Thursday, May 07, 2009

This whole saga started in 1996, right after the April Understanding and the Grapes of Wrath

I have pity for you that you do not appreciate courage and heroism....
For those of you on the bandwagon of “The Truth Circuit”....

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...
John 8:32

The creepy presence of the White House Murder INC, since
January 24th 2002, and the "unspeakable" in the murder of
King Hamlet the Elder ...and the utter corruption that the
cover-up requires since the advent of PNAC in the Mid 1990s.
I bring this home to them....daily in various ways since 1999....
by invoking his valiant record and the cowardly Assassination
of our national HERO, Mr. Elie HOBEIKA.

Lebanon is the Apple of God's Eye! God Bless Lebanon and HK forever!
Truth is the hardest to handle...
''La grande science est donc de faire vouloir [à l’ennemi] tout ce que vous voulez qu’il fasse et de lui fournir, sans qu’il s’en aperçoive, tous les moyens de vous seconder....'' (Sun Tzu, l'art de la guerre)

LB: I want the truth!
USA: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has "SCIF"walls... And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns, lies..., CIA, FBI, SLT-TSL and Asef SHAWKAT the assassin in Chief.... Who's gonna do it ? You?
You, General X3....?

HK: I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom....

"Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the
context of professional journalism...."
War is an extension of politics by other means...
FORCES WILL COME AND KILL YOU....We all know it is easier for a king to
a gigantic lie believed than a beggar to spread the truth....

This whole saga started in early 1994/95,and i have the FULL Details. The core covert operational and tactical deployment started in 95...but the serious targeted clandestine approach... and scheming began in earnest right after the *April Understanding, following the criminal aggression of IDF Israeli killers operation called "Grapes of Wrath" on early 1996, and right after the murder/elimination by the PNAC killers of Yitzhak RABIN....under the watchful eyes of the ZIONAZI BIBI NETANYAHU, the NEO-Stooge of the Neo-PNAC Assassins.....The USA was always at the forefront of this covert operation from its inception. The Joint Special Operations Command has been at the leading edge of the Pentagon’s increasing reliance on Special Forces, which operate opportunistically somewhere between regular military operations and the “covert” operations that the CIA’s Clandestine Service has conducted since 1945. Many of JSOC’s operations, like those of the CIA, involve criminal acts, including murder, political and assassinations.... etc.
The White House Murder INC, and Asef SHAWKAT will use Lebanon over decades as a fertile ground for testing these clandestine operations and as practice runs/labratory for other operations elsewhere....
They will use every trick in the book with these covert ops. in the Levant, from stove-piping to bamboozling individuals and other intelligence agencies.... to outright collusion in dark rooms from AMMAN, DAMASCUS, Riyadh, Cairo, and Herzliah etc. etc.

* The April understanding was arrived at between Hizbullah and Israel in April 1996, which Rafic Hariri played a big part in orchestrating on the international was viewed by both USA and Israel as contrary to their core interests....
but have been accepted as a tactical move in preparation of bigger criminal plans.

"The utterly corrupt US government can be errantly likened to a powerfully built but retarded child..., or an elephant in a China Store..., potentially dangerous, but young, immature and easily manipulated," i wrote. "But don't be fooled by that overt appearance.... It is also one which can turn ingenious [sic] quickly...., like an idiot savant, once convinced of a hegemonic and criminally "worthy" covert goal...."

The White House Murder Machinations INC, has a subsidiary Born in the Levant....for black ops. and black budgets...and is still a very potent
criminal enterprise, fully operational outside the Box...and with full
confidence and utmost certainty, you can be sure that USA and Israel
are preparing for the "next round" with Lebanon in the near future....

