Decadent America makes a ritual of conspiracy-bashing precisely BECAUSE it has so many of them. It is a game to try to prevent people from looking deeply enough to get wise to it all.....Zioconned USA is Decadent beyond imagination, damned, eventually doomed.....



Honoré de Balzac
"الساكت عن الشر شيطان أخرس"
Humans are truth machines. To know where the monsters are, truth is necessary. Survival means fighting off the monsters, armed with fully deployed truth.... Not enough truth, not enough survival.... Survival is written with truth...Thus the theory of truth passes by the moral discovery that many human beings are up to no good, and who, among them bear the darkness of deception...., it's the infamous white House Murder INC,....and STL's Den of despicable spies....
My journey..., one that prepares its recipients to face facts as they are found; to deal with the world as it is, not as we want it to be; and to never allow silly, ungrounded hopes to displace logic...
“Half the truth is often a great lie.” – Benjamin Franklin
Not enough people love the truth. Not enough people seek after the truth regarding the Zioconned & most infamous White House Murder INC, want to know what is true, what is real, and desire this knowledge deeply, even if the truth is painful. When many more people love the truth enough to seek it, to learn it, to accept its reality no matter how painful it is initially, our problems will resolve themselves. To love the truth is to love. To seek the truth is to love. To love is to lend our hands to God and to deny them to evil. It is all very, very simple. Love the truth, look for it everywhere, and all will be well, eventually. Honor your own dignity enough to refuse to be lied to....
من قتل الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة ؟
Rest in Peace my friend Elie Hobeika. The good ones go first....
That the "truth must be protected in a body guard of lies" which also means in the case of evil ZIOCON campaigns of the Infamous White House Murder INC, that, "disinformation lies must be protected in a body guard of truth"....
Components of the infamous White House Murder INC's Special Assassinations Operations: Simplicity, Security, Repetition..., Surprise, Speed and Purpose... SORO/JSOC/OSP + CIA/MOSSAD/DIA/AMAN/SCS....
....خلية امنية لبنانية سورية يتقاطع عملها مع الموساد وسوريا وقرارها اميركياً
أنت الإرهابي يا جزار الأسد واللواء آصف شوكت صهر بشار الاسد.....عملاء لاسرائيل وليسوا متعاملين مع أميركا لمصلحة سياسية ،
The FIRST in a string of assassinations in Lebanon started in earnest January 24th 2002, with the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA by a joint effort of CIA/MOSSAD, who used Asef SHAWKAT in the execution....with DIRECT ORDERS from The evil White House of GWB.......من يفتش على ربه يلقاه
Asef SHAWKAT is SMI's liaison with American Intelligence.... Following HOBEIKA's assassination, evidence was washed away on the crime scene, using high-powered water hoses by the Syro-Lebanese apparatus of SHAWKAT...., within hours...., then, funerals, mourning, and reactions to this horrible event which shook Lebanon, were forcefully muted by Syria and its Lebanese CIA/MOSSAD lackeys...starting with Elias CIA Murr who was interior minister at the time of this barbaric assassination, Elias CIA MURR and PM Rafic CIA HARIRI...[ R. Hariri was Prime Minister at the time of this horrible assassination in Jan. 2002...] even refused to launch any investigation or transfer the file to the highest judicial council for proper follow-up...., for they were BOTH covering up the crimes of the Syro-Lebanese military intelligence goons, working on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/OSP ..., and everyone in Lebanon obliged with the Syrian assassins' version of events and the MSM complied and moved on....No investigations, no inquiries, no judicial proceedings, and no Justice....This is very important and was deliberately planned and meant to be like that on purpose by CIA/MOSSAD/OSP.... because it will be instrumental and absolutely crucial for CIA/MOSSAD when it came to the decision to assassinate Hariri few years later..., because the Syrians and their Lebanese lackeys thought and were absolutely convinced that the reaction to Hariri's assassination would be somewhat similar to that of 2002....
All Lebanese and the world are right to acknowledge that the Syrians assassinated HOBEIKA and Hariri and that Asef SHAWKAT is the "local" Mastermind...., but he got precious "HELP" from an ongoing CIA/MOSSAD devious but clever Black Covert Operation... in order to have "your" enemy do your bidding unbeknown to him... In other words, Asef SHAWKAT was somewhat Bamboozled into carrying out the HIT on Rafic HARIRI....and obviously cut-outs were used by Shawkat's SMI for added Plausible deniability....
