It was decided to make a trial...
Buckets were drawn, pronounced pure
A wheel was placed by the side of the scaffold,
wooden planks piled near the wheelbase
in order to make a ramp...
Messrs Brathole and Stouckhhton of Chicago's University
denounced the proceedings. The imploring of legal scholars
possessing impeccable credentials and law degrees
was summarily dismissed in a colloquy, ex facie,
in limine litis before the implacable judge...
A pair of teeth, planted-buried in the ground...
The soil seemed more favorable in each new layer of clay
What happened was not a simple crime of murder
and most certainly bore a pedigree of Asef Shawkat...
Shawkat, accused mastermind of mischief's manifold
was south of them, playing a waiting game,
knowing full well that the learned men
would not comprehend what they had unearthed
and pay dearly for their imprudent disregard....since he