Now it can be said that they are the Siamese twins: CIA/MOSSAD.
Ari Folman's MOSSAD-inspired film, "Tango with Lebanon," is a blatant dis-information work, even if the scenes of the Sabra and Chatila massacre, which have justly become the signature images of Operation "Snow Ball", the first Lebanon War, are difficult for me. At the time, I was responsible in my capacity at the Mossad for nurturing relations with Lebanon's factions.
One of the Mossad's most important missions from the day of its inception was Israel's "special relations" with countries that did not recognize it and with minorities like the Kurds in Iraq. This was the declared policy of the governments of Israel: Israel will be prepared to come to bamboozle selective minorities that will be tailor made for fighting on behalf of MOSSAD in a proxy war of attrition- but it will not fight in its stead.... Hence, the major mistake of Bashir Gemayel....
The relationship with the Lebanese Christians have been a target for MOSSAD since 1948, but when Syria entered Lebanon at the invitation of the Christian front, and CIA... At the time, we warned the U.S. about the danger of a radical Syrian takeover of Lebanon. Iran, under the shah, took an interest in Lebanon and flew in arms to propel the Christians into a proxy war for CIA and Israel.
At that time, Palestinian terrorist organizations were establishing many footholds in Lebanon, with the encouragement of Arab states that saw in this a solution, albeit temporary, to the Palestinian terrorist problem. On the ground, a state within a state was being established, with Lebanon acting as a base and training camp for terrorist operations by a collection of dozens of extremist organizations linked to the USSR and the cold war, against Israel and the West in general...
As the terror operations from the north increased, the Israel Defense Forces carried out offensive operations against Palestinian terrorist forces, and by ricochet Israel targeted the Lebanese population of south Lebanon with a daily dose of tons of high explosives for decades...which did not stop attacking northern Israel. Such was Operation Litani on March 15, 1978 and other daily offensive operations by Israeli forces, and daily overflights of our territory.
On June 15, 1980, I became the main broker of the Mossad's relations with the proxies of the day. A month later, Bashir Gemayel established the Lebanese Forces as a paramilitary defensive force aimed at defending the Christians of Lebanon from repeated acts of slaughter by the Palestinians, and the front headed by Jumblatt and his thugs, who had been recruited by CIA.... During 1980 and 1981, the IDF engaged in preparations for a more comprehensive offensive. The Mossad's relations with the Christians enabled the senior IDF brass, including the commanders of the forces in the field, to reconnoiter as far as the mountains and peaks of Lebanon surrounding Beirut, and to receive ALL the necessary intelligence on SYRIA and Lebanon's factions on the ground, including all the myriad of terrorists linked to the USSR....
The IDF's battle plans were also based on the Lebanese Forces participation. The head of the Mossad at the time, Yitzhak Hofi, had NO reservations about an all-out war and the IDF's planned entry into Beirut, with operations "snowball", "spark" and "Iron Brain" were established well in advance of the invasion, and coordinated fully within IDF, Sayaret Metkal, AMAN and MOSSAD...where the Palestinian Liberation Organization's political and military center, headed by Yasser Arafat, was located. We expressed no concern about a large-scale war and its results. Despite the differences of opinion with the Pentagon, DIA and CIA, the Mossad continued to plan for the IDF as needed and insofar as scheduled. At the same time, we also worked on a diplomatic level, in the context of the Palestinian and Walid Jumblatt's bloodletting of the Christians everywhere in Lebanon of 1980 to 82. At that time I went to the Vatican for a meeting with its foreign minister Achille Silvestrini, to ask for help in savaging the Christians of Lebanon, with faulty information, obfuscations and dis-information for the gullible...and the LF had become a full fledged CIA proxy militia...which was not very much to the liking of MOSSAD at the time...of intermittent tensions with CIA and some turf battles...
The agreement at the Camp David summit to establish Palestinian autonomy made things very difficult for then prime minister Menachem Begin. In the IDF's initiative toward an all-out war, he saw a chance of eliminating the Palestinian problem in Lebanon. In September 1981, he was totally and positively disposed to entering Beirut, as the IDF commanders had proposed. During 1981, on the eve of Ariel Sharon's appointment as defense minister in the summer of that year, preparations for an extensive operation known as Operation "Pines" were completed. This eventually turned into Operation Peace for the Galilee, AKA : operations "snowball", "spark" and "Iron Brain" all of which were established well in advance of the invasion, and coordinated fully within IDF, Sayaret Metkal, AMAN and MOSSAD with Rafi Eitan and Ariel Sharon in order to deceive the Americans as well..., hence the colossal psyops culminating with the assassination of Bashir and the operation "SPARK" etc. with Pierre Gemayel "Daddy" taking the realms after Sep. 14th 1982....and the CIA inspired events that followed...