The way in which the aftermath of the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA was handled by Rafic Hariri's Government is criminal to say the least...., , shameful to the Republic of Lebanon and to its people, and we are paying the price very dearly today and for generations to come....
My own up close and personal experience with this whole saga, the love of my country DICTATED to me that I try to forewarn you "all" , and particularly Hezbollah, since 2004.....about the Dangerous CIA2/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE liaison of the infamous White House Murder INC in Damascus with the criminal monster Asef SHAWKAT....but no one would listen.....nore understand the depth of the plot, until Hezbollah got the bloody Syrian taste of it....mixed with CIA's revenge, with the assassination of IMAD F. MOUGHNIEH by Asef SHAWKAT's goons, on February 13th 2008....and to add insult to injury, Syria never accused Israel or anyone else for this order to thumb Hizbullah's nose some more so blatantly...and it is not over yet by any stretch of the imagination......the White House Murder Inc, is still fully embedded in the ailing Lebanese Republic, fully operational and ready to strike again anytime.... despite the "capture"... of several Israeli operational secret spy cells, who have most probably outlived their usefulness anyway, since they were used by a joint super-cell prior to the 2006 war.... but the "current" Brouhaha is critically important for those CIA2 stooges who want to divert and disrupt the ongoing work on much more deadly and effective spying operations elsewhere in the highest echelons of the Republic....and preparations for new assassinations to come....
No I don't think Syria is off the hook, nor are the "three" generals [Syrians & Lebanese...] for that matter....., YET. It does, however, raise serious and troubling questions about what exactly Brammertz did for two years....apart from "allowing" CIA to plant false evidence on the crime scene, exactly as CIA did earlier in Lockerbie....and derailed and delayed the whole investigation on CIA's orders, by cooking up false "suicide bomber" leads in parallel with the US political necessities for 2 long years and more.... Justice was/is never the real motive of the PNAC assassins, ever...., despite daily fake and futile pronouncements by public officials from USA and elsewhere....and no one believes them anymore.

The illegitimate and criminal Syrian regime of one-party state, Ba`ath party-led, CIA terrorist-supporting alawites minority and Mafiosi thugs, Heroin-exporting, murderous state of Syria will pay dearly soon enough....
The "big Satan" is pressing the "Zionist devil" to make the "old axis of evil" happy....go figure....

زبانية دمشق البعث الأسدي الطائفي الحاقد على كل ما هو سني وحقوقي وديمقراطي

Blowback in Lebanon on Cheney-Rove-Abrams-Shawkat hit teams...

Word from Lebanon is that WMR's report on the Bush-Cheney White House operating a hit team that was behind the assassinations of Lebanese political leaders was featured on Lebanese television today and yesterday...

"Dick Cheney, the name that always pops up whenever there is talk about a serious crime someplace in the world. Well, Cheney had his own death squad CIA unit which he ran from the white house. By Cheney’s orders, the assassinations unit killed former Lebanese minister and Lebanese Forces chief Elie Hobeika on the 24th of January 2002, by employing the services of Syria's military Intelligence goons and their infamous chief Asef SHAWKAT, who is the main liaison to CIA and DIA etc., and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on the 14th of February 2005, prominent investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said.... The Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD are famous for their cunning ability at bamboozling a target in order to get it to do what they want in a stealthy covert operation....which they did marvelously well when they bamboozeled Asef SHAWKAT and Syria's military intelligence thugs for this cataclysmic assassination. The White House Murder INC, is a joint murder machine and Asef SHAWKAT is the CEO for the Levant....

Madsen who is known for his close ties with active circles in the CIA, was speaking to the Russia Today television when he revealed that the same squad that had assassinated Hobeika in coordination with former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon’s office, had also assassinated Hariri, by employing the services of Syria's military Intelligence goons and their infamous chief Asef SHAWKAT, who is the main liaison to CIA and DIA etc..., who then used islamist cut-outs for added compartmentalization and securing an airtight plausible deniability for ALL concerned.... with the "unknown" suicide bomber....

“This is something that I have heard about five years ago from CIA sources,” Madsen said. “I reported in 2004-2005 that the CIA unit linked to the White House was responsible for coordinating the assassinations in Lebanon of former Christian leader Elie Hobeika and also the former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, and that this was done in close coordination with a similar unit operated by then Israeli PM Ariel Sharon’s office in Jerusalem,” Madsen said. . employing the services of Syria's military Intelligence goons and their infamous chief Asef SHAWKAT, who is the main liaison to CIA and DIA etc..., who then used islamist cut-outs for added compartmentalization and securing plausible deniability for ALL concerned......

What Madsen had revealed has drawn storms of reactions that demand Cheney-Rove-Bush-Tenet-Abrams-Shawkat be prosecuted . . ..

