" Good politicians, like good scientists, draw conclusions from facts. Bad politicians, like bad scientists, draw facts from conclusions...."
Components of the White House Murder INC's special assassinations operations: Simplicity, Security, Repetition..., Surprise, Speed and Purpose...
White House-led assassination teams not new and they operated domestically as well as abroad....
Asef Shawkat is the lead assassin of the White House Murder INC, since January 24th 2002, when Mr. Elie HOBEIKA was savagely assassinated on behalf of the Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD...
Veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh's recent revelation in a speech at the University of Minnesota that Vice President Dick Cheney ran a secret "executive assassination ring" out of the White House is not a new phenomenon. Hersh said Cheney ran the operation without legal authority....
Editor on Russia Today regarding Cheney assassination squads, the infamous White House Murder INC, and the rogue intelligence operations, linked to the fabricated demise of the Al-Madina Bank in Beirut...
WMR has learned from a longtime investigative reporter for a major TV news organization that investigative journalist Danny Casolaro, found dead in a bathtub at the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia on August 10, 1991, fell victim to an assassination by a member of a covert CIA "hit team." and the White House Murder INC,.....
Casolaro was lured to West Virginia to meet a source, which WMR has learned was a major Iran-contra scandal figure. However, Casolaro walked into a trap and was targeted for a "hit" by a former member of a joint CIA-Special Forces assassination team that operated in Vietnam and Laos during the Vietnam War. The individual suspected in the "hit" on Casolaro has maintained residences in Washington state, Idaho, Arizona, Queens in New York, and France. In fact, there is a possibility that Casolaro's source and the person who killed him are the same person.
The death of Casolaro, whose wrists were slashed multiple times with bloody towels found on the bathroom floor, was ruled a suicide. However, there always remained ample doubt about the official explanation of his death because of the nature of his investigation into an international network of arms and drug smugglers and intelligence agents that involved the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a number of failed savings and loans associations, the Iran-contra scandal, and the October Surprise that targeted the Jimmy Carter administration. Casolaro dubbed the network "The Octopus."
Casolaro's investigation was apparently getting too hot for then-President George H. W. Bush as he faced a re-election campaign. It is also known that Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, who would challenge Bush as an independent candidate the year after Casolaro's death, possessed detailed knowledge of "The Octopus" and was prepared to use it in his campaign against Bush.
At the time of Casolaro's death, Cheney was the Secretary of Defense and had authority over U.S. Special Operations forces, both overt and covert.
In fact, one of this editor's earliest investigative stories was on the Casolaro death. At the Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference, CFP'92, on Ethics, Morality, and Criminality held in Washington on March 18, 1992, I stated to a panel that included FBI, Justice Department, and police members that the Casolaro death was highly suspicious.
WAYNE MADSEN:Yes. My name's Wayne Madsen and I'm a writer. I work for a large systems integrator that does a lot of work with the federal government, and which will remain unnamed. My question is, I've heard a lot of stories about Craig Neidorf and Robert Morris, Jr. and German hackers, but let's talk about the Justice Department and a software program called PROMIS. (applause/whistles)
GIBBONS [J. Michael Gibbons, FBI]: Wait -- I'm going to limit you to another minute and a half. Begin again.
MADSEN:OK. Given that PROMIS was allegedly misused by the Justice Department, reproduced illegally, given to a U.S. intelligence agency, it was re-engineered and wound up in the hands of the intelligence services of countries like Syria, Iraq, and Libya.... Now what have we learned since this incident that was tied up in court? We have one dead journalist; we have a former contract programmer for the CIA who's in jail for cocaine possession who says it was planted on him; and we have an appellate judge who was fired from his job. Now I don't believe the Danny Casolaro suicide story one bit. If it was an FBI agent looking into this type of wrongdoing, and there was some type of mysterious death, you'd have the entire assets of the Justice Department and other agencies on that case. We had a Barney Fife-type coroner in West Virginia that investigated the case. Why the double standard here? That's my question. I think it's fairer, I didn't know Danny Casolaro, but I view him as a colleague, and I view that lack of investigating his death about as immoral as Iran's death threat on Salman Rushdie.
GIBBONS: I got lost there... So you're asking about a double standard? Do you want to direct that at a particular person or leave it as a statement?
GIBBONS: FBI? We had nothing to do with PROMIS. We never run PROMIS, we never had PROMIS on any of our systems. Justice didn't give it to us.
MADSEN: Aren't you supposed to investigate those types of things? You did it with the other cases.
