroboration, sometimes tacit admission was seen--sometimes from quarters that few would normally suspect. Again, these sources are unusually capable and they work outside the nominal structure of the named suspects...

Bush and Cheney and their henchmen were responsible for 9/11, it would be just another crime to add to a long list of crimes that have, in certain cases, also killed thousands -- like the lies that, like a spider’s web, entrapped the American military in Iraq. 9/11 could just be standard operating procedure for the Empire, another “false flag” attack, like the Tonkin Gulf situation in Vietnam, staged to enlist public support for expanded military operations abroad; and a search for 9/11 truth will in the end be as fruitless as the search for the truth of JFK’s assassination. And even if, as with JFK, a majority of Americans come to believe that the US government is the prime suspect, nothing will ever come of this belief.

I’ve had a number of conversations with liberal 9/11 truth skeptics, and my general impression has been that the primary reason they are skeptical of “conspiracy theory” (aside from their fear of ridicule) is that they don’t know very much about the subject.

In the first place, their defense of the official story is built upon the utterly illogical premise that, even though Bush and company have lied about virtually every matter of executive branch responsibility, from science to intelligence to defense contracting to politicization of the Justice Department, on this one issue -- 9/11 -- they are telling the truth. How much sense does that make?

And every other point in the “liberal” defense of the official theory (i.e., Arabs in caves outwit stupid Bushies) is subject to serious question. Bush’s incompetence? On the contrary, it could be argued that Bush and Cheney accomplished everything they wanted to while in office. The biggest asset that went into Bush’s so-called “blind trust” when he entered office in 2001 was Exxon stock -- a company that has seen world record profits ever since the Iraq invasion. And Halliburton stock has also soared.

The traditional Bush family interests, especially the defense and energy industries, have prospered mightily. A compliant media let Bush and Cheney do whatever they wanted for eight years, whatever the law might say, and are still on full guard, trying to protect them from investigation and prosecution. And Bush, in an Oedipal frenzy, vastly outdid his father’s measly half a trillion dollar savings and loan taxpayer rip-off, with trillions of dollars stolen from generations of taxpayers, and redistributed with unprecedented arrogance directly into the pockets of the wealthiest cronies of the power elite -- no questions asked. Bush played his dumb smirking redneck shticks to perfection.

On the other hand, as David Ray Griffin notes in his latest book, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, Bush’s incompetence, as such, is on ready display in the fact that there are so many glaring holes in the official story -- from the lies told by the military and CIA to the 9/11 Commission, so egregious that the co-chairs considered asking for federal indictments; to the violations of fundamental laws of physics in the official explanations for the unprecedented “collapse” of three steel-framed skyscrapers in one day -- the only steel-framed buildings in history to “collapse” due to fire.

Also, the “need to know” compartmentalization of American intelligence guarantees that only a few key people, and possibly some outsourced mercenaries, would need to know the full story of the 9/11 operation; and either patriotism, bureaucratic groupthink, fear or money would keep everybody else in line. The few whistleblowers, like the FBI’s Sibel Edmonds, who had the courage to destroy their careers for the sake of truth, have been easily turned into “nonpersons” by a corporate-controlled media coordinating their broadcasts with a Defense Department psychological operations agenda, a dynamic revealed by the New York Times in its analysis of conflicts of interest among “independent” TV network military “analysts” (more accurately, Pentagon propagandists).

But it’s their lack of knowledge of significant 9/11 details that, in my experience, usually leaves liberal 9/11 truth skeptics in dumbstruck confusion, when confronted with facts.

In the first place, they’re generally unaware that 9/11 questions go way beyond “theory.” There is hard, cold physical evidence, from the microspheres of melted steel found in every single sample of dust from the World Trade Center (and which the US Geological Survey said needed to be further investigated, and never were); to the melting and “sulphurization” of the steel beams of WTC Building 7, as reported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and which the New York Times called “the biggest mystery” of 9/11 -- and which was also never investigated further.

A few weeks ago, after the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) corrected its years-delayed draft report on the destruction of WTC7 (which was never hit by an airplane), to finally concede that critics of the original draft were correct that the 47-story building collapsed at free-fall speed (a concession ignored by corporate media), there was a discussion of the report at the website Democratic Underground.

The first reply to the original post was a snarky comment about “Bigfoot” causing the collapse, which initiated a sometimes ugly debate between defenders of the official story and 9/11 truth advocates. The “Bigfoot” commenter kept repeating, “Go read the report,” and giving the NIST URL. I was surprised that no one thought to tell him, on a site as tuned-in as DU, that he may as well have been saying, “Well, go ask George W. Bush,” since NIST is just a branch of Bush’s Commerce Department. Like I said, we now know about outright lies, especially lies about science, coming from every Bush-era executive branch agency, from EPA to CIA. Why would NIST be exempt from this pattern?

Not only that, but anyone can watch a Youtube video of one of NIST’s lead investigators, engineer John Gross, lying through his teeth in a public forum, trying, in answer to a question, to deny the existence of molten steel in the WTC rubble (since the NIST report, like every other government report, had to acknowledge that the fires barely got hot enough to weaken steel, much less melt it, and then only for brief periods). In the clip, he archly maintains, “I didn’t see any molten metal,” and claims ignorance of contrary accounts from numerous other eyewitnesses (including the WTC’s lead engineer), video of heavy equipment pulling molten metal out of the rubble, fires that smoldered at the site for months, and satellite thermal imagery.

NIST admits in all its WTC reports that it never investigated for the possibility of explosives in the buildings, even though that is standard procedure in fire investigations, and in spite of the questions raised in the USGS and FEMA reports about unexplained phenomena in the WTC steel, and in spite of the testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses (including over a hundred firefighters) who said that they heard explosions in the buildings. An ABC report on the day of the attacks said that the FBI was initially working on the hypothesis that bombs had been planted in the World Trade Center.