In 2005, Madsen cited one “key source’ in his report and said that “a number of intelligence sources have reported that assassinations of foreign leaders like HOBEIKA and Hariri are ultimately authorized by two key White House officials, Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams. In addition, Abrams is the key liaison between the White House and Sharon’s office for such covert operations, including political assassinations and Abrams is the guy the Israelis go to for a wink and a nod for such ops...”

The only way we're going to get assassins like the BUSH'S, Cheney, Elliott Abrams, George Tenet, and Karl Rove off the air and out of the media is to finally investigate, prosecute, convict and sentence these horrible manipulative suppressive fascists. They do not deserve a public audience. The only audience they should be in front of is a jury of their peers..... Their criminal acts are an affront to this country and to the world. Its time to clean house, and regain our moral compass......

Muori ora, non hai altro tempo
Sono la morte. La mano e mia
Hai ricevuto un grande onore
Stanotte, insieme a me
Assassino, assassino, assassino, assassino
I tuoi anni sono polvere, pronuncia il mio nome
Assassino, assassino, assassino, assassino

Vedremo, come in passato, sei marcato, il mio cuore e puro
Ho ricevuto un grande onore. Vengo stanotte, la mano e mia
Assassino, assassino, assassino, assassino
I tuoi anni sono polvere, pronuncia il mio nome
Assassino, assassino, assassino, assassino

Maiale di un politico, tu mi fai vomitare
Sprechi i miei soldi, sprechi il mio tempo
Il sistema educativo fallisce, non c'e bisogno di insegnare ai poveri
Restano in giro fino alla prossima guerra...

Politician swine, you make me wanna puke
Waste my money, waste my time going by the book
Education fails, no need to teach the poor
They just get in the way, until we have a war.....
And the song and dance repeats itself every decade
or two.....

[Just another psy-op, coupled with covert assassinations, in a region plagued by overlapping intelligence agency operations and counter-operations... When will the world acknowledge the fact that all modern wars are driven and caused by these covert operators...]

We see well dressed men and women telling us what they want us to hear..... They meet and speak with "important" people.... They drive expensive cars and live well. How could they all be serial liars who behave like sidewalk whores for the money? How could it be that these people who went to all the good schools and get all the valued invites are pathological, lying sacks of shit with zero integrity and honor? It’s true though. They lied about 9/11...., and about Lockerbie... They lied about Afghanistan.... They lied about all assassinations in Lebanon for decades, They fabricate lies daily to cover the tracks of the infamous White House Murder INC,... They lied about Mr. Elie HOBEIKA for three decades....They lied about Iraq and they are lying about Iran.... When they don’t lie… they avoid or suppress.... So it is that you have to approach the media with a certain perspective. Why are they telling ‘this lie’ now? You flat out assume it’s a lie because it’s all a lie, so the next step is… why?

The thing is, given the chance… most people can spot the truth, if they get a chance to see it. Most people are good people, even if… in many cases in this time, they are not as bright as they might have been because a cloak of lies like woven crows, incessantly covers over the light of their perceptions..."

Monday, May 04, 2009

Accountability time for CIA's planting false evidence again at a crime scene....

Chief Prosecutor Norman Farrell is yet another CIA-MOSSAD-CSIS stooge and lackey in the utterly corrupt Den of Zioconned SPIES called STL....

أن رئيس الحكومة الاسرائيلية بنيامين نتانياهو وصف رئيس المحكمة أنطونيو كاسيزي بـ"صديق إسرائيل"

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American people believe, is false", William Casey, CIA Director, from first staff meeting in 1981....

Poor Gullible Lebanese calling on the "international Justice..."

The CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 tribunal, STL, appeared to make a strong start with Detlev MEHLIS....., focusing on accusations that Syria had the motive, means, and opportunity to kill HOBEIKA and Hariri.... Yet after discovering a stream of compelling evidence against Syria and Syria-appointed officials, the investigation became bogged down.
....thanks to CIA/MOSSAD shenanigans and the demand placed on Asef SHAWKAT to assassinate Imad F. MOUGHNIEH in 2008, Hence the deal with Damascus' Alawite thugs and the end of STL proceedings against BASHAR ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT....

CIA and MOSSAD are very very good at fabricating evidence, from fake cell phone records to fake teeth, to fake transistors in the Lockerbie bombing..., to fake DNA....

