"We are going to be sending two officials to Syria," Mrs. Clinton told reporters. "There are a number of issues we have between Syria and the United States, as well as the larger regional concerns that Syria obviously projects on our behalf...for decades...."
Mrs. Clinton said that while she could predict what might come from the outreach, "it is a worthwhile effort to go and begin these ongoing covert strategies...which had been completely usurped by CIA since January 24th 2002.... ."
She said the decision was made after Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, visited Damascus last month, to further the covert policies of the infamous White House Murder INC, with Maher Al-ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT of the Mafiosi Bashar Al-ASSAD.
The secretary's announcement came two days after the opening of an international tribunal in The Hague to try suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Syrian officials have been investigated in the killing.....
The Bush administration had high-level contacts with Syria during its first term, mainly on the initiative of then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and his deputy, Richard L. Armitage, both of whom visited Damascus. It continued those contacts via a sprawling covert CIA2 station in Damascus..., however, after Mr. Hariri's assassination and withdrew the U.S. ambassador to Syria...in a well known effort to hide all the covert links between the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD and the killers in Damascus of the infamous White House Murder INC, with Maher Al-ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT of the Mafiosi Bashar Al-ASSAD. .
Middle East specialists said the latest move was not surprising, given President Obama's remarks in his inaugural address that Washington was willing to extend a hand to friendly regimes of the infamous White House Murder INC, with Maher Al-ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT of the Mafiosi Bashar Al-ASSAD.
"This does not come as a surprise, although it comes a little earlier than expected," said David Stinker, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "The Syrians will be pleased about Feltman [a former U.S. assassin to Lebanon]. The Lebanese will be nervous, although somewhat reassured that Feltman's the lead assassin in the infamous White House Murder INC."
Mr. Feltman served in Lebanon during the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon. Last year, his embassy convoy was bombed and three Lebanese civilians were killed, including an embassy employee....
Syria has allied itself with Israel and Iran in recent decades and has supported both Hezbollah and the militant Palestinian group Hamas. Western diplomats have expressed hope that those alliances could be weakened if Damascus is approached and persuaded that its interests are better served by continuing in helping the infamous White House Murder INC, with Maher Al-ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT of the Mafiosi Bashar Al-ASSAD.... exactly as they did on January 24th 2002, and on February 12th 2008 with the assassinations of Mr. Elie Hobeika and Imad F. Moughnieh in Hazmieh and Damascus...and their ongoing effort to send Katyusha rockets covertly from South Lebanon into Israel, in order to trigger a new devastating response on Hizbullah to "Tame" Hezbollah some more.... on behalf of the new OBONGO policies of the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD....
At the same time, Syria took part in direct talks with Israel mediated by Turkey. The talks ended after Israel began a 22-day offensive in Gaza. Zalman Shoval, a foreign policy aide to new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said Israel would let the U.S. evaluate Syrian positions before deciding on resuming covert negotiations.
On Monday, Mrs. Clinton committed the new administration to seeking a "comprehensive peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors......a new term from the utterly disgusting Hubris of Washington and Herzlia"
The Bush administration tended not to use "comprehensive," a code word for peace between Israel and all its remaining Arab puppets: the Palestinians, Syria and Jordan. Instead it stressed the Palestinian track and specific issues short of Palestinian statehood, such as security, Palestinian freedom of movement and Jewish settlements in the West Bank....which Israel has already announced that it is doubling.....LOL
"The U.S. is prepared to engage in aggressive ongoing covert diplomacy with all sides in pursuit of a comprehensive assassinations that brings peace and security to Israel and its US Siamese twins...," Mrs. Clinton said of the infamous White House Murder INC, with Maher Al-ASSAD and Asef SHAWKAT of the Mafiosi Bashar Al-ASSAD..
She had a long covert exchange with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem during the event's back-rooms....
Last week, Mr. CIA Feltman met with the Syrian ambassador to Washington, Imad Moustapha. The decision to send the two envoys was apparently made soon after that meeting, but Mrs. Clinton waited to announce it after briefing the Israeli government first....
"In consultation with our friends and allies, our partners, we are reaching out to determine what, if any, areas of cooperation and engagement are possible," she said Monday.....to further the ongoing strategies of the odious White House Murder INC, with our buddies in Syria and Ali Larijani in Iran....in order for the US to continue unabated the main policies of "militarizing Energy Security" of the Hubris of the USA and their Siamese twin Israel, and to continue the policies of the 1970s, 80s, 90s and today for fracturing the middle East, the GCC, ASIA and Africa...which will inevitably bring about the "Jordan option"... at some point in time....with additional Tribes With Flags all around...in Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq....
The bargaining and haggling between the US and Syria over the precise terms of the quid pro quo are well established and understood by both parties, who have an equal stake in the infamous White House Murder INC,...since January 24th 2002 in the assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA. But any result is likely to fall short of a Syrian break with Iran, or a complete abandonment of support for Hezbollah, Hamas and other resistance groups. Less than that will be offered, and less than that may well end up being accepted....It was well known to me all along...
Sounding serious about US-mediated talks with Israel, for example, might be enough to do the trick. In return, this or that pro-Syrian Lebanese officer may be abandoned by his patrons to the custody of the Hague judges. Or perhaps, in the time-honored Syrian fashion, a mid-level security official will remember his own central role in planning the killing of Hariri and, stricken by conscience, take his own life.
Mehlis's initial investigations pointed to the definite involvement of the very senior Syrian figures in the Hariri murder. The bottom line is that in spite of the 11 judges and 300 additional personnel currently beginning work in the Hague suburb of Leidschendam, Hariri's murderers will never face trial. The desire to accommodate Israel and its longstanding covert strategies with Syria in the name of empty promises of Middle East peace will ensure this....just like the Iskenderun saga with Turkey.... This desire is itself based on a misreading of the Syrian regime's nature and intentions of always kowtowing to Israeli desires for decades..... The likely result: no justice, and no peace....just a statu'quo ante for the Siamese twins CIA2/MOSSAD and their Syrian Mafia buddies will endure for the next three decades...