Where liberal skeptics really freak out, however, is when they hear about the eerie “coincidences” related to WTC security in the weeks before the 9/11 attacks, “coincidences” greatly underplayed in the corporate media -- about the mysterious workmen upgrading the WTC electrical system, laying cable for a company owned by a Skull and Bones fraternity brother of the Bush family; about the unprecedented complete “power down” of the WTC complex the weekend before the attack; about the removal of bomb-sniffing security dogs from the WTC the Thursday before the attacks -- dogs who never returned to duty; about the CEO of the company in charge of WTC security being George W’s alleged cousin, Wirt Walker, who was also joined on the company’s board of directors by Bush’s brother, Marvin; about the millions (perhaps billions) of dollars made on unprecedented stock trades in the days right before the attacks, made on companies directly affected by the attacks, by traders whose actions were declared “innocent” and whose identities were kept secret by a 9/11 Commission staff who otherwise judged the source of funding for the 9/11 attacks to be “unimportant,” and who worked under the direction of a White House mole secretly communicating with Karl Rove, despite his assurances to the contrary to the Commission’s co-chairs.

Considered together, these “coincidences” are enough to generate a case of cognitive dissonance -- and often do -- among those who want to believe that “the system” still works.

It is the cumulative weight and seriousness of the questions that remain about 9/11, however, that lead me to think that Barack Obama is not in fact a skeptic of 9/11 truth. He’s much too smart to ignore the obvious contradictions in the official story. But that scenario opens up a pretty complicated can of worms....

Syria, Hizbullah: Deterrence has never ever worked so far..., since Asef SHAWKAT is the Chief Architect of the assassinations in Beirut and Damascus.

Israel, Hezbollah: Has deterrence worked? YES Undoubtedly, a big YES.

Syria, Hizbullah: Deterrence has never ever worked so far..., since Asef SHAWKAT is the Chief Architect of the assassination of Imad F. MOUGHNIEH in Damascus last year, Feb. 12th 2008....and Asef Shawkat is the one who handed to CIA and DIA on a silver platter....."Ali Musa Daqduq, a leading Hezbollah figure, who is one of the most professional leaders in Hezbollah...."....and Hassan Nasrallah knows that fact very well....

So, despite the gruesome killings of 27 Hizbullah fighters by Syria's killer Ghazi Kanaan in the 80s/90s and his cruel "jogging" through the same neighborhood the very next day, to thumb Hizbullah's nose... Hizbullah never felt the need to retaliate against Ghazi Kanaan then, and it won't feel the need to do so now in this Geoplotilical context.... "Geoplotilical" mis-spelled on purpose the west and Israel can take a deep breath and go on with their usual and well known Geoplotical games...

Asef Shawkat went as far as to trigger the various fake missiles fired from South Lebanon at Israel during the Gaza war... in order to try to push the Israelis into retaliating against Hizbullah to tame them some more....
We know excatly what the odious criminal Syrian mafiosi regime is capable of...and we know exactly what the criminal gangs of the Syrian Military Intelligence assassins have been and still are doing today in association with the Leb. military intelligence...working on behalf of the odious White House Murder Inc, for years.

If Hizbullah wants to create further deterrence... the address is Damascus Syria for the very big operation to come... targeting the criminal organization of the Siamese twins: The white house murder inc, and its CEO in the Levant Asef Shawkat and Maher ASSAD..., working in Tandem with CIA/DIA/MOSSAD/AMAN/DGSE/MI6....


وأضاف "اننا وفي المستقبل اذا ما استمرينا في خيار المقاومة، نحن لن ننفذ عملية واحدة خارج ارضنا اللبنانية، لكن لن نقبل بعد اليوم ان يرتكب العدو اي اعتداء على ارضنا او اي منشأة من منشآتنا، او على اي انسان على ارضنا دون ان يدفع ثمن اعتدائه ويلقى الرد المناسب. وبهكذا خيار نحفظ سيادتنا ومنعتنا وكرامتنا"

وتابع: "نحن اليوم حين نجد دول الغرب تطرق ابوابنا تباعا من اجل ان تحاورنا انما تفعل ذلك لان مصالحها باتت تقتضي ذلك، فحين تكون مصلحتها مع اسرائيل ستقف الى جانب اسرائيل ضدنا واذا كانت مصلحتها معنا ستحاول ان توفق بيننا وبين الاسرائيليين، لكن اميركا لا تتخلى في سياستها الخارجية، رغم كل ما نشهده في النبرة الديبلوماسية والخطاب السياسي للادارة الجديدة وفي طرق ابواب الحوار مع دول الممانعة اليوم، لم نشهد اي تغير في علة ان الادارة الاميركية ستتخلى عن ثابتة واضحة في سياستها الخارجية الا وهي دعم الكيان الصهيوني والتزام أمن هذا الكيان، وهذه الثابتة هي التي تحكم سياسات وتصرفات الولايات المتحدة في الخارج، وهناك ثابتة اخرى هي كيف تحفظ الممرات الآمنه لتدفق النفط العربي على مصانع الدول الاوروبية والاميركية"


As anniversary of Hezbollah commander Mughniyah's assassination looms, Israel tightens security.


Hezbollah's leader, seen by video last month in Beirut, says it is 'necessary' to respond to commander Mughniyah's killing.

BEIRUT, Lebanon - When Imad Mughniyah, Hezbollah's top military commander, was assassinated by a car bomb in Damascus one year ago, the militant Shiite group blamed Israel – which denied involvement – and vowed revenge. But a year on, that vow remains unfulfilled, because Hizbullah knows very well that Asef Shawkat is the Assassin in Chief and the Architect in chief of Imad Moughniah's assassination...which was "sold" through the White House Murder INC, for plenty of good will at the upcoming tribunal ....headed by CASSISI/CIA and Daniel CIA BELLEMARE....

While Israel is taking no chances and has tightened security ahead of the Mughniyah anniversary, Israeli officials repeatedly have claimed that threats of massive retaliation to a Hezbollah revenge attack have deterred the Shiite group.

"On the one hand, Hezbollah is driven by its desire to carry out an attack as revenge for the death of Mughniyah ... but they do not want to start a war," Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Israel's military intelligence chief, told the Israeli cabinet in a briefing two weeks ago...Yadlin is one of the architects of the infamous White House Murder Inc,

Deterrence and counterdeterrence have shaped the Israeli-Arab conflict for decades. Israel relies on the threat of overwhelming military force to cow its Arab enemies. While its military superiority in the past has dealt crushing blows to Arab conventional armies, Israel has struggled to find a means of deterring a new generation of enemies, the smaller sub-state guerrilla movements exemplified by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah needs to create deterrence with the Syrian murderous regime fast, and in a very big way...before Asef Shawkat gets to try to assassinate Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah soon....for he still is in a whole load of trouble... with Judge Daniel CIA Bellemare....and he still needs "goodies" for sale or trade... to the White House Murder INC, again and again....Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Nabih BERRI Beware....Asef Shawkat's Goons have preying eyes all over Beirut and Lebanon....waiting for the slightest mistake by Sayyed Hassan....and that's why he is in hiding most of the time....He is not afraid of Israel....he can handle Israel....but he is very afraid of the SYRIAN/Lebanese Assassins [ working for CIA/MOSSAD/AMAN/DIA ] roaming Beirut, looking for him day and night....

