Monday, December 28, 2009

RIP Elie HOBEIKA, HK, Lebanese Hero

Ceux qui pieusement sont morts pour la patrie, ont le droit qu'à leur tombe la foule vienne et prie....

H.K اول شهداء «الحقيقة»

من حق ايلي حبيقة علينا وعلى المحكمة الدولية ان يتصدّر قائمة شهداء الوطن

Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth." - -

H.K انت اول شهيد في قافلة شهداء الحقيقة......

The art of disinformation has also been one of the cornerstones of intelligence work ...., especially in the Syria-Lebanon theater of operations.... mixing lies and half truths to always confuse the other side....especially in the string of murder assassinations since January 24th 2002....

Democracy that is based on constitutional secularism is the right way for Lebanon’s future. HK

RESISTANCE works because complex weapon systems require flourishing economies and logistic chains that are very easy to break.....HK

هل من الإنصاف والضمير أن نطالب بالحقيقة والمحاكم الدولية لبعض الشهداء ونتجاهل اخرين؟ انه أمر يدفع الى الحزن والأسف لأن العدالة ان لم تطل الجميع فلن تكون حقيقة حقيقية وكاملة.

في 24 ك2 عام 2002 طوى لبنان يومه من دون "ايلي حبيقة" بعدما اغتيل الرجل الذي طبعت مسيرته بصخب أدقّ مرحلة من تاريخ لبنان.

CIA/MOSSAD Shenanigans in USA, in the Levant, and the World over never ever stops....Hence the infamous White House Assassinations INC,...

جرائم الاغتيال السياسي، انه خلال سنة من تاريخ اغتيال الرئيس الاميركي جون كنيدي مات 15 شاهداً بظروف مختلفة....، وحين بدأ الكونغرس اواسط
سبعينيات القرن الماضي جلسات استماع بشأن هذه القضية مات 16 شخصاً ممن ربطتهم علاقة بالتحقيق.... فكيف الامر بقضية الوزير الشهيد إيلي حبيقة ؟

"نعود بخشوع وأسى اليوم الى ذكرى استشهاد الرفيق الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة قبل 9 سنة، بعدما أسقط غدراً وبهمجية حاقدة، هو من وقف بوجه الغدر إيماناً منه بحق الوطن بأيام أفضل، وبزعماء وطنيين يعطون كل ذي حق حقه...

لم يرحل الرفيق شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة في يوم اغتياله الأسود على أيدي مدعي إحقاق العدل بالإلغاء فقط. فهو استشهد بعدها مرات: في كل مرة نسينا تضحياته في سبيل وطن أفضل، في كل ساعة فشلنا فيها ببناء البلد الذي ضحى في سبيله كثيرون، وفي كل مرة نرى سياسيين يتربعون على أعراش فوق جثث الناس وأحلامهم وحقوقهم بالاختلاف، وآلامهم المسجونة في غياهب النسيان...

إننا اليوم في ذكرى الشهيد البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة ، ننحني أمام حزن العائلة الدفين وغصة الرفاق والأصدقاء الباقين من بعده، وندعو الى موقف لحظة لاستعادة التاريخ، والضمير، والذاكرة. فاذا كانت المغفرة نعمة، فإن النسيان خطأ وقد يكون هنا خطيئة".

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Asef SHAWKAT is the assassin in chief of the criminal alawite Mafiosi dictatorship in Syria

Le régime dictatorial minoritaire Alaouite syrien est un grand tonneau vide, qui effectivement résonne très fort....

The CIA trains assassins in Syria for decades.....

طريق سوريا الى الإستقامة هي أضنى من طريق إبليس للطهارة

“We either shape our future based on truth for the betterment of Lebanon, Lebanese and humanity, or the future will be shaped in the interest of the few who seek to conceal the truth to the detriment of humanity....”

CIA/MOSSAD stooges from Bellemare to Bashar and Asef Shawkat....
It has been the CIA’s signature strategy for several decades that all of its missions are joint missions, if possible, comprised of black ops forces drawn from various spy and "friendly..." military organizations....

طريق سوريا الى الإستقامة هي أضنى من طريق إبليس للطهارة

Asef SHAWKAT is the assassin in chief of the criminal alawite Mafiosi dictatorship in Syria, Nothing has changed....expect the worst soonest....
لماذا لا نتوقف عند دلالات اعتراف الأميركيين أنفسهم بأن شبكات تجسس تعمل لصالحهم ولصالح «الموساد» الاسرائيلي في الاراضي اللبنانية منذ عشرات السنوات قبل ان يتم توجيه ضربة إليها، ولماذا لا نأخذ بالاعتبار احتمال ان تكون هذه الشبكات قد تجسست على الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة علما ان أعمال التجسس تسبق عادة تنفيذ عمليات أمنية من نوع الاغتيال وغيره، وما الذي يمنع من ان ندرس هذه الفرضية ونثبت ان لا علاقة بين التجسس الأميركي والاسرائيلي في لبنان وبين اغتيال الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة إذا كن مقتنعا بذلك، وما سر تجاوزن لكل الإشارات التي تحوم حول إسرائيل من وجود العميل غسان الجد في مسرح الجريمة مرورا بالقرائن التي كشفها السيد حسن نصر الله وصولا الى اختراق «الموساد» المثبت لخطوط الاتصالات الهاتفية وتفكيك العديد من شبكات العملاء في لبنان؟
ان اللواء آصف شوكت صهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ضالع في جريمة اغتيال الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة

....للحقيقة دائماً وجه واحد، وهو لا شك جارح ومؤلم

ليتذكر الجميع اعترافات رئيس الاستخبارات العسكرية الاسرائيلية عاموس يادلين، وبالاخص ما قاله عن لبنان.... اسرائيل، يمكن ان تجد سبيلها الى استخدام آصف شوكت بعلمه او من دون علمه

''La grande science est donc de faire vouloir [à l’ennemi] tout ce que vous voulez qu’il fasse et de lui fournir, sans qu’il s’en aperçoive, tous les moyens de vous seconder....''
(Sun Tzu, l'art de la guerre)

Real change cannot be brought on by pragmatists.... It is only revolutionaries that bring change by taking chances (and of course often failing)...

Frankly, I find Hariri cozying up with the murderer of his father appalling. This is the ultimate acceptance of the laws of the jungle INSIDE Lebanon and it is the utmost betrayal of his father’s sordid memory. If I would have done what Hariri did, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, nor sleep at night.....

