Friday, February 19, 2010

Asef SHAWKAT is still the number one agent of CIA-MOSSAD in SYRIA today, and the assassin in chief for the infamous White House Murder Inc,....

“We either shape our future based on truth for the betterment of Lebanon, Lebanese and humanity, or the future will be shaped in the interest of the few who seek to conceal the truth to the detriment of humanity....”

The CIA trains assassins in Syria for decades.....

طريق سوريا الى الإستقامة هي أضنى من طريق إبليس للطهارة

Mais quand les assassins Americains, et Israeliens préparent leurs couteaux depuis 1997....contre Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, ce n’est en général pas pour en admirer esthétiquement le les assassins Syriens de Asef SHAWKAT ont etes commandites pour l'execution de la sale Besogne Americano-Israelienne....le 24 Janvier 2002 a Hazmieh...., le coeur du renseignement militaire Libanais, Americain et Syrien par excellence.....avec SCS....

Asef SHAWKAT is still the number one asset of CIA-MOSSAD in SYRIA today...
Asef SHAWKAT is the lead provider of the information in the assassination of Al-Mabhouh, and Asef SHAWKAT's penetration of Hamas in Damascus is complete...and Asef SHAWKAT has done it again and again since his hit on Imad MOUGHNIEH in 2008 on behalf of CIA-MOSSAD....

The increase in joint CIA/DIA operations in the last decade has increased CIA/DO officers' comfort level with DOD HUMINT officers in general and allowed the smooth covert assassination operations in the Levant since January 24th 2002, by the infamous White House Murder INC, go perfectly well, with the Syro-Lebanese Deep State killers and the goons of Asef SHAWKAT and his assassins for hire working on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE/BND/CSIS...

The art of disinformation has also been one of the cornerstones of intelligence work ...., especially in the Syria-Lebanon theater of operations.... mixing lies and half truths to always confuse the other side....especially in the string of murder assassinations since January 24th 2002.

The strongly-confirmed hand of Mossad, the Israeli external intelligence agency, in the successful neutralization of a Damascus-based leader of the Hamas (Mahmoud al- Mabhouh ) while he was on a visit to Dubai in January last has come in the wake of other suspected covert actions of the Mossad in recent months, which were directed against Iranian nuclear scientists, who were reportedly playing a role in the development of the uranium enrichment technology....

2.While all these operations succeeded in eliminating the intended targets who posed a threat to Israel's national security, those directed against the Iranian scientists were copybook examples of covert actions whereas the one against the Hamas leader was not...The Mossad was able to maintain the total deniability of its strikes against the Iranian scientists.Till today, Iranian intelligence officials and police investigators have not been able to find out what happened.... Apart from allegations, they have no evidence of the involvement of the Mossad, which has taken care not to leave any trace of its involvement....

3. In the case of the Dubai operation, the deniability has been weak and many tell-tale traces left behind by those who participated in the elimination of the Hamas leader have enabled the Dubai Police to reconstruct in a fairly convincing manner what happened.The employment of an unusually large team of agents for carrying out the action and their inability to make the closed circuit TV in the hotel non-functional have enabled the Dubai police to make a break-through in the investigation.

4. The fact that the Mossad agents decided to go ahead with the operation despite their inability to make the CCTV non-functional strongly speaks of local collusion in the covert action. Since the CCTV was presumably functioning, those in the security control room of the hotel who would have been monitoring the CCTV, would have definitely noticed the Mossad agents forcing their way into the room of the Hamas leader. The fact that they did not raise an alarm for hours, which enabled the Mossad agents to flee Dubai without being intercepted, is an indicator of collusion in the hotel....and in Damascus through Asef SHAWKAT....

5.Even when they travel incognito, Hamas leaders are usually accompanied by at least one person from their security set-up who takes up a room opposite the room occupied by the leader so that they could keep a look-out for any attempt to break into the room of the leader. The fact that no one intervened as the Mossad agents forced their way into the room indicates that either there was collusion by Hamas elements too or the Mossad agents had neutralized the security detail of the Hamas leader before attacking him.

6.The entire story of the covert action will never come out...Particulars of any collusion will not remain unknown for some time to come.....since we all know on this blog that I have been denouncing the criminal bunch of Killers in Damascus, who carried out all the assassinations in Lebanon and Syria since the hit on Mr. HOBEIKA, January 24th 2002....
Asef SHAWKAT is still the number one agent of CIA-MOSSAD in SYRIA today, providing many and all of the critical information needed to carry out Covert operations for the West and Israel...and that's the principal reason why everyone is flocking to Damascus these days....
Asef SHAWKAT is the lead provider of the information in the assassination of Al-Mabhouh, and Asef SHAWKAT's penetration of Hamas in Damascus is complete...and Asef SHAWKAT has done it again and again since his hit on Imad MOUGHNIEH in 2008 on behalf of CIA-MOSSAD....

We are coming into a difficult time for the Nation.... The seas of political strife are agitated in the whole region. Therefore we must take this time to consolidate our own national brotherhood and to rely on each other more and more. We can only do this by staying true to ourselves and to the memory of those who gave us a vision of our nation undivided. HK, Elie HOBEIKA gave us this vision and it is up to us to make to keep it being honest, bold, audacious with a clear vision...but always telling it like it is....