"These guys are not intimidated by the Israelis," says Timur Goksel, former senior official with the UN peacekeeping force in south Lebanon. "They are ideologically driven and don't have the same responsibilities as a state."

That is why many analysts in Lebanon believe that Hezbollah will respond to Mr. Mughniyah's assassination with a calculated strategic blow to deter further assassinations and restore a balance of deterrence between the two foes...LOL....

"The retaliation is a strategic necessity for Hezbollah. In fact, it would be suicidal if Hezbollah did not respond," says Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a Lebanese specialist on the group....I agree with AMAL...but the address is Kafar SOUSSA Damascus and Asef SHAWKAT the assassin....

Analysts say Hezbollah's targeting and timing of a retaliation is more dependent on its multiple, sometimes conflicting, obligations toward its Lebanese Shiite constituents, domestic political allies, ideological interests, and backers in Syria and Iran. Few doubt that a reprisal will SYRIA...

"It is necessary to respond to the killing of martyr leader ... Mughniyah to punish the killers," said Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, in a press conference two weeks ago.

Israel's deterrent capability has suffered several blows in recent years. Hezbollah's bombs and bullets drove the Israeli army out of south Lebanon in 2000. Six years later, Israel failed to defeat Hezbollah's battle-hardened guerrillas in a month-long war. The recent three-week onslaught against Hamas in Gaza was, in part, an attempt to show it had learned the lessons of the 2006 war. But with rockets still being fired into Israel nearly a month after the cease-fire, many military analysts question whether the offensive succeeded in restoring Israel's deterrence.

A report released this month by the Center for Strategic and International Studies concluded that while the Israeli army performed more effectively in Gaza than in Lebanon, its tactical gains against Hamas were short-term and no clear strategic benefit was achieved.

"Israel does not seem to have been properly prepared for the political dimensions of the war, or to have had any clear plan and cohesive leadership for achieving conflict termination," wrote military analyst Anthony Cordesman. "Moreover, it seems to have approached the fighting, and the Arab world, from a strategic perspective that will increase instability in the region and ultimately weaken Israel's security."

Hezbollah long ago recognized the value of deterrence. A month after Israel killed Hezbollah leader Sheikh Abbas Mussawi in February 1992, a suicide bomber blew up the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 people. While Hezbollah denied responsibility, Israel refrained from assassinating top Hezbollah figures for the next 16 years....and still does today....

During Israel's occupation of south Lebanon in the 1990s, Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel whenever Israeli forces caused Lebanese civilian casualties. The tit-for-tat tactic helped impose restrictions on the Israeli army's freedom of action in south Lebanon.

After Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah staged periodic attacks against an Israeli-occupied sliver of mountainside called the Shebaa Farms. The attacks were calibrated to needle Israel without eliciting heavy reprisals that could backfire on the party's domestic standing. Similarly, Israel for six years adopted a policy of restraint, recognizing that a disproportionate response would draw rocket salvos on northern Israel.

That "balance of terror" was upset in July 2006 when Hezbollah fighters abducted two Israeli soldiers and Israel responded with war.

Since 2006, Hezbollah and Israel have tried to establish new means of deterrence. Israel has warned that it will flatten Hezbollah-supporting areas of Lebanon in the event of another war. And Asef SHAWKAT remains the chief executor in Mughniyah's killing, suggesting it has abandoned its moratorium on targeting senior Hezbollah officials directly....and prefers proxies working in Tandem with CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE/BND/MI6.....

Though Hezbollah has frozen its attacks on the Shebaa Farms, it has mounted a rearmament, recruitment, and training drive and drawn up fresh battle plans. Israeli intelligence says Hezbollah has amassed three times the number of rockets it had at the start of the 2006 war.

"The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July [2006] was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression," Sheikh Nasrallah warned in January.


Middle East observers often confuse the numerous off-shoots of the Iran-backed Hezbollah group namely the Hezbollah Vanguards in Iraq, Hezbollah [of Lebanon], and the Hezbollah Brigades.

The Hezbollah Vanguards is a group that has existed in the Al-Ahwar areas in southern Iraq, under the leadership of Abu-Hatim al-Muhammadawi, who was named amir [prince] of Al-Ahwar, since former President Saddam Hussein was in power. This group carried out many military operations against the former regime's agencies. Al-Muhammadawi was elected as member of the Governing Council after the regime was changed. It is known that this group receives no aid from abroad and has no relations with Iran. In fact, it is opposed to the Iranian interference in Iraq.

After the regime fell and the Al-Sadr Trend became major players in the Iraqi political spectrum, a group from within the Al-Sadr Trend that was affiliated with Iran emerged. Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis, member of the Iraqi House of Representatives for the Unified Iraqi Coalition, which is led by Abdulaziz al-Hakim, organized and trained this group. Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis fled to Iran because he was pursued by the US forces. Abu-Sajjad helped Al-Muhandis in training the group.

According to a Shi'i expert specialized in the affairs of Shi'i political movements in Al-Najaf, Al-Muhandis trained members of this wing that carried the name "Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq" in the desert of Al-Kufah.

The expert who spoke on the condition of anonymity for security reasons explains: "Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq is a copy of the experience of Hezbollah in Lebanon. There was a group within Hezbollah in Lebanon that had the same or similar name."

He adds: "It is they (Hezbollah) who gave Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq the plans to abduct Western persons, exactly the way Hezbollah in Lebanon did during the process of its formation. Most members of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq have been trained in Lebanon."

The expert points out: "Lebanese Hezbollah sought to establish a base or an arm in Iraq. So, it found the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq members as its representatives. Most members of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq very often travel between Iraq and Lebanon. The members of this group receive Iranian aid by way of Hezbollah."

The Shi'i went on to say: "The Al-Sadr Trend split into several wings all of which operated in the name of the Al-Sadr Trend even though they had their own titles. Some members of the Al-Sadr Trend were secretly associated with the US forces when these forces reached the Al-Najaf City borders. They worked with these forces and uncovered for them many members and plans of the trend in exchange for a large financial aid."

