Saturday, March 28, 2009

“Liban : Miroir du monde, barometre moral de la Planete, Histoire d’une terre de Resistance à toutes les epreuves sanglantes et millenaires “

إنّ الطريق التي يسلكها السياسيون اللبنانيون راهناً هي أقصر طريق للوصول إلى جهنّم

أهمية تجسيد قول البابا يوحنا بولس الثاني عن لبنان الرسالة...
يطمح الى إقرار قانونٍ انتخابيٍ عصري يعتمد النسبية مع تكبير الدوائر، أن هكذا قانون يسهم بالغاء الطائفية حيث لا يعود الزعيم السياسي يبني حيثيته السياسية والشعبية على أساس خطابه الطائفي والمذهبي

Liban : Miroir du monde, barometre moral de la Planete, Histoire d’une terre de Resistance à toutes les epreuves sanglantes et millenaires

La spécificité tragique de l’histoire du Liban a fait que le Liban soit un pays qui véhicule des messages de Paix, de Liberté, de Justice, de tolerence, de foi inébranlable en dieu, de multiculturalisme, d'humilité, de résistance héroique et légendaire, d’Amour du prochain et de la Patrie.... C'est comme cela que nous vaincrons contre nous traverserons ensemble les turbulences inévitables à venir bientot...
Le Liban représente l'espoir pour que les valeurs des Lumières puissent triompher dans un monde empreint d'horreur et de cruauté... Le Liban demeure un exemple et un espoir pour ceux qui croient qu’il n’y a pas de fatalité à l’oppression, à l'hegémonie et à la guerre perpetuelle, ouverte ou clandestine du monde occidental, qui s'acharne pour dominer les resources naturelles partout, ainsi que tous les points de passage stratégiques et névralgiques pour le commerce mondial...tout en traversant une crise globale sans precedent.... à tous les égards....

Le Liban, en choisissant de considérer le fait religieux d'abord comme un ensemble de
traditions culturelles susceptibles de cohabiter dans le respect de la diversité, a favorisé
du même coup une vision humaniste, plurielle et enrichissante du fait religieux, permettant de faire coexister plus harmonieusement toutes les traditions concernées...

Pour ma part, j’ai une grande méfiance envers toute légitimité historique pour quelque endroit que ce soit, car en vérité il est presque possible de tout lui faire dire à condition de remonter assez loin.

De plus l’Histoire de l’humanité est faite de migrations.

Je me contente d’arguments à la fois plus sensibles et censés.

Les Libanais ont fait plus pour mettre leur terre en valeur en 90 ans, que les colonialistes ou turcs en 1300 ans.

C’est une société libre, démocratique, riche, respectueuse de l’individu et de son prochain, qui, de plus, bien que menacée en permanence par les criminels Zionisées d'IsraHell, est loin de répondre avec la force dont il serait capable, entre autre pour préserver les droits inalienables des Palestiniens meurtris par IsraHell et L'ouest Zionisé et criminel.

Et à la place de ça, on voudrait imposer une société islamique Zionisée au MENA et ailleurs avec une alliance avec les Zioconned Wahhabi, Salafists et Takfiri , rétrogrades, sans le moindre respect pour la vie humaine, vecteur de misère, de corruption et de guerre, pour satisfaire les besoins securitaires de IsraHell.... ?

Pour moi la légitimité est toute trouvée, c’est celle du bon sens Libanais pluraliste, de l’humanité et de la justice tout simplement....

We are in a war and in war truth no longer trumps vanquishing your enemy....

Mystifying your enemy takes place in every country in the world. Even in a country with the capabilities and reach of the US the fear of the “Muslim bogeyman” has reached irrational dimensions. And this irrationality goes beyond the average person, but permeates a large percentage of popular media and cultural institutions. And speaking of taboo, you will not find a more hush-hush subject than “Israel” and “Jew” here in the West. The real fear of being labeled anti-Semitic renders any discussion about the ME, especially when the discussion will necessarily involve criticism of Israeli actions, absurdly irrelevant. I think it is safe to say that in general, whether in Lebanon or the West, any person will shy away from being too open and critical of certain political subjects on account that a person “from the other side” maybe present. This goes to all political/societal groupings. But when one is in his/her own group the discussion can be much more honest, not only about distaste for the “enemy,” but also about one’s own group as well. I think people turn to blogs precisely because it is an anonymous affair, and it allows you to say your mind without having to worry about personal or professional repercussions....