Accountability time for CIA/MOSSAD planting false evidence again at a crime scene....and distorting, falsifying, transforming cellphone communications, records and the Lebanese theater of covert operations for CIA/MOSSAD...
in order to plant, fabricate, and obfuscate criminal evidence to be used in a CIA manipulated court for Lebanon, STL....
This is an example of the so-called International Tribunals, the ICC charade, the STL/TSL all work, how they are funded and how they operate, fully used and abused by CIA/MOSSAD and the usual suspects....
Dejan Lucic is a Serbian investigative journalist who is hot after the Rothschilds and Soros like very few people on the planet. He has lots of info, I always check in with his site. Lucic reports that Soros also funded the Hague Tribunal investigating war crimes....Soros bought all human rights orgs and investigators plus the court in the Hague - Societe Generale or one of the Rothschild banks funded the Tribunal. Did you see the long rant on Srebrenica Massacre ? Dutch UN troops said they were threatened by the Soros people because they plainly said the Srebrenica massacre was planned, carried out by Serbs and Mladic on orders of Clinton, Queen Beatrix, the UN Dutchbat and Holbrooke in the planning with Soros people bullying all who said anything about the fact that the whole UN stood around and watched a mass murder of thousands and helped bus the "wrong" people out, they ran an efficient preplanned massacre and the UN troops talked too much, so Soros had them shut up. In this case, the Soros human rights thing prevented the proper investigation, so it never got to the Hague. But at the next level, he had the Hague Tribunal bought and paid for also. Here is Lucic, very good site on Rothschilds and Soros in the Balkans.

The United States of America is involved in ALL Lebanese assassinations since January 24th 2002....

Predictably, ever since former Lebanese Minister Mr. Elie HOBEIKA was assassinated on January 24, 2002, there have been enough evidence of U.S. involvement to send G. W. BUSH, Ariel SHARON and Asef SHAWKAT into prison and full impeachment.
These claims are based in fact and are true, despite the fact that U.S. policy has expressly forbidden assassinations since 1976, when President Ford signed Executive Order 11905. The prohibition against assassination was reaffirmed by President Carter and President Reagan, the latter in Executive Order 12333, which remains in force. Executive Order 12333 states, "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination...." but Dick CHENEY, George TENET, George W. BUSH and Elliott ABRAMS, Karl ROVE and Donald RUMSFELD.... have broken all laws and should be indicted immediately for their infamous White House Murder and political assassinations machinations INC....starting with the fallacy of the Belgium case against Ariel Sharon in order to consume the politically motivated assassination of Elie HOBEIKA, January 24th 2002 by Asef SHAWKAT acting on behalf of the odious White House Assassinations INC...

When can we get the truth out to the world and get Israelis Neocons out of our country and in jail? When can we get Israelis firster Neocons out of congress? When can we get them out of our government, out of our state department, out of our of policy makers, out of the White House Chief of Staff's office, out of our FBI, out of Justice Department, and out of our CIA, NSA, NIS, USSS, NRO, DOD, DIA, FUSION listening posts of all USA citizens computers and telephones and into jails for good?

The release of four Lebanese generals by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon considering the murder of Rafik Hariri has shocked many in the March 14 majority, prompting them to assume that there will be no justice for the late prime minister. That may end up being true, but it’s not too early to affirm such a thing; and the generals’ liberation came as no surprise, since it was and still is a CIA endeavor all along to cover the tracks of their infamous White House Murder and political assassinations machinations INC....starting with the fallacy of the Belgium case against Ariel Sharon in order to "consume" the politically motivated assassination of Elie HOBEIKA, January 24th 2002 by Asef SHAWKAT acting on behalf of the odious White House Assassinations INC....

If anyone, or anything, came out of the decision looking worse off, it was not the Lebanese judiciary; it was the United Nations commission that has spent the last four years investigating the crime, and which, after 2006, managed to add nothing new to its file on the generals to justify their continued detention. Months ago judicial sources in Beirut knew their release was imminent, precisely for that reason. We can, of course, assume that there was nothing to add, but anyone who recalls the behavior of the generals after the Hariri assassination (the clumsy efforts at altering the crime scene mentioned by the first UN investigator, Peter Fitzgerald, or the highly suspicious distribution of the video of Ahmad Abu Adas, who claimed responsibility for the killing) could not readily make such a case.