...من يفتش على ربه يلقاه
(Sun Tzu, l'Art de la guerre)...
and here is how:
After UNSC 1559 of 2004, Rafic Hariri was "convinced" to support UNSC 1559 by the Saudis, Jacques CHIRAC and others... He was made to absolutely believe that its execution/enforcement will be made to happen, come hell or high water...and Syrians/Alawites will probably be ousted from power in Damascus, should they attempt obstruction of UNSC 1559....
Following that 1559 "Stunt" , Rafic Hariri continued foolishly....or was "pushed", "nudged" by CIA into funneling more money to very extreme opposition figures in Syria and to A.H. Khaddam & Co.... [ Zioconned USA through Rafic Hariri has been funding extreme anti-Assad groups since the mid 1990’s.... Money, Arms and munitions are said to be flowing to Syria’s fundamentalists through Jordan and Lebanon. Extreme rightwing groups in Lebanon, funded by Zioconned Western & Arab powers and Israel, are playing a key role in infiltrating gunmen and arms into northern Syria... ] Those underground Sunni groups/cells which were completely penetrated by Asef SHAWKAT's military intelligence... Israel and USA...knew full well that Asef SHAWKAT had penetrated these extreme Sunni Groups in Syria and abroad...and CIA/MOSSAD/OSP KNEW FULL WELL the inevitable and well predicted reaction of Asef SHAWKAT's military intelligence Killers and the Syrian Regime to that Capital Offense to the Alawites' Dictatorial Mafiosi regime of Assad.... VOILA.... Rafic HARIRI is TOAST....which is exactly what the Neocon PNAC planners KNOWINGLY wanted all along..., with color revolutions to follow...and the advent of a "New Middle east" and the savage Israel/USA war on Lebanon which ensued in the summer of 2006....All these events were no accident at all, but were carefully planned well ahead of time, since 1998 and the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA was part and parcel of that meticulous planning by the ZIOCONS and the war criminals in Washington DC and Tel AVIV....and every free thinking, intelligent person in this world and in Lebanon should know these facts very well by now....[ Today 02-25-2011.... I decided to be nice and I will give a few names of those who were behind the execution of the assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika back in January 2002....on the 24th to be precise: I will name Ghazi Kanaan & Roustom Ghazaleh, David YACOOV/Mossad, Abdallah..../Mossad.....and Israeli-Arab...., Jason/CIA...., Mohamed from the SMI..., Jamil Al-Sayyed, Ali Jaber & Leb. MI...., and the 2 guys in the 3 story building in Hazmieh...., as cut-outs for the barbaric and Infamous White House Murder INC, ...باب القمع والفوضى المجبولة بالدماء ....headed by Asef Shawkat....since 24-01-2002....]
Clearly, GWB, Ariel Sharon, Halevy and his deputy Meir Dagan, Shaoul Mofaz, Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Karl Rove were in the know....and directed the whole effort right after the barbaric inside job of 9/11....
This is an encore from previous reports....about Hariri's recruitment by CIA....until it was time for the infamous White House Murder INC, to blow him to bits.....February 14th 2002 at 12.55 PM in front of the famous Beirut St. Georges Hotel.....
Rafik Hariri was, like Bashir Gemayel, thought to be another example of a fruitful CIA recruitment. The original story claimed that Hariri was recruited in the 1980s by the CIA Chief of Station (COS) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Alan Fiers, when the Saudis offered Hariri to be the Saudi representative of the Murphy-Habib-Hariri team attempting to identify and deal with menacing regional problems.
Diplomat Richard Murphy had close contacts with Hariri and most sources think that Murphy passed Hariri onto Fiers. Fiers was reported to be a vain man who wasn’t likely to consider Hariri a plant by Saudi intelligence. Fiers was therefore active in displaying Hariri as an example of a perceptive agency recruitment. (My sources here are all former senior US intelligence officials who only spoke to me on condition of being allowed to remain anonymous.)
But in summary, Hariri’s chief value would be to promptly pass on to the U.S. and his handlers relevant intelligence able to affect U.S. interests in the region. This meant Saudi diplomatic contacts with Syria and other major area players.
A Look at the Man...
Hariri began his life an a very poor child in the South Lebanese town of Sidon. After completing high school there, he went to Beirut where he attended the Arab University. After two years, he dropped out and moved to Saudi Arabia where he became an ace constructor of royal palaces as part of special deals with various Saudi princes and financial backers who continued to back him until he died....
