Israel's secret network into the Obama Oval Office.
As Israel's hard right-wing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visits the Oval Office today, there is speculation that he and President Barack Obama will square off over Israeli settlements in east Jerusalem after weeks of acrimony between the two countries after Israel announced plans to build an additional 1600 Jewish units in Arab neighborhoods in the disputed city...
Apparently, Netanyahu is still flexing his political muscles by requiring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to meet him on March 22 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington (the same hotel that served as the tryst rendez vous for former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who was "honeytrapped" by an escort agency run by a suspected Mossad-linked owner) rather than at her office at the State Department. Netanyahu's impolitic moves follows his handing Vice President Joe Biden a broken plaque, with shards of glass flying, at a recent event in Jerusalem. Netanyahu's brother-in-law, Hargai Ben-Artzi, recently used the typical and well-worn canard of "anti-Semitic" to describe Obama...
We have learned from a source close to Netanyahu that the Israeli Prime Minister's chief adviser, Ron Dermer, serves as his personal conduit to the Oval Office, particularly to Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Dermer is a leading Israeli hawk who also co-authored "The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror" with Israeli expansionist and former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky...
Dermer is a classic dual U.S.-Israeli citizen. Although he claims to have given up his U.S. passport when he agreed to work for Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Ron Dermer's brother is the former three-term mayor of Miami Beach, David Dermer. Ron Dermer has enough clout in Washington to get put right through to the president's chief aides, including Emanuel and David Axelrod...
The father of the Dermer brothers, Jay Dermer, also served as a two-term mayor of Miami Beach. Jay Dermer died in 1984 at the age of 54, one year following the death in Miami Beach of Lansky. Jay Dermer fought to protect Florida's paramutuel gambling interests against the introduction of casinos into the state. Lansky tried to flee to Israel in 1970 to avoid prosecution in the United States. Although Israel ruled that Lansky was a threat to "public safety," he was given Israeli travel documents. After Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Panama rejected Lansky's offer of $1 million for asylum, he was arrested in 1972 in Miami. Most of the criminal charges against Lansky were dropped by the Nixon administration and Lansky was judged too ill to stand trial for other charges. Lansky remained in Miami Beach until his death...
The Miami Beach connection to the Oval Office is noteworthy since the city has continued to serve as a major base in the United States for the Jewish Mafia, which started with Meyer Lansky and continues with the number of Russian-Israeli Jewish gangsters in the city, many of them wanted by Russia...
Although Chicago native Lee "Rosy" Rosenberg, seen as a close friend of Obama and who served on the finance committee for the Obama presidential campaign, has taken over as the new president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli media has reported that he is adept at bringing in big money for Israeli causes from individuals not normally known for their public support for Israel. Rosenberg's music and real estate industry businesses, in addition to his close links to Emanuel and Axelrod, have some observers wondering whether the individuals not for their public support for Israel may be those connected to dodgy business enterprises, particularly those in Las Vegas...
As the media writes about the "gulf" between Obama and Netanyahu, the presence of Israeli insiders in the Oval Office puts into doubt any suggestion that Israel and the United States are drifting apart on any policies...especially IRAN, the Arab-Israeli dispute, Egypt...or even Turkey...since the strategic Bond/Alliance goes much deeper than that and into the covert world on a Global scale...and their infamous White House Murder INC, in partnership with Syria's thugs will live to strike another day soon....despite the JOKE of the so called CIA/MOSSAD international tribunal STL....a sham, a Fake and a useful tool of the sordid western intelligence agencies from the outset...
On the Resistance:
Apart from the areas of Lebanon that are still occupied....{ Shebaa Farms, Kafarshouba, Nkheileh and the seven villages...} by the Zionist state and the near-daily incursions and overflights of Lebanon .... (the last of which occurred only yesterday 17 April 2010 by launching a light bomb over a village that was hosting a civilian congregation), not to mention the habitual incursions into our sovereignty and actual invasions and occupations (too many to mention here starting from 1948, 1967, 1968, 1978, 1982, 1990, 1996 etc.); one can talk about the waters of Lebanon that the Zionists feel is up for grabs (did you know that water, as a source, is considered by the Zionists as fair game and in a sense ‘international’, hence could be acquired by war or peace!).
No, the resistance has a duel responsibility:
1) Endeavor to reclaim the land and resources taken from Lebanon under a status quo of ‘strength’, and .....
2) make it costly for the Zionist gangs to try and impose their will on Lebanon again.
This I call RESISTANCE. Everything tried so far, conventional warfare, diplomacy and appeasement haven’t yielded one thing that a free spirited human liberal being yearns for. Just review, or read, the history books....!