It is time to ask what in heaven’s name the Belgian investigator, Serge Brammertz, did during his two years in office. This question has repeatedly surfaced among members of the Lebanese judiciary, outside observers, and, most compellingly, Brammertz’s predecessor, Detlev Mehlis. In an interview in January 2008, Mehlis damningly observed that he had not "seen a word in [Brammertz’s] reports during the past two years confirming that he has moved forward. When I left we were ready to name suspects, but [the investigation] seems not to have progressed from that stage."

The Belgian did identify "persons of interest" in his reports, but Mehlis quickly cut that idea down to size as well by observing that "a ’person of interest’ is definitely not a suspect. If you have identified suspects in a case like this one, you don’t allow them to roam free for years to tamper with evidence..., flee the country, or commit similar crimes..."

Was Mehlis correct? Absolutely , and it’s far more difficult to make the contrary argument when Brammertz/CIA and his successor, Daniel CIA Bellemare, have together spent three and a half years looking into Hariri’s assassination, yet we still remain many months away from any kind of formal legal accusation. Time, like silence, can be eloquent, and since 2006 the UN investigation has eaten up an ever greater amount of time while its commissioners have become increasingly silent on their alleged progress.

There are compelling evidence to suggest that Brammertz did little of consequence while in Beirut. He necessarily reopened the crime order to plant false and fake evidence to be given to the investigators, I.E. the tooth found to be that of the suicide bomber by CIA...., but in fact this tooth is a fake CIA planted evidence to be found....[exactly like what CIA did with the Lockerbie case, when CIA planted a tiny part of a SWISS manufactured timer...], when there were already three reports suggesting that the explosion that killed Hariri had been above the ground. Brammertz focused too much on analysis of the crime, at the expense of a police investigation that would have required identifying suspects, comparing their testimonies, making arrests, playing suspects and witnesses off against one another, and going to the heart of the matter on who killed Hariri. For the investigators there was little doubt about who committed the crime; all it took was competently following that thread down the decision-making hierarchy. We’re still waiting.

What does the freeing of the generals tell us about the UN investigation? Unfortunately, it hits at a central contention presented by both Fitzgerald and Mehlis, namely that when Hariri was eliminated in an extensive conspiracy, the Lebanese security and intelligence services were acting with and under the auspices and authority of the Syrian intelligence services. By releasing the generals, Bellemare, who is a CIA asset since Pennsylvania.... admitted he could not fit the four into that relationship. Yet such a relationship cannot seriously be doubted by anyone who knew how the Syrian-led system in Lebanon functioned, which really points us more to the failings of the UN commission, Brammertz’s in particular, than to the inaccuracy of Fitzgerald’s and Mehlis’ findings.

In his submission to the pre-trial judge, Bellemare/CIA wrote, in a footnote to paragraph 13, that a "very limited number of documents" were provided by the UN commission in the response to the pre-trial judge’s request on whether to hold or release the generals - the vast majority coming from the Lebanese. This tells us that the international investigation offered up very little on the generals, who until yesterday happened to be the only suspects held in the crime. So, Bellemare/CIA today has the dubious honor of presiding over a four-year investigation with almost no suspects, and none in custody.

Is it time to write off the Special Tribunal for Lebanon? Almost, but we shouldn’t be too hasty. Bellemare/CIA would have liked to delay the start of the tribunal in order to complete his investigation. It was the Lebanese who insisted he take on his prosecutorial duties earlier rather than later, because they couldn’t handle the pressure of detaining the generals much longer. In so doing, they set in motion a legal process that was always, potentially, going to end with the generals’ release. Once Bellemare/CIA had the four in hand, the tribunal was given a limited period of time to decide their fate.

But does Bellemare/CIA have enough to put together an accusation that will stand up in court? Only time, more time, will tell. CIA/Bellemare’s own competence is also something to watch, since he has never prosecuted a political crime of this nature. Perhaps the assassination of Wissam Eid, the Internal Security Forces officer who was working on telephone intercepts, implies progress was being made elsewhere towards nailing the infamous White House Murder INC, and Asef SHAWKAT. However, the right questions aren’t being asked: If Bellemare gets nowhere in the end, then precisely at what stage, and why, did the UN investigation fail Lebanon?