It was to please this group that Hariri became a member of the Wahabis, an extremely anti-Western and anti-Semitic sect. According this faction, severe, austere, extreme Islam must be extended to as many areas as possible. In particular, Palestine and Syria were placed under severe Sunni Muslim authority and was to be restored to its position before the arrival of the Zionists in Palestine, and the Crypto-Zionists in Syria, the Assad Family and the Alawites..... The same extreme Sunni faction was to use Hariri to help fund other extremist Sunni groups in Syria...., but unfortunately Asef Shawkat had thoroughly penetrated these groups within Syria and abroad...and knew everything about them and their financing...., and CIA/MOSSAD knew full well that Asef Shawkat and the SMI knew...., and that's how CIA/MOSSAD "nudged", or bamboozled Asef Shawkat to do their bidding by assassinating Hariri for them exactly when they wanted it to suit the PNAC designs in MENA and way beyond..... One of the extremist Wahabi groups found an ally in no other than the Al-Qaeda of Osama bin Laden.....but that's another story that my readers know full well....
STL is a TOOL, first to get what USA/Israel/France want from Syria.... I.E. complete cooperation, Hence the assassination of Imad F. MOUGHNIEH in Damascus by Asef SHAWKAT's Goons... then STL covers for Syria's deeds and moves on... Then STL, its indictment, trials in absentia and whatever verdicts arrived at..., will be used in defaming, de-legitimizing HIZBULLAH, and to "corner" Hizbullah into holding the bag for a score of assassinations in the Levant, which were carried out by the Infamous White house Murder INC and Asef SHAWKAT's Syro-Lebanese goons...because the USA and France have a score to settle with Hizbullah since 1983...., so they say...and Israel is always lurking in the shadows, waiting for the KILL....in a future war on Lebanon...http://www.al-akhbar.com/?q=node/5757
The best-laid plans of America’s sickest minds are unraveling before their bloodshot evil eyes... The further the CIA/MOSSAD mind-twisters stretch in trying to make their crazy “militant Islamist” scheme work somewhere in the world, the more the edges ravel on the magnificent whole-cloth of lies that they have so lovingly woven for us... We should all be allowed to smile just a little when the CIA’s dumbest “mind-fuck” plans fail, if it were not for the fact that they have gambled our futures on their plots....and killed/assassinated our dearest friends for a quick political "Fix" dreamed up by the Siamese Twins, CIA/MOSSAD and their Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant since 01-24-2002.
The great thing about “al-Qaeda” is that they are the terrorist group that has something to offer for anyone who needs a patsy to fulfill a task, whether that be to cover a political assassination of an annoying individual, a military incursion into an innocent country, the suppression of national civil rights, or even the use of martial law tactics against unarmed citizens...., in USA with the criminal Patriot Act....and it's being replicated the World Over....
Syria is just a P.O.Box for Iranian Material support of the Resistance in Lebanon....and a handy carve-out subcontractor for CIA/MOSSAD assassinations and Covert OPS. in the Levant....
HEZBOLLAH has grown into a formidable Nationalist Lebanese Resistance, against the continuous Israeli/American aggressions on Lebanese Sovereignty, especially in 93, 96, 2006, where Hezbollah soundly defeated IDF on the battlefield, and aggressions are still ongoing with daily US and Israeli overflights…used in tactical intelligence gathering, interdiction, spying and contingency planning for additional Israeli/American wars against Lebanon....
Yet again, an international conduit that promotes the killing of others so that the neo-con/PNAC fantasies can be fulfilled….with the ZIOCON "Clean Break", "Creative Destruction " and the "Arc of Crisis"...
That's all there is to it.... Black Covert Operations in the Levant....and they have been going on for decades...
The personalization of conflict in aiming to eliminate named individuals, the leaders of foreign powers, in both war and in peace is in effect an admission of failure by Western/Zionist democracies and is a further indication of a return to the brutish methods of the Middle Ages when respect for life and human rights were at an all time low....
and it's not over till it's over... There are many uglier Chapters to come from the infamous White House Murder INC,.... and its various subsidiaries in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, KSA and Israel....
False flag operations....
The CIA's Near East Division....and "The White House Murder INC."
Headquarters at Langley able to micromanage operations in the NE...:
Since 2000, it has been glorious days for that fabled division, which runs clandestine operations from Morocco to Bangladesh. One agency veteran remembers how "NE" officers would boast to trainees at "the farm": "We are the elite of the operations directorate! We have the most important targets....chosen for us by the White House Murder INC."