From the hit on Mr. Elie HOBEIKA to Imad Moughnieh the Assassins are the same
George Orwell said, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....

"The CIA ... has its agents under the coverage of ... USAID, the Peace Corps, CARITAS and CARE..." (
The empire and the CIA against Latin America (First part) [Voltaire])

.....إن ما سبق يؤكد أن عملية اغتيال رفيق الحريري كانت بتدبير أمريكي والموساد الإسرائيلي، وتنفيذ سورية،

Treason From Within

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.

But it cannot survive treason from within.

An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known
and carries his banner openly.

But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely,
his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys,
heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor;
he speaks in accents familiar to his victims,
and he wears their face and their arguments,
he appeals to the baseness that lies
deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and
unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city,
he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.

A murderer is less to fear.

The traitor is the plague."

.....إن ما سبق يؤكد أن عملية اغتيال رفيق الحريري كانت بتدبير أمريكي والموساد الإسرائيلي، وتنفيذ سورية،

Syrian criminal Mafiosi assassins and killers for hire by CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE, the alawite dictatorial minority officials and petty politicians seek every opportunity to loudly and brazenly proclaim this and many other fake and false allegations....and the stupid criminal western powers loud the Syrians for their secret and covert collaboration in the brazen assassinations in Lebanon and Syria.....because they have been complicit all along....CIA is running and still runs the show in Damascus since the the detriment of all other departments in the criminal ZOG USA .....
If they prep us thoroughly, then when it happens---whatever it is---everybody's mind will be prepared with an explanation for what's happening and why! The explanations may differ, and we may still argue about them, but everybody will have explanations---and almost every one of them will be bogus.... But we'll be so busy arguing, and trying to survive, that nobody will go after the real culprits who made the assassinations of the infamous White House Murder INC, happen and then profited from it---because they will have laid their groundwork so carefully....since 1996....and the assassination of HK Elie Hobeika January 24th 2002....but Lebanese stereotyped minds are often like birds unable to muster the courage to spread wings and take to the skies even when the cage has been left open...
When lies and chaos have ruled for so long, if truth is added it causes disarray.... that is what the elite fear the most: the truth and what it entails. I suppose when you practice delusion and chaos you go against your self inside... we all make mistakes in the world but most right their wrongs throughout their life, these people who lead won't learn, in fact they just keep practicing the same .....
The art of disinformation has also been one of the cornerstones of intelligence work ...., especially in the Syria-Lebanon theater of operations.... mixing lies and half truths to always confuse the other side....especially in the string of murder assassinations since January 24th 2002....

Washington -- or for that matter any superpower -- respects those who have strength and show an unyielding attitude....more later.....

The Assad's and Khomeini are already in it with America since the 1970s..... They already have a deal for all the situations here. Egypt, KSA, GCC, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Jordan have it overt.... While they have it seriously covert.... for decades, especially with Asef SHAWKAT and the infamous White House Murder INC, and I have said that since 1990.....and got full confirmation of the above on January 24th 2002 with the criminal assassination of Elie HOBEIKA and his party of three by the infamous White House Murder Inc,.... clearing the deck for what will happen three years later with 1559 and all the ensuing assassinations in the Levant.... which they were ALL orchestrated by CIA/MOSSAD and Asef SHAWKAT and a dark room nearby.......

Every President or regime who stayed in power all that long, is the best agent that USA and ISRAEL can wish for....

Hosni Mubarak, Mouammar Al-Qazzafi, El Assad family, King Abdullah Ibn el Hussein, Bou Taflika, Zein el 3abideen bin Ali, the Al-SAUD, the GCC tribes
and before them Saddam Hussein...

Hosni Moubarak will not last one day in power in Egypt without full protection by CIA on a daily basis for decades.....same goes for the AL-ASSAD Mafiosi assassins......

who is better than Bashar for Israel/USA? oukhwan el moslimeen/Muslim brootherhood...?Who is better than Hosni Moubarak now and later his son,is it the oukhwen el moslimeen/Muslim Brootherhood....? who is better than King Abdullah,is it the extremist Palestinians who are 80% of the population in Jordan? they have Bashar who is their real pussy, who is better than him when it comes to shut up on an occupied land for 30 years,who is better than him to hide when Israeli F-16 bomb next to his presidential palace,who is better than him to keep the financial and military assistance pouring from the USA to Israel by backing HA with full cooperation with CIA for decades.....?

The Golan heights were SOLD and paid for by ISRAEL to the Al-ASSAD dictatorship for decades......

Amma wa qad ba3oo el Joulan birommatihi, w qabado min thamanihi ajma3, ayn el 3ouroobati w honaka fil sahra2 3arabiyyon yaqba3, 3afwan sayyidati Feyrouz ajras el 3awdati lan taqra3....

Syria not Lebanon is the Creation of the Sikes-Picot Agreement

Lebanon has been hit by an actual devastating curse since it became an independent country within its current borders in 1920. This curse is embodied in the avarice, envy, detachment from reality and hatred arising from neighboring, Syria, many of whose politicians, rulers and intellectuals have failed to date to accept the solid reality of Lebanon’s entity, distinguishable identity sovereignty and independence. 

They have angrily and vengefully alleged for years - without any actual historical or geographical facts - that Lebanon is a part of their country. All Lebanon’s major and shocking problems during the last 70 years have invariably stemmed from this Syrian falsehood, a delusion which they concocted. Syrian officials and politicians seek every opportunity to loudly and brazenly proclaim this false allegation.

The latest mockery in this ongoing Syrian soap opera appeared in the contents of a very sinister op-ed that was published in the Saudi daily, Al Riyadh, on 12/10/09 and then reproduced on 14/10/09 in the Syrian government-run mouthpiece, Al Wattan, in which the argument was made for re-uniting Syria and Lebanon into the romantic entity that many Arab nationalists have salivated over for decades.

The Saudi journalist apologized two days after the publication of his opinion in Al Wattan on the basis that he was mistaken in both perception and expression. Al Wattan did not publish his apology. In his opinion he had uttered what the Syrians have been rhetorically parroting since 1916: “that Lebanon was the creation of the Sikes-Picot Agreement of 1916 through which France and the UK with the assent of Russia stripped it from Syria.”

It is really annoying and boring that we the Lebanese should live with this ongoing, shameful and deliberate Syrian twisting of the facts. They gave themselves a political historical identity that does not in reality exist and endeavor to impose their mockeries through propaganda that intends to stir emotions, but is devoid of all the required actual historical and geographical basis and facts.

