Bob Woodward is a CIA2 intelligence agent .
George W. Bush has scoffed at critics of his policies, pointing out that history will judge him. However, if Russ Baker's new book, "Family of Secrets," is any indication of things to come, history will not be kind to the 43rd President to say the least....
One of the most intriguing contentions in the new book is that the Washington Post's highly-acclaimed reporter, Bob Woodward, of Woodward and Bernstein Watergate fame, is depicted as a scheming intelligence agent, placed within the Post in order to influence the events that would bring down the presidency of Richard Nixon....
The book recounts how Woodward's Navy service included a stint on the naval communications ship, USS Wright, where his Commanding Officer was Rear Admiral Robert Welander. The admiral would later surface in the Nixon White House. After transferring to Washington, Woodward ended up on the staff of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Thomas Moorer, who later became the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the entire Watergate scandal....
As an aide to Moorer, Woodward, a Midwestern-born Republican, provided briefings to top Nixon White House officials. Woodward's haunts were the basement offices of the West Wing carrying documents from Moorer to National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger's chief deputy Alexander Haig.....acting on behalf of DIA2 and CIA2, working for the power behind the power in USA, the real evil Nexus for decades....
Baker interviewed Woodward in 2008 about his Nixon White House service. Woodward denied having any intelligence connections, working in the White House, or providing briefings to officials there. Woodward told Baker, "It's a matter of record in the Navy what I did, what I didn't do . . . And this Navy Intelligence, Haig, and so forth, you know, I'd be more than happy to acknowledge it if it's true. It just isn't. Can you accept that?" NO, because Bob Woodward was also "used" extensively by DIA2 and CIA2 in his book "Veil" during the mid-eighties, in order to hide the terror car bomb of CIA on the Allamah Sayyed Hasan Fadlallah in Beirut, during which 85 innocent civilians were massacred by Amine Gemayel and Johnny ABDO, and Bob Woodward invented a story at the behest of CIA2, saying that CIA had hired an "Australian" ex-SAS veteran to carry out the car bomb....all the while Hezbollah had captured two people directly involved in this odious car bomb and executed them both later on.... and Hizbullah had gathered all necessary information to pinpoint the whole affair on Amine Gemayel, Johnny ABDO and CIA.
However, Baker cites audiotaped interviews by author Robert Gettlin that have Moorer, then-Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, Pentagon spokesperson Jerry Freidheim, and Woodward's own father Al confirming Woodward's White House service while in the Navy.
In 1970, Woodward, not trained as a journalist -- a former Posteditor, Harry Rosenfeld, is quoted as stating Woodward did not know how "to put the paper in the typewriter" --showed up at the Post, apparently on the recommendation of Navy Secretary Paul Ignatius. (Ignatius' son, David Ignatius, is a current columnist for the Post, and A Known CIA asset....).
Woodward was given a one-year try-out at the Montgomery County Sentinel. In September 1971, Woodward was hired for the Metro desk at the Post where he worked with Carl Bernstein. In 1972, Woodward began collecting "scoops" from White House insider sources, including detailed information on Alabama Governor George Wallace's would-be assassin Arthur Bremer.....
After the break-in at the Watergate, Woodward was Johnny-on-the spot and, along with Bernstein, owned the story on behalf of the Post. Baker cites a memo from Senator Howard Baker's chief counsel on the Senate Watergate committee, Fred Thompson, asking CIA director William Colby if Woodward was employed by the CIA. Hours after Colby received the memo, Woodward called Howard Baker to complain. Someone at the CIA had leaked the memo to Woodward the minute it was received......Haha....
Woodward's special "chain-of-command" was verified to me a few years ago by a Postsource. Woodward never thought twice about bypassing his editor Barry Sussman and meeting directly with Post managing editor Ben Bradlee and even Post publisher Katherine Graham.
During the Reagan administration, Woodward conducted an unrecorded four-minute deathbed interview with CIA director William Casey for the book "Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987." It was an amazing feat considering that Casey was in a virtual coma, suffering a sudden stroke just hours before he was due to testify to Congress about the Iran-contra affair. Woodward said Casey came out of his coma long enough to admit that he knew about the diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan contras. Once Woodward got his story from Casey, the CIA director went off to meet his maker.... Casey's wife Sofia denied any such encounter took place. Curiously, in the 543-page "Veil" no mention is made of then-presidential candidate George H. W. Bush's role in Iran-contra as Vice President and the man Reagan put in charge of covert operations.... Bush claimed that he was :out of the loop" on the covert shenanigans that almost cost Reagan his presidency.....False.
Woodward would hit pay dirt again by being granted virtually unheard of access to George W. Bush. Bush, it will be recalled, told Woodward that he didn't speak to his own father about the Iraq war but spoke to a "higher father." Woodward's White House contacts also gave him knowledge of the Bush White House's role in leaking the name of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson's name to the press. Woodward withheld the information to the federal investigator and the Post.... Woodward later apologized to the Post for his inaction.....on behalf of CIA2......