But this elite status gradually morphed: Not only were the division's targets important, but so were its liaison partners. Careers were made on a station chief's rapport with the head of the Infamous White House Murder INC,... the thug Asef Shawkat of Syria's MI and main Liaison with CIA/DIA/OSP....and with Jordan's General Intelligence Department or Egypt's General Intelligence Service. An ambitious officer couldn't afford to have strained relations with his local puppets....they were working as a team since 2000, having created the most barbaric covert operations and assassinations in the Levant to further the objectives of the Neocon killers.
The problem of dependency became very acute after the most barbaric false flag attack in USA, the odious inside Job of Sept. 11, 2001, when the agency spent many hundreds of millions of dollars bolstering friendly services in the know about Al-CIAda, renditions/torture... and the shenanigans of Dick Cheney's infamous White House Murder INC,...- especially from authoritarian, American CIA Puppet regimes such as Bashar Assad's Syria [ Asef Shawkat ], KSA, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Pakistan... Those are the countries now in the line of fire...
Meanwhile MOSSAD/CIA's assassins and "the Mailman" continue to "walk and chew gum at the same time..." fomenting STL's despicable fabrications... a la Lockerbie....
CIA's preferred strategy is to take off the shelve previously successful Special OPS. for an Encore....together with their Siamese twin MOSSAD and their "local carve-out subcontractors"....
Every country in the world is riddled with corruption... In less "civilized" countries, the corruption of government is less subtle, more out in the open, you might say. In Lebanon, it seems like an open secret... It is like millions of big and little sponges, soaking-up money whenever it is available, to the greatest possible degree... Perhaps it is the same way everywhere. In such an environment, real "democracy" cannot work, since the powerful elite control all the resources and with it the people themselves... The result is that there are no "rights," no "equality," no personal freedom to set the course of one's own life.
When the so-called "free press" of Lebanon does not yet exist except in rare instances, but the Internet does, then real patriots in Lebanon have a moral duty to their Motherland to use the Web to become their own news sources... When the "legitimate press" lets you down, fails to report on vital news, or feeds the people slanted reports, then the alternative press is Lebanon's only hope... If corruption or false political indoctrination by the March14th and others...stooges/puppets of CIA-MOSSAD prevent progress, then trusted websites must expose this and talk about the political corruption that permeates Lebanon's society at all levels....
Now, more than ever, CIA/MOSSAD are busy in Lebanon...., desperately trying with PsyOps...., to "Manufacture Consent"....
For now, the Internet remains free and you can express your political thoughts on the Web. I suggest that all of you do so...NOW.
ان ثمة عيوبا قانونية شابت الاجراءات التي اتخذتها المحكمة وهي في صدد التحقيق في جريمة ....منذ أغتيال الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة ورفاقه من تأمين شهود الزور وحمايتهم، اضافة الى الفساد والتعامل مع العدو الصهيوني والسوري وتزويدهم بمعلومات لتقويتهم على شريحة من الامة اللبنانية وهي المقاومة اللبنانية وهي جريمة حسب القانون اللبناني
شرُّ البليَّةِ ما يُضحِكُ
But there is much more to the CIA thing as well: The CIA and the neocon cabal still ensconced in Defense Intelligence have been in a continuing turf war since the Reagan years. Some say that Obama and the CIA are quietly working to pry neocon fingers from the throat of the American National Security State (Deep State that controls foreign policy and uses the military as its enforcer of foreign policy). We have Cheney to thank for moving the ZIOCON hawks out of CIA to the Pentagon. The idea was to protect the hawks from the CIA traditionalists so that they could get about the work of, well, hawks. Cheney didn't trust CIA; that is well documented. Funny that, since his pater familias, George H. W. Bush, was in power there for years. Perhaps his lack of trust was more due to what he might regard as an overbearing scrutiny by the traditionalist of the military and intelligence schemes envisioned by Neocon hawks of PNAC, of which he was a central figure. It was the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, home to the most infamous White House Murder INC, under Cheney's command, set up for them by Cheney and Rumsfeld, that did most of the cowardly assassinations in the Levant and elsewhere, and manufactured the intelligence for the Iraq war and then blamed the "bad intelligence" on CIA, even getting DCI George Tenet to take the bullet. They gave him a nice medal though.