We Lebanese have many issues. I think it all starts with the complete and utter lack of consideration we have for our fellow citizens. It only takes 10 minutes behind the wheel on the highways or any small road in the mountains.... to see this.

With regard to the Grand Theatre, … 7aram ya Beirut. Yet another public space meant for all being turned into a playground for the filthy rich.

You can see this everywhere you turn in Beirut. The beautiful old souks has turned into an open air mall with all the same luxury designer stores that you find in every other enclosed mall in the country. The supposedly public beaches turned into luxury clubs where a family of 4 must pay well over $100 to enjoy the Lebanese coast for a few hours – and while there try to avoid being killed by the douchebags on jetskis, Snowmobiles, huge trucks or SWVs....

I have been looking at business-decision making in Lebanon since I return here very regularly many times a year. I have not conducted a scientific test by any means, but have a ton of anecdotal evidence to show that the Lebanese make intuition-based decisions as opposed to data-based decisions. This pervades every facet of life, not just business. It’s silly the amount of waste due to really stupid or corrupt decision making.

This pile of dung called Lebanon needs to be fixed for Good.... As a development professional it’s sad to say that it can’t be fixed. Interests are too entrenched and Lebanese too self-centered to make anything good of it. Give it back to Switzerland and Germany......

About one of many situations in that small country that is being left alone to the corrupt few to take over the land in the name of Progress or in the name of Defending The Land… don’t miss understand me nothing is wrong with either, but Lebanon was and will always be these few trees, stones and pillars that attracted the world to come and visit. Not cabers or street cafes. Those were nice addition in small numbers to support the Ruins and Cultural background of the country.
Banking, education, beautiful weather, mountains and sea among the many, has been the attraction… the welcoming and hospitality of the people has been the attractions...

What the corporate Politician doing turning their positions from serving the people into buying them and changing the image of the country from a historic cultural place into a place for the Arab princes to come shop and play. Because it is easier for them to have a close by shopping grounds that speak their language than to go to Europe where they cannot speak their languages and they are not liked and welcomed there any ways...

The New Criminal American Century...


This film is astonishing, it goes in detail through the untold history
of The Project for the New American Century with tons of archival
footage and connects it right into the present.

This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a
complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it.

This film shows how the first film theaters in the US were used over a
hundred years ago to broadcast propaganda to rile the American people
into the Spanish-American War.

This film shows the white papers of the oil company Unocal which called
for the creation of a pipeline through Afghanistan and how their exact
needs were fulfilled through the US invasion of Afghanistan.

This film shows how Halliburton under their “cost plus” exclusive
contract with the US Government went on a mad dash spending spree akin
to something out of the movie Brewster’s Millions,
yet instead of blowing $30 million they blew through BILLIONS by
literally burning millions of dollars worth of hundred thousand dollar
cars and trucks if they had so much as a flat tire.
I have seen a ton of films, this film contains a massive amount of
incredible footage I have never seen before anywhere, it is an
historical documentary which exposes all the lies of the past
so that you can understand the present. This film is a must see.

“A stunning film. It should be seen as widely as possible, in cinemas,
bars, clubs, at meetings and, of course, through the internet.
I’m sure the film will continue to be a source of debate and political
education for many years. Maybe until the war criminals have been
brought to trial.” - Ken Loach

“In the White House, they weren’t thinking of 9/11 as an attack, but as
a gift!” - Robert Steele, former CIA agent

While Massimo Mazzucco’s first political documentary, Global Deceit
(2006), focused on the long list of inconsistencies in the official
version of the 9/11 attacks, The New American Century explores the
historical, philosophical and economic background that suggests a matrix
for such events that is much closer to home than the so-called “Islamic

The film provides solid evidence for the true reasons behind the
Afghanistan and Iraq wars, whose unfolding is described in chilling
detail in a document called “Project for the New American Century”, published in the year 2,000, that seems to have served as the actual blueprint for such dramatic events....