It seems to me Israel & Syria have a nice arrangement as it is, they don’t need no stupid peace treaty....they only need their ongoing assoCIAtion within the criminal and odious White House Murder INC, headed by Asef SHAWKAT.....

Syria gets to hold up the banner of ‘resistance’ and mess around with Lebanon, while in fact playing only a side-kick to Iran... Do you think it really matters that much to Israel whether Hamas leaders live in Damascus instead of Teheran or whether the Hizbullah missiles come from a Syrian warehouse instead of an Iranian supply ship?

Israel & Syria have been engaging in mutual peace-masturbation for years, with the occasional orgasm of mutual saber-rattling. Almost as good as sex, without the associated viral diseases. There is absolutely no intention of getting somewhere on either side....

Israel gets to keep the Golan status-quo with a border so quiet and safe it puts the borders with Jordan & Egypt to shame....

Only when one side tries to break the “strategic balance” do you get real, though limited action (e.g. the Syrian nuclear reactor).

So relax, people. No regime change or “great war” coming our way in the immediate future....just STL?TSL Fabrications and shenanigans galore....

Another Lebanon war / Gaza war – more likely. But you already know how Syria would react to that…maybe an additional Humus fest, nothing more...

The great Greek orator, Demosthenes, wrote 2500 years ago that “Every dictator is an enemy of freedom, an opponent of law”.
Since this is still as true today as it was then , I suggest that such authoritarian rulers, assassins for hire working for CIA-MOSSAD as Bashar ASSAD do not deserve any special efforts to woe them and thus legitimize their criminal minority rule....
Dictators both of the left and the right should neither be cuddled nor their reigns of terror the White House Murder INC,
Realpolitik is an abomination....

But there's one other issue. Look closely at what SAAD KSA/CIA Hariri actually said. Many of his supporters are left bewildered by his reversal, but these were his words:

"I have opened a new page in relations with Syria since the formation of the government ... One must be realistic in this relationship and build it on solid foundations. One should also assess the past years, so as not to repeat previous mistakes. Hence, we conducted an assessment of errors committed on our behalf with Syria, and I felt for the Syrian people, and the relationship between the two countries, we must always look to the interests of both peoples, both countries and their relationship. At a certain stage, we made mistakes. We accused Syria of assassinating the martyred premier, and this was a political accusation."

He never said "Syria didn't do it on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD......,".....

What was attempted in Lebanon since January 24th 2002 and the advent of the infamous White House Murder INC, with Asef SHAWKAT, is "controlled events" and reactions to them provide the means to full control, or so it was hoped by the PNAC KILLERS.... without resorting to massive force.....until 2006 and the brutal US/Israeli war on Lebanon.... “Conflict management” is a very real behavioral science and it is made possible by an intimate knowledge of human reactions to shocking events....

Our behavior is not actually “controlled,” it is also predicted..... That’s one of humanity’s principle traits—our actions are usually very predictable.....exactly like the recent visit by STL/CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE.... to the Gynecology clinic in DAHIEH....

The infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant is chaired by Asef Shawkat the Assassin in Chief of the Assad Mafia in Syria.
سورياً: نظام الأسد غطس في الإجرام وصفقة انقاذه باتت مكلفة جدا، هذا إذا ما زالت متوفرة. وعند الحديث عن صفقات، علينا أن نتذكّر اغتيال عماد مغنيّة الذي كان عمليا في حماية آصف شوكت؛ وعلينا ألاّ ننسى أن لشوكت علاقات وطيدة بكبار رجالات المخابرات الغربية، وفي مقدمتهم الولايات المتحدة حيث كان رجل ارتباط المخابرات السورية بالمخابرات الأميركية بعيد اعتداءات نيويورك وواشنطن في سبتمبر 2001؛ قدّم حينئذ النظام السوري بشخص شوكت مساعدة نهائية للأمريكيين (...). علاقات الصهر الشخصية هذه لا تُلغى مع الإلغاء الرسمي للتعاون الاستخباراتي بين سوريا وأميركا، بل تتحسن وتصبح سريّة ومموهة بشعارات عدوانية. شوكت باع رأس عماد مغنيّة للغرب و حتى لإسرائيل. وأسأل: لماذا لم يرد أسمه في إجرام النظام السوري حتى الساعة؟

إنفجار الأزمة الجديدة التي يرى فيها كل من الأسد ونتنياهو فرصة لخلاصهما، تكمن في تفجير لبنان. والسؤال: هل لبنان يكفي؟
حَسَبْ ! إذا كان لبنان يكفي، فلا بد من اغتيال سعد الحريري. أما إذا كان الشرق الأوسط برمتّه مطلوب لتحصين حاقدين مهووسين، عندها علينا أن نغتال حسن نصرالله لأن فيه البركة الكافية لإضرام النار في التوتر السنّي الشيعي في المنطقة.

قد يكون اغتيال سيد المقاومة الخطة المفضلة عند أحد الجارين أو عند الإثنين معا لأنه سيؤدي إلى اشعال الساحة اللبنانية واختبار ردة فعل إيران... وربما الخطة المفضلة دوليا تبدأ بتقسيم المنطقة بين مؤيد لأميركا وآخر للصين