A thorough review of the Sikes-Picot Agreement of 1916 that was reached between France and the UK with the approval of Russia negates all the Syrian allegations and unveils their lies. France and the UK which occupied most of the Middle Eastern countries in World War I divided among themselves the responsibilities and influence in these countries. Syria and Lebanon were among these countries. Their deal was known as the Sikes-Picot Agreement. Meanwhile, the League of Nations acknowledged the contents of this agreement in April 1922.

For the Syrians to reject the Sikes-Picot Agreement simply shows that they are actually rejecting the existence of their own state. One might comprehend from such a naive stance of rejection that the Syrians would prefer to go back to the Ottoman era and its provincial system. 

That obsolete system offered as its top position a wali (local governor) instead of an Ottoman ruler. It also indicated that France and the UK dismantled certain existing Arab states to establish artificial ones, like the current Republic of Syria.

In fact, there was an Arabic plan to establish one big strong Arab State, but it did not take place for many reasons stemming from the will of both ruling powers at that time, France and the UK. This fact was taken into consideration when the borders of the current Middle East countries were decided on and demarcated.

The best response to the nonsensical false Syrian allegation would be through displaying historical facts according to their chronology in a bid to put an end to this bold Syrian forgery of history.

First fact: Lebanon, both the distinguishable political identity and people, has expressed itself in many forms. Without dwelling deeply into Lebanon’s remote history, we know that it was an independent entity at least at the beginning of this century, more specifically, in 1517 at the beginning of the Ottoman era. During that era, Prince Fakher Eddine, known as Sultan Al-Baer (the master of the land), established the well-known Lebanese Maani Emirate.

Second fact: The Maani Emirate enjoyed self-autonomy, had its own army, as well as its own foreign independent relations. This Lebanese prince cut numerous accords with foreign countries and fought the Ottoman authorities to maintain a kind of independence. Meanwhile, the entire surrounding area, including the current state of Syria, were divided into provinces ruled directly by an Ottoman governor (wali). 

Third fact: Syria as it is known today has never been a politically independent entity. The name Syria was given by the Greeks to a geographical area located between the Dejla and Euphrates rivers and Phoenicia. Syria was not a name for a separate state.

Fourth fact: In year 1920 the Lebanese entity was recognized as an existing state, and not as a newly established one. At that time the existing borders of the Lebanese Emirate were taken into consideration when the current Lebanese State borders were demarcated. The Lebanese regions that were annexed to the neighboring provinces were returned to the State of Lebanon.

Fifth fact: During that era the current geographical Syria was divided into four small provinces: the Alawi province, the Druze province, the Damascus province and the province of Aleppo. The same status prevailed until 1925 when the province of Damascus was integrated with that of Aleppo and both were given the name of the State of Syria. The four provinces were joined together in 1939 and called the Syrian Republic. The UN recognized this newly established republic in 1941 after it was liberated from the French Vichy troops.

Sixth fact: The current Syrian Republic is a product of the Sikes-Picot Agreement, and with the French occupation and the League of Nations the current Syria would have remained divided into four provinces fighting each other. 

Seventh fact: One doubts very much that Syrian Alawi Baathist officials are not fully aware of the French documents that exhibit plainly the Alawi’s stance in calling for an independent Alawi State. These officials are definitely fully aware of the names of the Alawi leaders who signed the documents.

Accordingly, based on these facts we can conclude that Syria and not Lebanon is a fake country created by the Sikes-Picot Agreement. Meanwhile, Lebanon is a country deeply rooted in ancient history, the earliest documented records dating back at least 7000 years.

Three quotations from the Bible (Old Testament) show with no shred of a doubt that Lebanon was throughout all historical eras recognized as a distinguishable entity. Even its borders are mentioned:

*Judges 3:3: “…the five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites who lived on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal Hermon to the entrance of Hamath.”

*Song of Solomon 4/7 &8: “You are all beautiful, my love. There is no spot in you. Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon. Look from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards.”

*Joshua 13/5-7 “…and the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal Gad under Mount Hermon to the entrance of Hamath; all the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, even all the Sidonians; them will I drive out from before the children of Israel: only allocate it to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded you. Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh.”

The Syrians’ objection and rejection of the outcome of the Sikes-Picot Agreement is a mere empty propaganda tactic, and in case they are not happy with it, the Syrian Baathist regime will have to revert to its previous system of four provinces and dismantle the current Syrian state.

The core of the problem with Syria lies in the fact that its Baathist regime is oppressing and impoverishing its own people and depriving them of democracy and all kinds of freedoms. By publicly airing such baseless emotional strife with its neighbors, this regime strives to cover up all its hardships and failures and attribute to the Sikes-Picot Agreement, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, etc… It blames everyone else, but never recognizes its disastrous self-inflicted failures in all domains.

The Syrian killer regime has always been about dictatorial rule and has been camouflaging its evil axis of conduct and practices with a fake national ideology which in reality is no more than a set of empty, deceptive rhetorical slogans, and the allegation that Lebanon is a part of Syria is one of them....


A hollow national ethos after HK...
“A phenomenon noticeable throughout history…is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests.”
A functioning state requires a coherent political community and effective political institutions. These factors unite the citizenry, earn its loyalty, nurture patriotism, and shape a shared vision of the body politic as a legitimate focus for a common vision of the country. Lebanon failed fatally in this task....

Thought crime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for awhile…but sooner or later they were bound to get you.” George Orwell, 1984.

The fact is we are witnessing an all-out drive to impose thought control that seeks to ban the ability—the right—to think or speak for one’s self. Thinking is becoming a crime.” (Globally Acceptable Truth and the Crime of Thinking, .....)

Note: Obviously, Al-Jazeera is FULLY cooperating with US Intelligence, especially the DIA and FDDC skunks, hence they are deliberately removing content...dictated by the Pentagon and CIA and others, the last link has been removed by the cowards and traitors of Al-Jazeera and the Hamad dynasty of thugs.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Barack Hussein OBAMA is a pathological liar and does not deserve any honors

Barack Hussein OBAMA is a pathological liar and does not deserve any honors........ Those who profess their adherence to "progressive" values such as peace, justice, liberty, equality and truth would serve their cause better by focusing on the essential nature of a system that eviscerates those values, and on the actual operations of power, the crimes and atrocities being committed by the actual wielders and servants of power, instead of mocking people for "throwing fits" and being "puerile" when they denounce the system's leaders for leading the nation deeper and deeper into evil....