One might well argue that taking sides in the intelligence turf war amounts to choosing one's poison. Undoubtedly, more will be revealed as we trudge the road of happy destiny toward tomorrow's Rapture....
Talleyrand has been quoted as saying that words were invented in order to hide our thoughts from others. Today, it is perhaps more accurate to say that words were invented to hide the truth that our words are literally thoughtless. That words are used to hide the truth – even from the very persons who utter them.....
"History is ruled by an inexorable determinism in which the free choice of major historical figures plays a minimal role", Leo Tolstoy
No matter what the outcome of the trial, even if it is stopped for “lack of evidence” or even if the accused are acquitted, people who want to believe that Hezbollah did it will continue to do so – citing a grand bargain or something of the sort – we had a taste of that when the finger started to steer away from accusing Syria in 2008. The same applies for those who do not want to believe that Hezbollah did it.
Remember that problem with our history books in Lebanon are filled with contradictory stories. This will be another one.
We are not talking about an ordinary murder here. It is a political assassination carried out as part of wider political-security-intelligence strategy (regardless who did it). And in the intelligence world, we know that we can only see the tip of the iceberg, with all what it entails in terms of disinformation, subversion, violence… etc.
“Nothing is what it seems” in the world of intelligence, and thus a judicial process will not get anywhere beyond that tip of that iceberg. It can, however, get so abused and misused and misinformed in a manner that only complements the whole intelligence-security scene.
Yes, my hope for finding out, beyond question, who assassinated Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, Hariri, and many others has been vindicated, and I do not have the slightest doubt that it was the most infamous White House Murder INC, together with the Bamboozled Asef Shawkat.... I say that with a heavy heart, remembering the sense we had when we went down on March 14 2005. We thought that this time it will be different. It wasn’t, it isn’t. We are being played like fools, and what is at stake is our country whose future is irrelevant to most of the world and whose stability can be easily sacrificed like so many times before, for other people’s ends....
Jacques CHIRAC is a Pathological LIAR....
That does not do justice to the vision of the CIA constituting a "government within a government", and the tail wagging the dog.
Suppose, for the sake of argument, that America managed to have an election that was not so carefully stage-managed or outright rigged,
that the typical bastard did not win. Suppose that the people elected a real liberal for once, not just a "don't-rock-the boat" Obama-type.
Suppose that the foreign policy advisors opined that we should stop demonizing communism, because it was after all only a struggle
for decent living conditions and wages for working people. Suppose that the new policy was to be cordial with Hugo Chavez, to chastise the Vatican publicly for its displays of bigotry, to push for a highly progressive tax structure that rolled back all the tax breaks for the wealthy and for major corporations, for the last 30 years?
Would the CIA fall right into line? Or would the President wind up getting dirty-tricked with October Surprises, or if failing that, outright JFK'd?
The CIA does the President's bidding when it is a right-wing President whose politics are agreeable to right-wingers in the CIA and Pentagon. That distinction got lost in McGhee's characterization because most of what we have had in the last half-century has been
a parade of right-wing bastards or establishment centrists who get bashed as being "too liberal".
It is the men who can steal, fabricate, spy, tap phones, bomb, poison and et cetera who are the men that will eventually control the country. The media and politicians will be reduced to doing their bidding, being their mouthpieces, or becoming their victims.
The CIA has a life of its own, a continuity of its own and of the most infamous white House Murder INC, in the Levant and Worldwide. It cannot be trusted, and cannot be investigated. They can only be fought on their own terms....?
Media exposes often fake, sucking you back in,
Intelligence gives out 'leaks', often are misleading,
Counter-intelligence twists facts by dis-info seeding,
Well-funded Marxist & other groups, indignant, play hypocrisy,
Bewailing slaughter of innocents, praising new democracy,
It seems the right path and left work in collusion,
To bring in the goals of their master of confusion,
The silent majority don't care what it's all about,
As O'Brien says to Winston, the proles don't count...
I am beginning to see there is little difference in which grounding an individual chooses between philosophy or religion...., as long as one understands the limitations of the mental machinations.
Human beings are NOT rational beings. Everything comes to us from impressions, which become ideas. Every idea has as an attribute we call either shame or pride. Both are extremely destructive, and each induces delusions of grandeur or meekness.
Genius is the biggest lie humans pass around. The most important knowable of all knowables, is that reality is infinitely complex, (with the emphasis on “infinitely”). This is the reason the lie about “genius” is so dangerous....