Sunday, June 14, 2009

America ceased to be a superpower since 1962, with the JFK assassination by CIA goons.....

America ceased to be a superpower when it failed the moral test in 1982...and then institutionalized the infamous White House Murder INC, with the Syrian Alawite Mafiosi regime in Damascus, personified of late with the assassin in Chief Asef SHAWKAT.... Under Obama, the country has become a paper tiger.... It's no longer respected by its friends or feared by its enemies.... As a result, the world is now a much more dangerous place.... and the threesome of terror, the evil nexus, AMAN/DIA/CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 still persists in its hegemonic tendencies for now....

......It is curious how the delegitimization campaign - and that's what it is, as nobody in Iran was shocked by the election result, while the American media carefully built another story - spearheaded by people like Cole and Sick and Sullivan, directly parallels CIA destabilization campaigns in places like Lebanon dozens of times...since 1952..., Chile and Guatemala, all following the model set by - ahem - the 1953 coup in Iran (see Note 1), you know, the one Obama just owned up to in his Cairo speech. This will be lost on Americans, but won't be lost on Iranians or Lebanese. The idea is that the elected ruler the Americans don't like doesn't have popular support - as evidenced by the CIA-sponsored opposition violence - and thus it is legitimate when he is replaced with the aid of CIA violence.... All the stories you are hearing are part of this process, and I imagine the CIA checks are in the mail...These elections in IRAN sound a lot like OHIO in 2004....and FLORIDA in 2000.... The point is almost certainly not 'regime change' per se, but destabilization and weakening, just as the attacks on Afghanistan and Pakistan are intended to weaken the power of Pakistan.... This is the game they play, and the people commenting on the election are helping the American Empire play that game....

The Obama Enigma: Imperial Interventionism and Militarism: "We do not want a PAX Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children — not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women — not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." President John F. Kennedy, 1963 ....

[ . . ..
New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins. ]

.... AS for the Kosher Nostra, the following can be said:
False Flag ops. galore.... is the specialty of the nexus of Evil in DC again:

It would be a serious mistake to take at face value anything about the Museum shooting published by the MSM. Think Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation. "Personally, I have come to the conclusion that the media is not only influenced by the CIA.....the media is the CIA. Many Americans and others worldwide...especially in Lebanon, think of their supposedly free press as a watchdog on government, mainly because the press itself shamelessly promotes that myth.".....of which we had a glaring example this week....with the infamous NTV....utterly controlled by CIA from its inception....

9-11, The Greatest Act of Treason in American History....


But as in everything else having to do with American hegemony over other peoples, facts and truth play no part.... Lies and propaganda rule....

Consumed by its passion for hegemony, America is driven by "prevail over others"..., morality and justice be damned. This world-threatening script will play until America bankrupts itself and has so alienated the rest of the world that it is isolated and universally despised.....