It is nevertheless shocking that in all the up is down confusing false paradigms, Obama has truly managed to be the worst lying civil-liberties-killing, spy-and-police-state-running totalitarian warmongering Ziofascist neocon of them all.... A rather stunning accomplishment, having outneoconned the biggest neocon ghoulss we have known thus far.... Perhaps his first real accomplishment to date.

Remember this piece of his speech? "Words".

Obama: Words Yes, words. That is all he ever had to offer. Just words..... Words to create euphoria, lofty hopes and promises of change, words to unite, words to seduce, words to forgive, words to promise, words to enchant, words to make us feel good about ourselves and our country again, words to turn up into down and confuse left with right. Just words.....

He has run out of words, ...... And what is left of him now? All he ever had was words. He gave us words and he took what was left of us and he left not a dime in change....

Seestan Tragedy and Our Deplorable Neglect

U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group...


Listen up Howdy Doody; you’re a waste of carbon, oxygen and water, not to mention space. You’re a low-down, snake-eyed liar and a paid political whore for the nastiest psychopaths on the planet. I understand you wouldn’t be president otherwise but that doesn’t justify it. I remember little things that clued me early on. I remember Warren Buffet being in your corner and then I remembered Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild meeting with Schwarzenegger. I remember little things and vague associations across time. I also remember the things people say because I actually listen to them.

As soon as I saw you, my first thought was, “there goes a cool cucumber of a long tall drink of water from the Lincoln Reflecting Pool, minus the Lincoln”. You reminded me of one of those Chicago Pimps without the leopard skin coat. Politics is a world of strange contradictions. That’s how you can be both a pimp and a whore at the same time and have it make perfect sense.

I know there are those who will say it’s a big job being president of, the soon to no longer be, the most powerful nation on Earth. Maybe that’s why people can imagine that a lot of what gets done there isn’t your decision. However, I know the impact the president can have on policy and I also know that even with powerful opposition, the president can stand for the right thing.

You were elected on the platform of ‘hope and change’. Hope’s a hard thing to kill because it will remain as long as fools can dream. The only change I’ve seen is that you’ve expanded the theater of the conflicts you swore to end. I’m especially intrigued about your hypocrisy over the Guantanamo detainees. Any one who wants to, knows that most of those people were kidnapped and sold by opportunistic warlords and, since 9/11 was done by the former administration, in tandem with Israel, there are no other 9/11 terrorists.

Hi-ranking members of the CIA have gone on record that there is no Al Qaeda. That’s what makes hiring Blackwater to kill Al Qaeda operatives so damned ironic. If there’s no Al Qaeda, and there is no Al Qaeda, then it must mean that someone other than Al Qaeda is being killed all along. Since Bin Laden’s been dead for years, the constant mention of his name every time you need to scare the public is also pretty low down. I realize that it is the Israeli controlled press that is responsible for this, just as I am certain that Israel controls everything you say and do. It’s got to be a hard thing for the black people to have come so far from slavery only to have one of their own become president and then sell his ass to the descendents of those who operated many of the slave ships AND the slum housing AND the pawn shops AND the liquor stores AND the film industry that portrayed them as Stepin Fetchits and google-eyed retards for such a long time. That’s pretty cold, Mr. President. That’s pretty cold.

Let’s be perfectly clear here, all the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job that was accomplished by elements in the American and Israeli governments. The beneficiaries of the attack have been fascist elements of the American government and Israel. All the conflicts that followed were orchestrated by dual national Zio-cons in key positions in government and the corporate and media realms. The looming assault on Iran is being drummed up by the same elements. Israel, who does possess nuclear weapons, is in violation of all the things they are demanding from Iran. Iran is not in violation of all the things that Israel and the Israeli-occupied American governments are demanding from them.

So, consider this Mr. President, if your Zionist occupied government in tandem with Israel, carried out the 9/11 attacks; then for what reason have millions been murdered and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and now Pakistan? For what reason are all these people dying? If they have no association with 9/11 and the only acts they are committing are in defense of their nation against a pernicious invader then they are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters.

If the Taliban successfully stopped the opium production in Afghanistan why is it now more abundant than at any time in history? Why is this now being blamed on the Taliban who stopped it in the first place?

Now your government is pulling out all the stops to sink the Goldstone Report. Who owns your ass Mr. President?

You’re pounding the pavement for a comprehensive American health plan. Behind the scenes you are cutting deals with the pharmaceutical industry and the rest of the vultures that have kept affordable health care out of America all these years while most every other country has one. I realize the title of this post is misleading by omission. You’re not just a liar as we can see.

Your country’s economy is crashing around your ears. Madness is already surfacing on your streets. As the winter of American discontent comes lurching through the mist of global cooling, accelerating heating costs and the impact on every other area of the American economy is going to ignite the public rage and… perhaps that will keep them warm, Mr. President?

You gave all their money to the bankers who caused the problems in the first place. One of the things that amaze me is the resilience of the hope so many of your people have placed in you. It appears they are a nation of confused children and I suppose that makes you Gary Glitter.

During the rule of your predecessor, FEMA concentration camps were built across the nation and constitutional rights were dismantled and done away with. Gratuitous wars based on transparent lies were initiated in foreign lands and then you were elected to put things right …and you have allowed all of these things to continue …and then some. So why are you here really? You’re here to take it to the next step. You’re here to set the forces in motion that make the next step necessary. You and your policies and sycophants, at the behest of the psychopaths who own you, are here to instigate the conditions which make that next step unavoidable.

It’s not going to fly Mr. President. All across the course of history, one demagogue and madman after another has attempted to rule the world and they never pulled it off. You won’t either. What we are witnessing is not the final stages of a long sought after fait accompli. What we are witnessing is a cosmic, morality play with you and your associates as the object lessons.

What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them? Is it materialism and convenience that weakened their spine? Are there hidden technical or magical forces being directed at them? Is it some combination of many things, or is it just human nature? I don’t know. I see what I see and one of the things I see is you. I see right through you because you aren’t even there. You are composed of colorful smoke that dances before the terrible image of the beast that squats behind you.

Listen up; you would be prison wardens of the planet entire. Your house of cards is set to tumble. The dominoes tremble as the Earth moves beneath them. I won’t ask you to see the light and change your ways. This is not something you are inclined or prepared to do. I will say only this to you, watch and see the fearsome destiny that awaits the perennial scoundrels who prey upon their fellows. Watch and see.

....There is something very wrong with the present geopolitical picture.

I am not a historian but even I can see there is something very, very wrong with the world today 2009-10-18.