He adds: "However, the Al-Sadr Trend discovered and expelled some of them from its organizations, while some others remain associated with the US forces. This was evident when the US forces carried out many operations against Al-Thawrah (Al-Sadr) City in the past two years and targeted certain leading members of the trend."

The expert of Shi'i political affairs says: "Some members of the Al-Sadr Trend wanted to remain in the middle without taking an extreme line or organizing any military operations. This wing was led by Sheikh Abdul-Hadi al-Darraji who is regarded as a moderate and nationalist."

He adds: "Al-Darraji is known for being a nationalist Arab and opposed to Iran. In fact, he rejected a lot of Iranian offers and temptations and, therefore, enjoyed great popularity in the Al-Thawrah City until the US forces were unfairly given information on him. Thus, he was arrested, and the pro-Iran wing became free to move as a result."

The Shi'i expert notes: "A wing in the Al-Sadr Trend sought to establish direct ties with Iran without a mediator. So, it established a connection through the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

He adds: "The members of this wing were trained by Ittila'at (the Iranian Intelligence Service) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in camps that were previously allocated to the [Shi'i] Badr Force. The members of this wing were specialized in planting explosive charges and in bombings. They called themselves the Hezbollah Brigades."

Talking about Ali Musa Daqduq, a leading Hezbollah figure, who was arrested along with Qays al-Khaz'ali two years ago, the expert of Shi'i political affairs said: "It was Daqduq who oversaw the abduction of the British hostages, with help from Qays al-Khaz'ali."

He added: "Al-Khaz'ali was originally wanted by the judicial authorities for his involvement in the killing of Sayyid Abdul-Majid al-Khoei in Al-Najaf in April 2003."

Meanwhile, an Iraqi Shi'i leader who refused to identify himself asserted: "Daqduq is one of the most professional leaders in Hezbollah."

He added: "Daqduq was groomed to lead the Iranian wing in the Al-Sadr trend, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, and to represent Lebanese Hezbollah in Iraq. And he was behind qualitative bombing operations in Iraq."

Friday, February 13, 2009

The US Government is utterly corrupt and deceitful beyond redemption.

"The US Government is utterly corrupt and deceitful beyond politics, policy, economy, monetary, finance, Intelligence and CI practices and much much more to name here!"

it's best to remember that state terrorism is as state terrorism does, not as it says it does....
The USA and Israel lead the worldwide terrorist movement, they now represent a danger a thousand times greater than Stalin in his hay days....--

The UN tribunal to try Hariri's alleged killers is due to open its doors on March 1, housed in the former headquarters of the Dutch intelligence service, well known for kowtowing and complete submission to MOSSAD and AMAN for decades, on the outskirts of The Hague, the capital of ill-justice. The tribunal will also try those known to be responsible for a series of attacks on other Lebanese political and media figures, starting with the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, Fares Sweidan, Walid Zein and Dimitri Ajram, January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

US President Barack Obama on Thursday vowed to support UN moves to bring to justice Hariri's killers....which is a travesty of justice in of itself and the biggest lie ever known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh. "As we share our grief with the Lebanese people over the loss of prime minister Hariri, we also share our conviction that his sacrifice will not be in vain," Obama said in his new and additional lie in a million others..., the biggest lie ever known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh.

"The United States fully supports the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, whose work will begin in a few weeks, to bring those responsible for this horrific crime and those that followed to justice." the biggest lie ever known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh. MP Mustapha Slouch, a member of the parliamentary bloc headed by the slain ex-premier's son and political heir, Saad Hariri, said he had no doubt that the tribunal will serve its purpose.... "There are those who had doubts about the tribunal and thought it was a political instrument but it has now become a reality," Slouchy told APO.... the biggest lie ever known to mankind since Adam and Eve....since the orders emanated from the oval office for the odious White House Murder INC, to commit ALL these atrocious assassinations since January 24th 2002 in Hazmieh. Seven suspects have been arrested in connection with Hariri's assassination. Among them are four generals, including the former head of Lebanese state security, Jamil Al-Sayyed who is the prime planner of the execution of the crimes on January 24th 2002 and February 14th 2005, together with Asef Shawkat and Raymond AZAR, on orders from the White House Murder INC, of the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD of Langley and Herzlia...

The UN probe has also implicated senior officials from Syria but Damascus has strongly denied any connection with Hariri's death and accuses Washington of using the tribunal as a political additional extravaggant and deceitful line of rhetorical moves, in tandem with Washington and Tel Aviv to obfuscate the assassinations responsibilities and cover the tracks of the Syrian KILLERS, all in a day's work of the FDDC within DOD, and the NID of Israel... The Hezbollah-led alliance in Lebanon, which is backed by Syria and Iran, for its part is demanding full transparency as far as the UN probe and tribunal. "We don't want the ongoing investigation and the tribunal to be politicized because any such move would affect credibility," Hezbollah MP Hassan Hoballah told ....

...أمل في ألا تبقى العدالة عمياء أو عوراء أو أسيرةً للسياسة فلا يكون الشهداءُ بيننا شهداءْ بمراتب

....كوشنير متمسك بمحكمة الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة أكثر من أي وقت

اعلن وزير الخارجية الفرنسي برنار كوشنير الجمعة ان بلاده تأمل "اكثر من اي وقت مضى مثول قتلة الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة امام المحكمة الخاصة من اجل لبنان التي شكلتها الامم المتحدة ...

وقال كوشنير ان "فرنسا التي تقدم منذ اربعة اعوام دعمها الكامل للسلطات اللبنانية وللجنة التحقيق (الدولية) لكشف جميع ملابسات هذا الاعتداء، تأمل اكثر من اي وقت مضى ان يتم كشف المسؤولين عنه ومحاكمتهم امام المحكمة الخاصة من اجل لبنان".