GIBBONS:Scott? [Scott Charney, Department of Justice] We can't comment because it's an ongoing investigation. I don't know anything about it -- if I knew anything about it, believe me, am I going to shut up? No. Don?
DELANEY [Don Delaney, NY State Police]: I'd just like to say something about the Barney Fife aspect of his question. Not that I'm paranoid or think he's referring to local law enforcement as opposed to federal law enforcement in Barney Fife...
GIBBONS: No movie ever did that.
Questions have been raised about whether the executive assassination team linked to Vice President Cheney's office operated exclusively abroad or also within the United States. If the past is any indication, the answer to that question is that the operation of the White House Murder INC, was used abroad and domestically....repeatedly.
Former Cheney Aide Suggests That Hersh’s Account Of ‘Executive Assassination Ring’ Is ‘Certainly True’ Executive Orders HERSH: I know for sure…that we have a unit that goes around, without reporting to Congress… and has authority from the President to go into the country without telling the CIA station chief or the ambassador and whack somebody. … You’ve delegated authority to assassins or cut-outs of the White House Murder INC, within Syria and Lebanon...in the field to hit people on the basis of whatever intelligence they think is good for the Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD. How have U.S. presidents used executive orders to address the issue of political assassination? In 1976, President Gerald R. Ford issued Executive Order 11905 to clarify U.S. foreign-intelligence activities. In a section of the order labeled "Restrictions on Intelligence Activities," Ford concisely but explicitly outlawed political assassination: 5(g) Prohibition on Assassination. No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination. Since 1976, every U.S. president has upheld Ford’s prohibition on assassinations. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter issued an executive order with the chief purpose of reshaping the intelligence structure. In Section 2-305 of that order, Carter reaffirmed the U.S. prohibition on assassination: In 1981, President Reagan, through Executive Order 12333, reiterated the assassination prohibition: 2.11 No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination. Reagan was the last president to address the topic of political assassination. Because no subsequent executive order or piece of legislation has repealed the prohibition, it remains in effect. Legislation At the beginning of 2001, however, U.S. Representative Bob Barr, a Georgia Republican, introduced a bill called the "Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001." The act asserts that the assassination prohibitions "limit the swift, sure and precise action needed by the United States to protect our national security." Furthermore, the act says, "present strategy allows the military forces to bomb large targets hoping to eliminate a terrorist leader, but prevents our country from designing a limited action which would specifically accomplish that purpose." Barr’s bill also notes that "on several occasions the military has been ordered to use a military strike hoping, in most cases unsuccessfully, to remove a terrorist leader who committed crimes against the United States." To remedy these perceived flaws, the bill would repeal the assassination ban laid out in Ford’s, Carter’s and Reagan’s executive orders. (Click here: Complete text of H.R. 19). The last action taken with the bill was on January 3, 2001, when it was referred to the House Committee on International Relations. It is critical to note that before September 11, Barr was unable to find a cosponsor for his Terrorist Elimination Act. During the period from September 12 through October 5, however, 14 representatives signed on as cosponsors. (To view a complete list of cosponsors, please click here: Cosponsors of H.R. 19). Legalizing assassination, whether through the passage of H.R. 19 or through some other means, is gaining favor. For example, in a September 12 Los Angles Times editorial, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley suggested it is time to revisit the idea of limited use of assassination to save lives and combat terrorism. Professor Turley believes the ban on assassination actually encourages the use of military strikes, which don't simply kill the targeted individual but also cause collateral damage. He offers as an example of this phenomenon the killing of Moammar Kadafi’s 3-year-old adopted daughter in a 1986 bombing raid. While the future of the Terrorist Elimination Act remains uncertain, President George W. Bush has already taken a separate action that again raises the question of the legality of U.S. government agents targeting individuals. According to an October 21 Washington Post story by Bob Woodward, President Bush in September signed an intelligence "finding" instructing the CIA to engage in "lethal covert operations" to destroy Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization. White House and CIA lawyers believe that the Intelligence "Finding" is Constitutional because the ban on political assassination does not apply to wartime. They also contend that the United States can defend itself against terrorists. Will the Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001 (H.R. 19) move to the forefront as a result of the September 11 attacks?
Bush's intelligence "finding" effectively authorize political assassination?
Intelligence "Finding"
Web site: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA....
[1] The Criminal NSA Exposed ....John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft.
Meade, MD, USA
[2] The National Security Agency (NSA)
[3] NORDEX, NSA proprietary in Vienna, Austria
[4] The Takeover Of America according Brig.
General Ben Partin
[5] "The Eurasian Politician -
Source: The Independent Information Centre Glasnost - Caucasus