The three headed beast in our world is: 1) the UK-based Rothschilds and the international banking cartel who seek a new world order which seeks Orwellian control over every person alive, 2) the American industrial-military complex's attempt to hegemony over the whole world, and, 3) Zionist Israel's criminal activities to control those who make all laws everywhere.

This three-headed beast is the real "axis of evil" in our world.

Which is the most evil part is open to academic discussion, but together they are bringing to a certain end the world as we know it.

Orwell's 1984 is just a few years late in becoming a manifest truth. It is becoming de facto right before our eyes.

In early tribal times of mankind, wars were fought over water holes. One tribe would attack and kill another tribe in order to take over their water source.

We have evolved in weaponry but the modus operandi is the same. Our tribe (western "civilization") is going to attack and kill another tribe (Iran) in order to steal their oil source.

The MSM is spinning a story about nuclear bombs but this is just smoke and mirrors to obfuscate the truth that we are barbarically about to kill and pillage a peaceful tribe because they have a commodity we want.

As Les Visible keeps on affirming, this attempted murder and theft of their oil wells is NOT going to go according to the three-headed beast's plan. Karma (big, big time) is going to meet the aggressors (us).

Russia, China and many other countries who are aware of the Rothschilean hegemonial kabalic plan for this murder and theft are going to respond in defense of the victims (Iran) and thwart the beast's attempt to murder and pillage a peaceful tribe.

We who sit at our laptops are on the wrong side of justice and soon history. We will incur the same fate as our aggressing brothers....

Silence is acquiescence. And despite our miles of words condemning what is about to happen we are still letting it occur, making us complicit and accountable for what is about to happen.

There is something very wrong with this picture and we are unfortunately on the wrong side of the looking glass....

Obama Steers Toward Endless War With Islam

In just over 100 days, President Obama is on the verge
of ensuring that militant Islam's war on America will be
waged for decades to come and its forces will never suffer
manpower or money shortages. How did he accomplish so
much in some little time? He simply behaved as all U.S.
political leaders behave; that is, as an ignorant and
arrogant interventionist.

Let us take the ignorant part first. Since Jan. 20, Obama
and his band of Israel-Firsters have shown the Muslim world
? moderate, conservative, radical, and fanatic ? that
George W. Bush was no one-off fluke, that Democrats intend
to wage war on Islam just like the Republicans. How so?
Well, look at Obama's decisions and actions. They can only
be explained by accepting that the new president is
ignorant of our Islamist foes, either by choice or because
the ability to read is not required to graduate at Harvard.

For 13 years, Osama bin Laden, his lieutenants, their
allies, and numerous anti-Islamist commentators across
the Middle East have patiently, repeatedly, and explicitly
explained to the bipartisan U.S. governing elite and its
media and academic acolytes that the Islamists attacking
America do not give a tinker's damn about its lifestyle,
liberties, freedoms, or elections. Orally and in print,
U.S. leaders have been told what motivates the Islamists'
war on America is the U.S. government's foreign policies
in the Muslim world. Foremost among these are U.S. support
for Muslim tyrannies, the U.S. military's presence in
Muslim lands, and unqualified U.S. support for Israel.

And what have Obama and his advisers done with this
excellent intelligence about enemy motivation, which,
by the way, comes straight from the horse's mouth? Well,
they clearly ignored it, and by deciding to operate in an
intelligence-free environment Obama has acted in a way
that will intensify and prolong the Islamists' war against
the United States. How so?

- On the tyranny front, Obama chose to go to Turkey for his
first visit to the Muslim world. That country is formally
governed by an Islamic party, but it is actually ruled by
a thoroughly Westernized general staff ready to pounce on
and dismantle the Islamic regime if its gets too religious-
ly ambitious. Needless to say, Turkey is regarded by many
Muslims as having long ago sold its Islamic soul by joining
the "Christian" NATO alliance.

- Obama then proceeded to acknowledge America's oil
vassalage to Saudi Arabia when, on being introduced, he
bowed to Saudi King Abdullah, the master of the Saudi
police state. The president also chose to speak his first
televised words to Muslims in an interview on al-Arabiya
television, the mouthpiece of the Saudi tyranny.

- Obama next said that he will go to Egypt to address
Muslims in a speech he promised during the presidential
campaign. This visit will show Obama prating about the
glories of secular democracy and the peacefulness of
Islam while standing cheek-by-jowl with Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak, chief warden of the Muslim world's premier
police state.

- On the military side, Obama has announced plans to send
21,000 more U.S. troops to what Muslims call "the defiant
land of jihad, Afghanistan." The arrival of those troops ?
too few to win but enough to slow our defeat ? will be
portrayed by al-Jazeera, the BBC, and especially the
Saudis' anti-American shills at al-Arabiya as a brutal
re-invasion of Afghanistan.

- Obama was silent while Israel invaded and wrecked Gaza
last winter; has appointed an IDF veteran as his chief of
staff ? think of the espionage potential in that move;
has watched the proliferation of Israeli settlements; and
has re-imposed sanctions on Syria and kept war with Iran
on the front burner. His Justice Department has also
exempted from prosecution Israel-First Americans and
their agents in the Congress.

Like former president Bush, then, Obama has kept himself
ignorant of the Islamists' motivation and is playing
directly into their hands; indeed, bin Laden, with all his
road-building skills, could not pave a smoother path to
hell for America. In taking this tack, Obama also displays
the abiding arrogance that permeates our governing elite,
an attitude that causes them to believe that both Muslims
and Americans are stupid. If you doubt this, listen to the
sophomoric words of White House Press Secretary Robert
Gibbs as he tries to make sure that no one looks behind
the curtain of Mubarak's tyranny when Obama speaks in

"[T]his isn't a speech to leaders. This is a speech to
many, many people and a continuing effort by this president
and this White House to demonstrate how we can work
together to ensure the safety and security and the future
well-being through hope and opportunity of the children of
this country and of the Muslim world."

Well, Mr. Gibbs, as one of Obama's predecessors once said,
you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Elected
on a pledge to end Bush's wars, Obama has instead ensured
their extension by actions sure to further inflame
Islamists and, indeed, most Muslims governed by royal,
military, or elected-for-life tyrants. As it becomes clear
that Obama's administration is miring America deeper in
a war with Islam that benefits only Israel, he and his
advisers will repeat the mantra long intoned by Israeli
politicians: "We tried our best to better relations with
Islam, but we were rebuffed and so now Americans must
soldier on in endless wars." This will be a lie. Obama
may use softer rhetoric, but he is loyal to the status
quo interventionism Washington practices no matter which
party holds power.