Honest Reporting posts this statement by Louis Moreno-Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
“The decision to do justice in Libya should be taken by the Libyan people. Currently, Libya is not a State Party to the Rome Statute. Therefore, intervention by the ICC on the alleged crimes committed in Libya can occur only if the Libyan authorities accept the jurisdiction of the Court, (through article 12(3) of the Rome Statute). In the absence of such step, the United Nations Security Council can decide to refer the situation to the Court. The Office of the Prosecutor will act only after either decision is taken”.
Someone please remind me why we need an International Criminal Court.

Of course - how silly of me to forget.... We need an International Criminal Court so that there is yet another instrument of the 'international community' with a fancy sounding name....STL/TSL.... that can be used against Lebanon's valiant and Nationalist Resistance of Hezbollah....with fabrications, defamations and utter lies to cover the tracks of the Infamous white House Murder INC,....and Asef Shawkat....

This sorry saga of ours... In the coming election, there will be no real debate of ideas, just a "conscription" of the electorate, as we're each pulled by the rival tugs of the regional giants; a fiercely loyal and nationalistic "Shiite" party with money and "فهم", a Saudi-guided "Sunni" grouping with more money and no "فهم", and a Christian salad of ex-warlords with no money and even less "فهم"....

As for whatever secular "center" remains, we hide our hard earned money, as the looming global recession challenges our limited "فهم" of the world. In any case, whoever wins the current election will be of little real consequence; the real fight's taking
place outside this ring. The best we can do is continue our bloody jockeying for position within our little square in the regional chessboard of the up and coming thousands of Tribes with Flags from Colombia to the Philippines and the axis of conflicts made by the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD and their cohorts of the UKUSA Alliance of greedy evils.

Always remember Lockerbie....when dealing with the infamous STL/TSL -CIA/MOSSAD.

A former Scottish police chief, gave lawyers a signed statement stating that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

'The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.'

( News - Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked)

Edwin Bollier is head of the Swiss-based Mebo group which was supposed to have sold the timing device reportedly used in the Lockerbie bomb.

Bollier says that one of his employees supplied the Scottish police with the stolen timing device, which was then presented in the trial as having been found amidst the plane's wreckage.

Ulrich Lumpert, a former employee of the Swiss firm MEBO, has admitted that he stole the timer device from MEBO.

Lumpert says: "I realized that the MST-13 PC-board, after it was handed over by me without permission was misused for deliberate politically criminal 'action'."

(Lockerbie Bombing Trial Faces U-Turn after Perjury Confession)

The bomb timer fragment "was found by two policeman during a search of a wood 35 miles from Lockerbie".

It was later identified by the CIA's Thomas Thurman as being part of a sophisticated timer device made by the Swiss firm of Mebo.

"Thurman was later unmasked as a fraud who had given false evidence in American murder trials..." (Thurman's integrity questioned)

According to The mail on Sunday (LOCKERBIE BOMBING EVIDENCE 'PLANTED' - Mail on Sunday 21 December 2008):

"New forensic analysis on a fragment of the timing device alleged to have triggered the bomb that brought down Pan Am jet 103 on December 21, 1988, is said to have found no trace of explosive residue...

"A source close to the investigation said: ‘The only piece of forensic evidence in the chain that pointed to Libyan guilt has never been near the seat of an explosion.’...

"'The new tests, the first carried out independently, reveal no explosive residue...

"'Tests carried out replicating the explosion have proved the circuit board would have been completely vaporized...

"It has long been suspected of being a plant - and it is a plant."

The Lockerbie evidence

"I confirm today on July 18, 2007, that I stole the third hand-manufactured MST-13 timer PC-board consisting of eight layers of fiber-glass from MEBO Ltd. and gave it without permission on June 22, 1989, to a person officially investigating in the Lockerbie case," Lumpert wrote.

"It did not escape me that the MST-13 fragment shown [at the Lockerbie trial] on the police photograph No. PT/35(b) came from the nonoperational MST-13 prototype PC-board that I had stolen," Lumpert added. - Lockerbie: J'accuse

Professor Black: "The truth would be extremely embarrassing from the point of view of saving what is left of the reputation of the Scottish criminal justice system. Also, the truth would not place Britain's reputation in a very good light." - Scottish legal expert says Lockerbie verdict was flawed