وتتألف المحكمة الخاصة من اجل لبنان، التي ستباشر اعمالها في الاول من آذار/مارس في لايدشندام قرب لاهاي، من 11 قاضيا بينهم اربعة قضاة لبنانيين. وهي مكلفة محاكمة المسؤولين عن الاعتداءات الارهابية التي استهدفت شخصيات لبنانية في طليعتها ايلي حبيقة.
وقتل رئيس الوزراء اللبناني الاسبق في 14 شباط/فبراير 2005 في بيروت مع 22 شخصا آخر في تفجير شاحنة مفخخة.
السيد في بيان في ذكرى اغتيال ايلي حبيقة: مهما استُثمر الموت في السياسة، ومهما قيل غدا في ساحة ايلي حبيقة، لا يَشعر بوطأة خسارة الراحلين وضحايا اغتيال ايلي حبيقة إلا عوائلُهم ورفاقُهم المقربون.
ورأى أن الدعوة التي وُجهت الى الناس، إذا كانت تفترض أن المشاركة في الذكرى هي أيضاً لدعم المحكمة الدولية، فإن العدالة تقتضي أيضاً بألا يُنسى باقي رجالات الدولة، الذين لم تشمهلم العدالة الدولية، وبينهم رؤساء كبشير الجميل ورينيه معوض، أقفل الزمنُ والتسليمُ بمنطق اللاعدالة ملفاتِهم، وتُرك المُنّفذ ليسرح ويمرح، و يُعرف الرأسُ المدبر أساساً.
ولفت الى ان هناك ايضا صحافيين ومفكرين وجنودا وضباطا في الجيش، ورفاقا لم يُعرف مصيرُهم، ضاعوا في غياهب السجون السورية أو في مقابر جَماعية، ولم تشملهم هم أيضاً عدالة المتغيرات السياسية الدولية
وأمل ألا تبقى العدالة عمياء، أو عوراء، أو أسيرةً للسياسة، فلا يكون الشهداءُ بيننا شهداءْ بمراتب.

واضاف كوشنير ان "فرنسا تدعم بدء هذه المحكمة اعمالها في الاول من آذار/مارس وسوف تؤازرها" مجددا التأكيد على تمسك فرنسا ب"وحدة لبنان واستقلاله وسيادته ووحدة اراضيه"....meantime France keeps hosting officially Asef SHAWKAT on a regular basis, since 1996..., in Paris for talks and coordiantion of policies with ALL its various intelligence services, and keeps offices for them in Damascus...headed by prominent French stove-pipers for years....
واكد كوشنير ان بلاده تأمل ايضا ب"استمرار مناخ الحوار والتفاهم السائد منذ اتفاق الدوحة في 21 ايار/مايو 2008 بغية اجراء الانتخابات التشريعية في 7 حزيران/يونيو في مناخ من الاستقرار واحترام المعايير الديموقراطية".
The French Government is utterly corrupt and deceitful beyond redemption hope there either...and the BRITISH Government is the worst of ALL...Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Australia...and other smaller countries are Kowtowing to MOSSAD and CIA as usual there...

If John O'Neill's case has been so callously treated by the US Government...imagine the real intentions towards the KILLERS of SYRIA, Asef SHAWKAT , Maher ASSAD, and Jamil Al-Sayyed who work directly for the White House Murder INC, the kind treatment which will be afforded to CIA2/MOSSAD/MI6,DGSE , FDDC, NID etc. to cover the tracks of the real assassins who shower the US with such "delicatessen" by doing their dirty work for them covertly for decades...
John O'Neill and another FBI agent who still works for the bureau discovered that Emanuel was heavily involved in the decision to place Lewinsky close to Clinton. O'Neill retired after being set up in a smear operation involving a temporarily stolen briefcase in 2001, accepted the top security position for Kroll Associates at the WTC, and was killed in the 9/11 attack. Clinton reportedly had knowledge of Israeli intelligence penetration of White House communications systems, and Lewinsky, in sworn testimony before the Office of Independent Counsel, stated:

He suspected that a foreign embassy was tapping his telephones, and he proposed cover stories. If ever questioned, she should say that the two of them were just friends. If anyone ever asked about their phone sex, she should say that they knew their calls were being monitored all along, and the phone sex was just a put-on.

It is now known that the 'foreign embassy' was that of Israel. We have learned from US intelligence sources that Emanuel was discovered to be part of a political intelligence and blackmail operation directed against Clinton by Israel. We have also learned that the FBI investigation of Emanuel is part of a file code-named Mega, a reference to a top-level Mossad agent in the Reagan administration, who was said to have run a number of Israeli agents, including US Navy spy Jonathan Pollard...

Article from:

Rahm Emanuel: Ardent Zionist called Obama’s ‘Svengali’

More sinister than Karl Rove and potentially deadlier than Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney, his name is Rahm Emanuel, and he was recently appointed chief of staff in the president-elect’s White House. This first official act should send waves of alarm through people because Barack Obama promised change, but what we’re getting is the exact same cabal that brought us 9-11 and endless war in the Middle East.

Initial media reports described Emanuel as a vulgar, Chicago-based enforcer who had an aggressive, in-your- face, pit-bull style. Others painted him as a partisan Washington insider with strong ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).Although these labels seem harsh, the reality is far worse.

Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed “Rahmbo,” is a pro- Israel Orthodox Jew who was educated in a Talmudic yeshiva and served as a volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). He is a dual citizen of Israel, which his office refused to deny when AFP inquired. Israel is the only nation where Americans can apply for and obtain citizenship without automatically renouncing U.S. citizenship.

Some Americans are unilaterally proclaimed citizens of other countries, as when an American GI marries a French girl and becomes an automatic citizen of France. But if the GI applied for and obtained French citizenship, he would lose his American citizenship. It is impossible to be a 100 percent loyal American and have an ounce of loyalty to another country; there is no #101 percent and the interests of Israel and the United States are not always synonymous.

Those familiar with the 9-11 terrorist attacks know that the IDF was instrumental in training the Dancing Israelis who—from a rooftop in Weehawken, N. J.—had the foreknowledge to videotape both WTC towers being struck by kamikaze jetliners, then celebrate afterward.

Mentored by members of Chicago’s corrupt party machine like convicted Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, Emanuel gravitated to Washington in 1991 after becoming Bill Clinton’s campaign finance committee director. His star rose even higher when he served as one of the primary NAFTA architects and pushed strict anti-gun legislation. After leaving his post as a policy aide for the Clintons, he used his influence as an investment banker to rake in millions during the late 1990s. With this money, Emanuel won a congressional seat in 2002, became the fourth ranking House Democrat by 2006, and is now the most powerful member of Obama’s executive office team.

Family History of Violence

What truly makes Emanuel dangerous is that his Israeli-born father Benjamin was an integral member of the Zionist terror group known as Irgun during the 1940s. Along with another notorious terror outfit—the Stern Gang—Irgun bombed Jerusalem’s King David Hotel in 1946 where 96 people were killed; while also instigating the 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre.