The only redeeming aspect of Obama's 100-plus-day foreign-
policy debacle is that his deceit is about played out. He
will fool no Muslims. His courting of Westernized Turkish
generals, bowing to King Abdullah, and joining Mubarak in
a cheer for freedom will tell Muslims all they need to know
about U.S. intentions in their region. Likewise, Obama's
expanding war in Afghanistan and his kowtowing to Israel
and American Israel-Firsters will give the lie to his claim
that Washington is now an honest broker in the Middle East.

Americans will be slower off the mark than Muslims, but
they will soon see that Democrats share the Republicans'
eagerness to wage unnecessary wars at the cost of their
children and taxes. The inevitable need for more troops
and money to stave off U.S. defeat in Afghanistan, the
increased Islamist attacks on U.S. interests at home and
abroad, and ? most of all ? the unraveling of "success"
in Iraq (which, in turn, will prevent a U.S. withdrawal
that would be lethal to Israel) will be seen by Americans
for what they are: the price of an ignorant, arrogant
interventionism that is ruining not only America's economy
and domestic cohesion, but their kids' future prosperity
and security. At this point, a long overdue foreign-policy
debate can begin. It will give Americans a last chance to
realign the republic's foreign policy with the tenets of
Washington's Farewell Address and, in so doing, forever
break the corrupting power of the Israel-Firsters,
individuals who Washington uncannily described in 1796 as
"ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens... [who] betray
or sacrifice the interests of their own country."

Pray to God this occurs before a cynical, racist Benjamin
Netanyahu presents Obama with a fait accompli that drags
300 million Americans into Israel's war against Iran......

There was a better voice than that of George F. Kennan who described what America’s foreign policy should rightfully and forever be – it was the voice of John Q. Adams. Read carefully his words of eternal wisdom: “wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart (the heart of the American people and their government), her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.”
“She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force.... She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.... America's glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is the march of the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is, Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been her Declaration: this has been, as far as her necessary intercourse with the rest of mankind would permit, her practice.” The founders of America, though they were imperfect, were truly wise, just and honorable men when compared to that abominable and criminal gang of warmongering liars, thieves and murderers who rule over us today. The foreign policy road our present day "leaders" have chosen is the road that leads us all to hell.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

U.S. game plan for South Asia, the greater Middle East, then China and India in 2015.....and the World at large, is thousands of Tribes with Flags

U.S. game plan for South Asia, the greater Middle East, then China and India in 2015.....and the World at large, is thousands of Tribes with Flags: prepare for new "Stans"... and anything goes, from religious to ethnic wars and from sectarian to tribal warfare , all dirty means will be employed by CIA to attain such goals...


Lebanon is in dire need of radical changes if it is to reverse the process of fragmentation and ultimately dissolution that it is embarked on.
These changes must start with the citizen who is to show loyalty to a Lebanese project and hold his elected officials accountable. No system can survive , or thrive without accountability.
Lebanon is also badly in need of responsible viable journalism that is not only mouth pieces for the various factions. The press in Lebanon does not inform, lead or educate. It simply contributes to the polarization...
"دور المسيحيين في بناء الدولة"

مستذكرا ما قاله البطريرك يوحنا مارون سنة 678:" إن جبل لبنان هو مساحة حرية وبالتالي هو موطن لجميع الراغبين بالعيش الكريم الحر وموطن التلاقي بين الثقافات والأديان، ورسالته أمس واليوم وغدا هي الحوار والإنفتاح والعيش بأخوة تحقيقا لحضارة المحبة التي تدعو إليها المسيحية كما يدعو إليها جميع أصحاب الإرادات الطيبة والنوايا الحسنة من جميع الديانات والمذاهب.

إن المسيحيين في لبنان كما في العالم، يؤمنون بالنظام الديموقراطي لأنه يسمح للمواطن بالمشاركة في الحكم والخيارات المصيرية ويضمن للشعب حقه باختيار ممثليه والرقابة عليهم ومن ثم محاسبتهم. غير أن الكنيسة لا تقبل بأن تتسلم السلطة ولو ديموقراطيا، جماعة لا تحترم رأي المواطنين ولا تحفظ حقوقهم، وتستغل المناصب من أجل المكاسب الخاصة ماديا أو عقائديا. فالديموقراطية الحقة تنطلق من المفهوم الصحيح للشخص البشري ولكرامته وحقوقه النابعة من هذه الكرامة الآتية من كون الإنسان صورة الله. ولأن الديموقراطية الحقة لا تأتي من احترام شكلي لما تنص عليه الأعراف والقوانين بل تأتي من القناعة الراسخة بان القيم والفضائل هي المنطلق الحقيقي لمبادىء الديموقراطية، وهذه القيم هي: كرامة الشخص البشري، إحترام حقوق الإنسان، أولوية الخير العام واعتباره هاجس السلطة الأول من أجل نجاح النظام الديموقراطي. وإذا ابتعدت الديموقراطية عن هذه الأسس تحولت إلى ديكتاتورية بلباس ديموقراطي، وغرقت في النسبية الأخلاقية التي تنفي وجود مقاييس وثوابت يبنى عليها نجاح الحكم.

أن من أخطر ما يتعرض له النظام الديموقراطي هو الفساد والإفساد في إدارة الشأن العام، لأن الفساد يخالف المبادىء الأخلاقية ويقوض أسس العدالة، ويقطع العلاقة الحسنة بين الحاكم والمحكوم، ويولد نفورا بل كرها عند المواطنين للمؤسسات الرسمية ومن يعمل فيها ومن يحمي مخالفاتهم المفضوحة.

Obviously the state also needs national political parties that can appeal to a wide cross section of Lebanese. and last but not least we need a national constitutional conference so that once and for all we can adopt a constitution that represents our aspirations as a free, sovereign independent people, a constitution that I hope will abolish sectarianism, and erect either a strong Presidential system or a parliamentarian one but definitely to abolish the current hybrid that we have.
I can go on and on but these steps should suffice for starters....

We are led to believe that life is an outworking of every man for himself. Life is at its most efficient when we operate to the benefit of all. Benefit naturally accrues to us when we do. It is the way we go that determines the end we arrive at. Let’s give more thought to what we inherently know to be true than to what we are told. We are working against our own best interest most of the time by emulating those who have worked to make us believe what is contrary to the good of us all for the benefit of those who rob and deceive us by tricking us into behaving like them.......

A former U.S. government expert on South Asia who spoke to WMR on the condition of anonymity, has warned that the U.S. government's initial support for Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his Pashtun minority oligarchy in Afghanistan, is doomed to Balkanize both Afghanistan and Pakistan, which also has a significant Pashtun minority.