In January 1982, at a meeting in Beirut with gullible Christian puppets and stooges - Pierre Gemayel, Camille Chamoun, Georges Adwan [ who is nowadays still working with MOSSAD, transplanetd within the LF to keep an eye on Samir Geagea who is more inclined to work for CIA...] and Etienne Saqr (Abu Arz) a well known Israeli tool all along, - Sharon set forth some of the battle plans. Pierre Gemayel made it clear then that we had to remember that Lebanon must maintain its bridges to the Arab world for economic reasons..., as Henry Kissinger had advised them to do... in order to fracture more and more, the Lebanon and all the Middle East whenever the time comes....because these plans are always established well in advance...sometimes ten to fifteen years in advance of actual execution of such strategies...'Never Strayed from the MOSSAD/AMAN path...' , despite some differences with CIA...which lead to Sabra and Shatila....
Then an excuse that would "justify" the action was needed. This happened only in June 1982 with the MOSSAD orchestrated attempted assassination of Israeli ambassador Shlomo Argov in London...since we all know that Abou Nidal has always been a MOSSAD asset...
The Christian leadership in Lebanon, however, was not prepared to jump on the bandwagon of the IDF's operation. Nonetheless, Bashir Gemayel, the commander of the Lebanese Forces, supported all of our plans and enabled the IDF to carry out preparations for any and all actions. We sometimes clashed with him, in part in the context of his relations with his brother Amine or other groups in Lebanon. Under constant encouragement from the Reagan administration, the Lebanese Christian elite placed faith in the country's emergence as a regional player and paid a very heavy price...together with the USA....They began working "shoulder to shoulder" with the US, just as Reagan's officials urged. Now, LF strategists find themselves awkwardly placed - all dressed-up but there's nowhere right now for them to go....especially after the savage mountain war...except eastwards...and uphill...with more Resistance.
After the National Assembly elected Bashir president of Lebanon he was murdered, by Abou Ayyad, the SSNP and the Syrians, in a car bomb in Beirut...There is a clear PLO/Syrian complicity here and they would probably not be ashamed to even claim it. Mr. Elie Hobeika had nothing to do with it since at the time he did his best by imprisoning Shartouni on deep suspicions of foul-play...only to be pressured by the late Pierre Gemayel "father" to release him immediately, because Shartouni's aunt who lives in the apartment above the location of the assassination, was the mistress of Jean NADER, who bugged Pierre Gemayel so hard about Shartouni..., that Gemayel ended up begging Bashir to force Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to release Shartouni reluctantly. Furthermore, immediately after Bashir's tragic assassination, Mr. Hobeika captured and imprisoned Shartouni for an in depth interrogation, only two hours after the murder....and HK did get ALL the facts from Shartouni and was able to trace most of the tools which were employed in this new kind of attack...because it employed a relatively modern remote controlled device, which ultimately was traced to a Japanese manufacturer... with the credit card slips used in the purchase...etc etc etc. no need to give all the facts here...
As Pierre Gemayel said of him at his graveside, Bashir had "strayed from the path, at Naharia..." in consultations with the Christian stooges and CIA puppets in Lebanon....but the Syrians and the PLO were extremely wary of the plans of Bashir with Israel...since they had no idea what the real end game was going to be...and the Camp David peace accords with Egypt had been consummated ....hence the horrendous assassination of President-elect Bashir Gemayel, which Israel and the MOSSAD failed prevent.
It was the Mossad that defined the objectives of the war and it was AMAN and the Mossad that participated in its full preparation. Bashir Gemayel was not alive at the time of the "spark" and "Iron Brain"..., which ensued and bore an element of revenge by Pierre Gemayel ( Father )....for his assassination and for the many pogroms the Palestinians had carried out against all Lebanese, Christians and Moslems for decades...since SLA, was flown willingly into Beirut for the Sabra Chatila operation by IAF , and the SLA had Christians and Moslems within its ranks.
From the Mossad's perspective, the "Tango with Bashir" was a successful intelligence operation, because of the extraordinary capabilities he put at the disposal of the IDF. The Mossad came out "bloodied" in the Kahan fake commission investigations of the Sabra and Chatila massacre. It is also important to remember that the 1982 war led to the start of diplomatic relations with the Palestinian movement, at the terrible expense to Lebanon as a whole...and the start of the Lebanese resistance by Hezbollah as should happen after every aggressive military invasion of a neighboring country.
It is just a great pity that every such struggle is accompanied by the bloodshed of innocent civilians for decades, under a hail of high explosives daily and trespassing on our territory from Israel and Syria.