Rahm Emanuel is the son of a terrorist who directly plotted the assassination of Count Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and United Nations envoy who tried to broker peace in Palestine. But Irgun didn’t seek treaties. It instead sought racial cleansing and genocide. According to Elisabeth Bumiller in The New York Times, Benjamin Emanuel passed secret codes to Shin Bet bomber and future Prime Minister Menachem Begin. These very same Jewish terrorists eventually became the recognized Israeli government in 1948, as well as predecessors to Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party.

Obama's Svengali...

Rahm Emanuel likes to brag about his role in discovering Barack Obama. “Six years ago, people on the North Side of Chicago took a bet on a young kid,” reporter D.H. Williams writes of their symbiotic relationship.

“Rahm and Barack have a deep history together in Chicago politics. Emanuel has been instrumental in the rise of Barack Obama from neophyte senator to the next president of the United States. Getting virtually no media attention, Rahm Emanuel has been by Obama’s side during most of the last two years on the campaign trail.”

If Karl Rove was George W. Bush’s architect, the same can be said of the Emanuel connection. When Obama bowed and groveled at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention on June 4, 2008, it was Emanuel who escorted him to meet the executive board afterward.

Emanuel has been the operative who, according to the Chicago Tribune, “remade the Democratic Party in his own image.” Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood (R) seconded this notion. “He legitimately can be called the golden boy of the Democratic Party today. He recruited the right candidates, found the money and funded them, and provided issues for them. Rahm did what no one else could do.”

Worst of all, Emanuel is a rampant warmonger who takes his cues from the neo-cons. In his book The Plan: Big Ideas for America, he wrote, “We need to expand the U.S. Army by 100,000 more troops.”

What will America’s next target be under an Obama presidency? Sources close to Emanuel say that he has a “Zionist obsession with Iran.”

To get a final idea of what we’re dealing with, consider this quote from U.S. war journalist Pat Dollard:

Letme tell you right now, no exaggeration. Rahm Emanuel is the devil. He is . . . a Goebbels, a Mengele, a perfect Cromwell who would, without the
faintest evidence of hesitation washing across his face for even a millisecond, order and even personally execute each and every human being he or Obama perceived to be an enemy of the regime. And if you ever personally offended him, and he had the opportunity to kill you, he would probably do it by starting with your children as you were made to watch. He is a bad guy.

Some researchers have gone so far as to claim that Emanuel was the notorious “Mega” spy deep inside the Clinton administration who passed top-secret documents about Iran on to the Israeli government, causing a great deal of chaos among the various intelligence agencies. Be very wary of this man. Like the “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle and Michael Chertoff before him (both of whom hold dual U.S.-Israeli citizenships), it may well be proven that his loyalties rest more with a fabricated little state in the Middle East than they do with us.....

Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of
many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. These include 9-11 Evil:
The CIA2/MOSSAD/DIA/OSP Israeli Role in 9-11 and Phantom Flight 93...

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Obama's Council on Foreign Relations Crew
Will the Real Obama Stand Up - Part 1 (Video)
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Obama chose Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel to be his White House chief of staff

John O'Neill: Assassinated Head Investigator Of The USS Cole Attack...
This crooked MI6 bitch was the Ambassador of her Qween in Yemen at the
time of the phenomenon.... COLE, O'Neil etc....Frances Mary MI6 GUY.....

John O'Neill's Background

He had been with the FBI for 20 years, and was involved in investigating
a number of terrorist cases, including the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing. He was considered the FBI's top man on terrorism. In the late
1990s, he became very attuned to Israel's involvement in many terror
false flag operations....

Following the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, he had become
the foremost expert on the global threat from terrorism...

Abu Nidal

Abu Nidal was the leader of the infamous Black September terror
organization, and spent 30 years hijacking jets and planting bombs for
Israel's intelligence. O'Neill suspected Abu Nidal was a Mossad operative
and talked openly about it with other field agents.

O'Neill Was Sent To Investigate the USS Cole Attack

He took a team of FBI agents to Yemen, where his investigation pointed
to Israeli involvement...and it's well known to me that Yemen is swarming
with Israeli commandos masquerading as Arabs for decades. In fact, one
of MOSSAD's ex-chiefs said so in so many words to a friend of mine in the
1990s, saying that Israeli Navy regularly infiltrates and ex-filtrates commandos
from the Yemen territories, well suited for these kinds of covert operations...

Bodine, who is Jewish, was the Ambassador to Yemen. When the USS Cole
was attacked, the FBI sent a team led by John O'Neill who immediately
suspected Israeli involvement. Bodine started an intense political
battle to oust O'Neill.

Bodine wanted to control the investigation, and resented the fact that
suddenly there were hundreds of FBI personnel in the country. Albright
provided a handful of State Department personnel to watch the investigation.

Albright and Bodine Panic as O'Neill Investigation Points to Israel

Albright complains to upper echelons of the FBI about O'Neill.

Bodine wanted O'Neill to drop his bodyguards and he became suspicious of
Mossad assassination. Bodine and Madeleine Albright finally went to the
Zionist Jewish FBI Director, Louis Freeh, to remove John O'Neill from
Yemen. Then January 2001 came, and O'Neill wanted to go back to Yemen.
But, Ambassador Bodine wouldn't give him clearance. In July 2001, O'Neill
resigned from the FBI.

Larry Silverstein Offered Him a Job

In September of 2001, mere days before 9/11, he got a job offer from
Larry Silverstein (owner of WTC). Oddly, O'Neill was missing for two
days before 9/11 miraculously his body was discovered in tact in the WTC

John P. O'Neill

Charges dropped in USS Cole terror trial

USS Cole suspects escape ....

For the last several years, I've been told, repeatedly and emphatically by very deep, extraordinarily capable sources who monitor human corruption, that the following people are "direct operative" in a pacification plan to de-stabilize this planet and essentially harness us with a regime that drastically reduces our freedom. The plan is apparently rationalized, as Cheney reportedly once said to Bush, as "technology's plan." The inference, of course, is that certain black budget technologies now in the hands of some of the named suspects, will determine the human future. The thinking is symptomatic of a mindset in which heavy industrial compromises and bad planning due to technological resource needs are all rationalized as God, in a sense. It's a scheme in which rigorous, critical thinking is supplanted by a kind of resonance, instead.