It is noteworthy that President Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan is Richard Holbrooke, one of the primary architects of the Balkanization of Yugoslavia into seven independent states. Holbrooke is believed to be preparing the groundwork for a similar Balkanization of Afghanistan and Pakistan, a move that will have far-reaching consequences throughout Asia and the Middle East.

The expert, fluent in Urdu, the major language of Pakistan; Dari, a major language in Afghanistan, Pashto, the dominant language of Afghanistan, and Farsi, the major language of Iran, fought constantly with the neo-conservatives in the Bush administration, including the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment officials Andrew Marshall and Harold Rhode, over their unbridled backing for Karzai and his Pashtuns in the wake of 9/11. That backing, said the expert, created hostility between the United States and the other ethnic minorities in Afghanistan -- the Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Shi'a Hazaras.

What may emerge from a Balkanized Afghanistan and Pakistan are at least seven new nations, with the possibility of additional smaller statelets. When Yugoslavia was under Josip Tito, it was inconceivable at the time that seven independent nations would emerge from the nation. However, after Holbrooke and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright were finished waging their Balkans Wars and George W. Bush continued their policy,the world saw the emergence of Slovenia; Croatia; the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina - itself comprised of Bosnian Muslim, Croatian, and Serbian sub-entities; the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo.

What may emerge from the ashes of Afghanistan and Pakistan are some eight new nations, with Punjabistan in Pakistan with control of that nation's nuclear arsenal. Just as Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine came under heavy pressure from both Moscow and Washington to give up their Soviet nuclear arsenals, an independent Punjabistan, with its capital in Islamabad and nuclear weapons research center in nearby Kahuta, will be pressed hard by Washington, New Delhi, Moscow, Beijing -- and behind-the-scenes, Israel -- to do the same.

Just as map makers had a rough time keeping up with changes in Europe and central Asia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, they may, once again, find themselves redrawing maps of South Asia.

Pashtunistan, straddling the Afghan-Pakistani border, with its capital in Kabul and second city in Peshawar, would likely emerge first with a protracted and deadly civil war, a la Yugoslavia, determining final borders with the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, and Turkmen. Smaller statelets like Nuristan, Pashaistan, and Gilakistan may emerge from the failed state in the same manner that the small states of Montenegro and Kosovo emerged from Yugoslavia.

On the Pakistani side, Baluchistan, comprising southern Pakistan, parts of southern Afghanistan, and with irredentist designs on Iranian Baluchistan, would become independent but as a virtual vassal state of the United Arab Emirates, which has tremendous financial interest in the region. The Sindhis would see the creation of Sindhu Desh with its capital in Pakistan's largest city, Karachi. The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) would be incorporated into Pashtunistan. Gilgit-Baltistan, in the eastern Himalayas and which never considered itself part of Pakistan, could go it alone as a remote mini-state like Bhutan and the former independent Kingdom of Sikkim, on the Sino-Indian border.

That leaves Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, which could find itself up for grabs as India would seek to unite it with primarily-Muslim Jammu and Kashmir where there is an independence movement that wants to break with New Delhi and create an independent nation.

Already, the Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has been caught supplying explosives to Baluci separatists in Pakistan via shipments of "humanitarian" relief supplies to Afghanistan by the Indian Border Roads Organisation. RAW has also reportedly penetrated the Sindh separatist movement in and around Karachi. Israel's Mossad is, according to some reports, assisting RAW with signals intelligence, disinformation campaigns aimed at Pakistan and its ethnic minorities, and cross-border infiltration of agents. The United States is suspected of supporting Baluchis via weapons provided by NATO-equipped fghan army elements.

The "creative destruction" policy used by Holbrooke and company in Yugoslavia may still see a future in Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, it is a future that will see bloody civil wars over control of territory and resources before the final borders are stabilized.

Once the only nuclear weapons in possession of a Muslim counry are wrested from the control of the Punjabis, the Balkanizers can be expected to look west to a country that has already been subjected to ethnic pressures from the United States and Israel -- Iran. An independent Baluchistan in Pakistan would be the first step in softening up southeastern Iran, the home to a large ethnic Baluchi minority.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Cheney assassination team involved Pentagon chain of command

Final comment: More demands will naturally follow to empower this banana republic dictatorship disguised as the new "American Socialism...."

Cheney assassination team involved Pentagon chain of command

Pentagon officials revealed important details of Vice President Dick Cheney's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) assassination at a Special Operation/Low Intensity Conflict (SOLIC) conference in Arlington, Virginia just weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Reporting to the Pentagon's Undersecretary for Plans and Policy Douglas Feith, the assassination team was known as "Black Special Operations Forces" or "Black SOF" and the assassination team were part of a group responsible for "special programs," according to information revealed at the conference sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)....

The special hit squads used by Cheney were part of a Bush White House program, initiated by the neo-conservative cell in the Pentagon around Feith and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz that, according to Pentagon officials consciously shifted policy "to the right." The policy, known as "defensive intervention," gave the U.S. military the authorization to pursue targets for the defense of the country. The actual implementer of the Cheney policy was Robert Andrews, the then-Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for SOLIC, who stated in his remark on February 11, "the U.S. must take quick action against likely sponsors of terrorists . . . without waiting for a basis of legal evidence." Andrews also stated that the standing orders for JSOC and SOF personnel were to "take asymmetric warfare into the heart of terrorism and destroy it."

Andrews also stated that "targeted assassinations" were one means for defensive intervention. He declared, "If I could take out Saddam Hussein, I'd do it. My Secretary wouldn't let me do it, but I'd do it." At the time, the assassination of the foreign leader such as Hussein was prohibited by Executive Order 12333, which bans such actions against foreign political leaders.

Andrews revealed the reason that SOF personnel were used by the Cheney team to carry out assassinations was because they could easily get into otherwise denied areas under the aegis of "training" and "counter-narcotics" programs. He cited the example of Uzbekistan as one country where U.S. SOF forces operated more or less freely after 9/11. Andrews added that SOF were "sources for collecting intelligence in host countries" and that "training contacts are fungible, we can use them for counter-narcotics but for 'other things,' as well." Andrews also stated that counter-narcotics "played a big role in the Summer [0f 2002] allowing us to go in." He revealed that SOF personnel were active in Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador in the Summer of 2002 and that they did "other things." Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez narrowly escaped a coup against him in April 2002 that was supported by U.S. SOF teams.

The Pentagon's Joint Combined Education and Training (JCET) program gave the JSOC Special Forces team carrying out "defensive intervention" access to 59 countries under the cover of 139 "training missions." Detainee operations in Guantanamo and other detention centers were also part of the JSOC/SOF mandate.

Much of the defensive intervention strategy originated with the contractor Booz Allen and was part of a larger "strategic psychological operations" program initiated by the Pentagon. Under the umbrella of "influence operations," the program also targeted, according to one Pentagon consultant, "activists, anarchists, as well as opportunists" as the new terrorists. Specifically, animal rights and environmental activists were cited in the "activist" category. Infuence operations were green-lighted by both Cheney and President George W. Bush. Bush justified the program to Pentagon officials by saying "we're bringing justice to the terrorists."

SOF personnel charged with assassinating suspected terrorists also operated in the Philippines in 2002 as part of Operation Balikatan, a joint operation with Philippines Special Operations personnel.

The JSOC/SOF personnel reportedly operated in sensitive locations abroad, including Bosnia. Personnel possessed Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information clearances and access for the Cheney-Wolfowitz-Feith "defensive intervention" program.

Pentagon officials also revealed that SOF personnel operated domestically under statute granted in the USA PATRIOT Act known as "consequence management."

JSOC/SOF also maintained a "less-than-lethal" program of using against their targets "pepper spray projectiles, ring-shaped rubber bullets, electro-static devices to immobilize vehicles, electro-magnetic devices to disable automobile electronics, light scattering particles to confuse crowds, and electro-shocking devices to immobilize crowds." It was conceded that the electric discharge devices could also immobilize pacemakers and aircraft, which could have lethal consequences.

Although the CIA claims it kept a wary distance from the Cheney assassination program, there was two countries where the CIA directly funded an assassination in the waning days of the Clinton administration, an indication that at least part of the Cheney program was already in existence prior to his entering office....One is in Lebanon, where a black operations team was working hard to assassinate Mr. Elie Hobeika since 1997.... Shortly before the January 2001 assassination of Congolese President Laurent Kabila in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one State Department witness at the U.S. embassy in Kinshasa personally saw large sums of cash arriving at the CIA station at the embassy said to be used for a "special operation." Four days before Cheney's inauguration as Vice President, Kabila was gunned down in a palace coup....

Most people could be forgiven for being unfamiliar with JSOC. The Joint Special Operations Command is part of the U.S. military's Special Operations Command, for which it oversees certain special operations. Established in 1980 following the unsuccessful rescue of American hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, it has remained an obscure and secretive corner of the military's hierarchy. But JSOC has enjoyed a rapid expansion of authority and notoriety beginning in the latter years of the Bush administration. Under President Obama, JSOC appears to be playing an increasingly prominent role in national security, counter-terrorism and the war in Afghanistan. If Obama's first ten months in office are any indication, it may not be so obscure for long.

A series of reports has shown JSOC taking on greater responsibility, especially in areas traditionally covered by the CIA. As recently as this weekend, The New York Times
reported a secret "black jail" facility run by "military Special Operations" in Afghanistan. Descriptions of the detention center are strikingly similar to those of CIA "black sites," which Obama ordered closed in his first week in office. In Pakistan, JSOC reportedly runs a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle, or predator drone) program that rivals or exceeds that of the CIA. It may even be responsible for many of the UAV strikes attributed to the CIA. An unnamed military intelligence official told The Nation's Jeremy Scahill, "So when you see some of these hits, especially the ones with high civilian casualties, those are almost always JSOC strikes." The New Yorker's Seymour Hersh reported that the task of securing Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, should it be compromised by extremists, falls to JSOC.

The military at large has also felt the growing influence of JSOC. Indeed, General Stanley McChrystal, now the top military commander in Afghanistan, led JSOC from 2003 to 2008. McChrystal's
extensive special operations in Iraq, credited as crucial in the country's stabilization, earned both him and JSOC wide support in the military and in Washington. In his high-powered role in Afghanistan, McChrystal is increasingly turning to his old command. Spencer Ackerman reports that JSOC's current leadership is "playing a large and previously unreported role in shaping the Obama administration's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy." That new influence includes strategic decision-making and direct involvement in the more traditional warfare conducted by the conventional military. Ackerman writes:
In his Afghanistan review, McChrystal said that a key goal for him would be to increase coordination between his NATO command and the independent command of JSOC, which suggested that the dichotomy between using Special Operations Forces for counterterrorism and conventional forces for counterinsurgency was eroding.
More evidence of the the growing special operations footprint can be found in the Special Operation Command's latest budgetary requests, which include 2,000 all-terrain vehicles and $7 million in training for handling detainees. All of which begs the question, Is JSOC an intelligence agency or a branch of the military? It is technically part of the military hierarchy, but its de facto status may be more complicated. Though it's unclear who JSOC currently reports to, it developed under McChrystal as a tool of the Bush White House. In a story on JSOC's contracting of private military firm Blackwater, Scahill quotes former Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell:
"What I was seeing was the development of what I would later see in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Special Operations forces would operate in both theaters without the conventional commander even knowing what they were doing." ... Wilkerson said that almost immediately after assuming his role at the State Department under Colin Powell, he saw JSOC being politicized and developing a close relationship with the executive branch. He saw this begin, he said, after his first Delta Force briefing at Fort Bragg. "I think Cheney and Rumsfeld went directly into JSOC. I think they went into JSOC at times, perhaps most frequently, without the SOCOM [Special Operations] commander at the time even knowing it. The receptivity in JSOC was quite good," says Wilkerson. "I think Cheney was actually giving McChrystal instructions, and McChrystal was asking him for instructions. ... At that point you had JSOC operating as an extension of the [administration] doing things the executive branch--read: Cheney and Rumsfeld--wanted it to do. This would be more or less carte blanche. You need to do it, do it."
It's hard to say exactly why JSOC's authority is being expanded so rapidly. It could be little more than internal politics. The CIA was widely disgraced by revelations that it was funding Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and a big player in the opium trade that indirectly funds the Taliban. The CIA has also been embattled in a politically contentious turf war with the Director of National Intelligence, as Marc reported. Or, McChrystal may simply be giving his former colleagues a leg up, or any number of back-room political machinations. But I have a hunch this bit from Scahill's story could have something to do with it:
The military intelligence source says that the CIA [predator drone] operations are subject to Congressional oversight, unlike the parallel JSOC bombings.
President Obama has had a tough time surrendering Bush-era executive powers on national security. The use of JSOC as an independent intelligence and military force run out of the White House and unconstrained by congressional oversight would be tough to resist for any president....