The named suspects: the French Rothschild, part of the Biderman-DuPont family, the Sauds, (David) Rockefeller, some Dutch royals, Prince Phillip, a NY investment family named "Gold"-something (appears to be Goldman), Netanyahu, Bush Sr., Gen. Hugh Shelton (commander of the joint chiefs before and during 9-11), and others numbering some _3000-4000"--not named yet. Fritz Thyssen, the prime financer of Hitler's rise, was also mentioned obliquely (the obliqueness perhaps owing to the horrendous design of Thyssen's work--the source apparently wanted us to do the final footwork on his case). The source(s) of these reports have demonstrated a highly advanced ability to tease out breakthrough details of communications that are reported at critical junctures, here...
I should add that a sustained effort was made to tease out and test and further details about the subjects. Corroboration, sometimes tacit admission was seen--sometimes from quarters that few would normally suspect. Again, these sources are unusually capable and they work outside the nominal structure of the named suspects...

As 2009 gets underway, it is obvious that the so-called "War on Terrorism"
has not only failed miserably but has turned into its opposite.

Osama bin-Laden has not been captured, and he recently delivered another
public message - but he and al-Qaeda, the organization he leads that was
responsible for the 9/11 attacks, have become only minor, entirely secondary
players in the global terrorism offensive.

Two other organizations have seized the leadership of the worldwide
terrorist movement, and they now represent a danger a thousand times greater
than al-Qaeda and all the other real and imagined terrorist groups put

Over the years the new outlaw chiefs wormed their way into terrorist
leadership by deceiving world nations into believing that they actually
opposed terrorism - all the while committing horrendous violence against
civilian populations from Iraq and Afghanistan to Gaza and the West Bank.

What makes these two terrorist groups all the worse is that instead of
slingshots, box cutters, and rifles, suicide belts and imprecise short-range
rockets, they command huge, heavily equipped armies, unparalleled air
supremacy, and the most cutting edge weapons of mass death and destruction
including nuclear warheads and delivery systems.

Above all, they hold state power and, absurdly enough, this allows them to
get away with mass terror against civilian populations and the torture of
suspects under interrogation.

We speak, of course, of the United States and its junior partner in the
Middle East, Israel.

The senior partner has been responsible for the deaths of over a million
Iraqi citizens as a consequence of its unjust, illegal and immoral invasion
and occupation for nearly six years. Another million Iraqi civilians died
from the killer sanctions and frequent bombing raids conducted by this same
state terrorist from 1991 to 2003, ending with the invasion. The U.S. has
killed many thousands in Afghanistan as well during more than seven years of
war and is preparing to vastly increase the number of its troops in that
country, insuring that the slaughter of civilians will expand exponentially.

The junior partner - supported and enabled by its patron - launched hi-tech
wars in the summer of 2006 against its neighbor Lebanon (killing over 1,400
Lebanese civilians and destroying the homes of 30.000 more families), and
destroying Lebanon's infrastructure, roads, factories and more, all the while

leaving an ecological and medical disaster for decades with depleted uranium

munitions and other toxic munitions. In the Palestinian Territory of Gaza,

suffering few casualties of its own.
Between the end of the first Gaza war in 2006 and the start of the second a
few weeks ago, well over a thousand Gazans were slain in various Israeli
attacks, compared to less than 20 who fell in Israel.

The 23-day Gaza war that began Dec. 27 continued state terrorism's penchant
for disproportionate casualties. The terrorists destroyed or badly damaged
the homes of 25,000 families (leaving 50,000 people homeless); they
destroyed or damaged eight clearly identified hospitals, 26 health clinics;
they targeted ambulances, schools, some 20 mosques, 50 UN facilities
including food storage warehouses, 1,500 workplaces and factories, and 16
main government buildings including parliament- a war crime of extraordinary
magnitude that was totally and publicly supported by the bigger state
terrorist. Much of the destruction was caused by over 2,300 air strikes and
from tanks. Gaza has neither airplanes, tanks or anti-aircraft weapons.

The state terrorists killed over 1,400 people on the Palestinian side,
mostly civilians including about 415 children, compared to 13 deaths on the
aggressor side - soldiers (some by "friendly fire") and three civilians.
Instead of an eye for an eye, they gouged more than 100 eyes for each eye -
state terrorism's reinterpretation of the biblical law of retribution. If
God's on your side, or better yet the United States, you can rewrite any

About 5,500 Gazans were wounded, some suffering terrible agonies after being
burned with white phosphorus. It's illegal to direct this toxic substance at
civilians, but then again the entire operation was illegal in international
law, unjust in terms of the ethical definition of war, and immoral for those
with consistent religious or secular principles. Israel will never suffer
substantial sanctions or censure from the UN Security Council or the
European Union because the powerful United States always comes to the aid of
its junior partner.

For the last few decades the Tel Aviv government has initiated wars so
disproportionate in violence and cruelty that David and Goliath by
comparison were virtual equals in strength. Israel has been following a
conscious policy of targeting Palestinian civilian populations and the civil
infrastructure in order to inflict so much damage that all resistance to its
illegal occupation and domination of the Palestinian Territories is broken
for good. Virtually every significant target hit by Israeli bombs and tanks
was pre-selected in the months leading up to the latest war.

We oppose the intentional targeting of civilians by any side, but it is
self-serving and transparently dishonest and cynical to equate the
small-scale violence of the oppressed with the massive violence of the

The leadership in both Washington and Tel Aviv is changing. Will this result
in more or less state violence?

In the United States, new President Barack Obama is superior to President
George W. Bush, the departed war monger. The new government cannot help but
put a better face on things after eight years of leadership by an individual
recently described as a "blood-soaked moron" by Israeli peace movement

But will an Obama Administration pressure Israel to totally withdraw its
troops, administrators and all its settlements from the Palestinian
Territories it has illegally occupied since 1967, paving the way for the
start of serious negotiations to bring about two equal states? (A single,
bi-national state of Jews and Arabs living in harmony, an ideal solution
still advocated by some, remains a far distant possibility.) Will the new
administration insist, or mildly suggest, that the Israel it supports
economically, militarily and politically dismantle the virtual prison it has
constructed around the people of Gaza?

Referring to the recent war, which Israel suspended as planned just before
the inauguration of Barack Obama, the new president on Jan. 22 condemned the
Hamas government for the rocket fire into Israel and supported Israel's
bombardment and invasion of Gaza. He did not see fit to mention the obvious
war crime of intentionally targeting a mass civilian population. Obama did
indicate that his administration supported a two-state solution to the
ongoing crisis, as have several U.S. presidents before him, and he declared
that "our hearts go out to" the suffering civilian population of Gaza."
Politically, Obama lined up with Israel in brushing aside the democratically
elected Hamas government and urged Palestinians and Arab nations to get
behind the weak and dependent government of President Mahmoud Abbas.

The new U.S. administration may be less callous toward the Palestinians than
the Bush Administration, but to the extent there will be any change at all
in U.S. policy, we believe it will be cosmetic unless Washington is willing
to sharply confront the Tel Aviv authorities. Look at it this way:

President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid, State Dept. Middle East expert Dennis Ross,
National Security Council Middle East expert Daniel Shapiro, and all the
congressional and Democratic Party leaders are solidly pro-Israel and
pro-Zionist, and have repeatedly demonstrated that they are not friends of
the Palestinian people. Just days ago, both the Senate and House of
Representatives voted overwhelmingly to support Israel's terrorist onslaught
against Gaza. Only four House Democrats and one libertarian Republican voted
"no," and 22 Democrats (including Rep. Maurice Hinchey from the Hudson
Valley) voted "present." This hardly augurs well for the Palestinian people.

The new Israeli government to be elected Feb. 10 will either be led by the
far right Likud Party, backed by similar far right parties, or a combination
of the right wing Kadima party (Ariel Sharon's split off from Likud that is
occasionally and erroneously termed "centrist") and the center-right Labor
Party (the third strongest), as now. Public opinion polls indicate a close
race with a tilt toward Likud. No matter who wins, both parties are
committed to the status quo, or worse.

The present Kadima/Labor coalition government is led by the disgraced
President Ehud Olmert (a former Likud member not running for reelection, and
an unindicted war criminal, just like Bush) who initiated the new offensive
against Gaza in hopes of winning his party's reelection after what many
believe was a disastrous blunder in conducting the unjust Lebanon war two
summers ago.

If Likud wins, its chairman, extreme rightist former Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, will take power. He will not lead Israel to finally withdraw from
the Occupied Territories, thus obliterating the chance of peace on his
watch. On Jan. 13, Netanyahu insisted that Israel must remove
democratically-elected Hamas from power in Gaza. Olmert wanted to do this
too, but failed, which means another war may be on Israel's agenda.

Both Likud and the Kadima/Labor coalition are seeking support from key minor
parties such as Shas, and Yisrael Beiteinu. Some sources still believe the
Kadima/Labor alignment will trump Likud and its allies in the end, possibly
bringing former Likud member Tzipi Livni to power. She is Kadima/Labor's
hard-line foreign minister (and justice minister simultaneously). Waiting in
the coalition's wings for her to fail is the current defense minister, Labor
party chairman Ehud Barak, evidently the main civilian directing the recent
Gaza war.

The key player in this entire situation is not to be found in Tel Aviv or
Gaza/West Bank, but in the United States, the world's self-appointed
unipolar hegemon and only military superpower. Washington has been Tel
Aviv's enabler for four decades, increasing to the point where some
speculate, incorrectly, that the tail is wagging the dog.

Israel may have the most powerful army in the Middle East, and an
exceptionally strong propaganda apparatus in the U.S. (including most of the
American corporate media), but it remains quite dependent upon Washington's
support. If the U.S. were to threaten to terminate its huge annual subsidies
and supply of war weapons, and end its blocking of UN Security Council
censure and sanctions and other measures that would take Tel Aviv to task,
Israel probably would come around quickly enough. Such a development would
benefit not only the Palestinians but without a doubt the people of Israel
as well.

This is what makes it so important for American progressives to focus
intense pressure on the Obama Administration to adopt a balanced position in
regard to Israel and the Palestinians. Peace will come to the region when
Washington withdraws its support for Israel's intransigence and obliges the
Tel Aviv government to pull back to its pre-June 1967 borders and engage in
genuine negotiations with the Palestinians. And both Washington and Tel Aviv
must discontinue their policy of splitting the Palestinian people, and start
talking to Hamas now.

This will take some time, and Washington will resist. But it remains the
only solution to 60 years of almost continual crises that have caused
historic displacement and hardship for the Palestinian people, insecurity
for the Israeli people, second class citizenship for Israeli Arabs, and
severe disequilibrium throughout Middle East. Success will mean a great
reduction in regional tensions and the removal of Israel from the ranks of
state terrorists.

Of course, this will leave one state terrorist standing, the grimmest of
reapers in terms of lives lost and hopes crushed:

The one that slaughtered several million Vietnamese and Cambodians in a
gratuitous, illegal war; the one that 10 years ago illegally and unjustly
bombed Serbian Yugoslavia every day for nearly three months; the one that
has caused terrible injury to the people of Iraq; the one that has bombed,
invaded, or violently subverted scores of countries over recent decades; the
one that succeeded in overthrowing the democratically-elected secular
government in Iran, that led to a brutal monarchy eventually dispatched by
the present theocracy; the one that overthrew the democratically-elected
government in Chile, leading to many years of fascist dictatorship; the one
that helped to overthrow the leftist government in Afghanistan that
ultimately led to the Taliban, al-Qaeda and 9/11; the one that tried but
failed to overthrow the democratically-elected government in Venezuela a few
years ago; and the one that has been trying to destroy socialist Cuba for 50

We are writing this article in the hours after watching President Obama's
inauguration on TV. His speech was moving, as always. The immense crowd was
euphoric. The hope for change was palpable. His talk was about how America
became great, and how his administration will make it greater still, and how
he will see to it U.S. leadership is going to prevail in the world. He
talked about making our country stronger and winning the war against

There wasn't a word about the terrible violence and terrorism Washington has
let loose upon a continuous succession of countries and peoples until this
very day; nor was there a word about ending it. There were no hints of
substantive changes to come in foreign and military affairs.

We agree that more time must pass before final conclusions are possible
about the Obama Administration's international policies. The possibility of
a positive change to one degree or another cannot be ruled out entirely. But
on the basis of the situation today, it seems to us that militarism in quest
of hegemony, the use of mammoth force against small countries, and building
an ever more deadly military machine will remain a principal aspect of
American policy during the Obama Administration as it has for every previous
administration since the end of World War II.

We hope to be proven wrong, but in the meantime it's best to remember that
state terrorism is as state terrorism does, not as it says it does....