Cheney said to Barak, Olmert, Perez and Livni, "This is precisely what you have to declare" : Iran is a paramount threat to the region, Europe and the world....Hence the American Defensive/offensive "shield" on Russia's borders is a MUST....
This how the American Dark rooms of Cheney's gangs for the PNAC work... like Pirates and Bandits.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak met with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney in Tel Aviv on Sunday and told the American official that Iran's nuclear plans were threatening the stability of the entire region, as well as the world...and it was MUSIC to the ears of Dick Cheney.
Barak added that Israel believes that financial sanctions against Iran could still prove effective, but that all options should remain on the table - a reference to military action.... and that was more MUSIC to the ears of Dick Cheney.
Earlier Sunday, Cheney met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, and told the Palestinian leader that the Qassam rockets regularly fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli communities and Palestinian terror "do not merely kill innocent civilians. They also kill the legitimate hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people...." which is precisely what Israel and USA wanted to do all along since 1948......to kill the legitimate hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people...." and whomever thinks otherwise is an idiotic stupid ignorant buffoon.
Cheney also had tough criticism for the Islamic militant group Hamas, saying "the U.S. remains strongly committed to the establishment of a Jewish state all over "Historic" Palestine..... Achieving that will require tremendous effort at the various theaters of war for the PNAC, and painful concessions on the Arab/Palestinian sides ONLY. It will also require a determination to defeat those who are committed to violence, namely the PNAC killers and murderers of the new evil alliance of CIA2/MOSSAD and all their sister agencies...actively engaged and enrolled in the criminal PNAC sect, and who refuse to accept the basic right of the other side to exist."
The U.S. vice president was referring to Hamas[ Made In Israel...], which took over the Gaza Strip last year and continues to target Israeli communities near the Gaza border with rocket barrages....
Quoting President George W. Bush, Cheney said a Palestinian state was long overdue, and promised U.S. assistance toward that end. "This can be done, and if all concerned stay at the work, success will be achieved," he said.
During their meeting, Abbas asked Cheney to help stop Israeli settlement expansion and military operations targeting Palestinian militants, Abbas' aide Saeb Erekat said.....but Erekat has been shouting off the top of his lungs for over 25 years, since his appearance on Ted Koppel's "nightline" without any success... and Erekat has nothing to show for his various attempts at reconciling differences.... Zilch .....?
Speaking at a press conference in Ramallah following the meeting, Abbas thanked Cheney for U.S. support, but also blasted Israel's settlements and checkpoints, an implied criticism of the U.S., Israel's strongest backer..... "how courageous of Abbas"... the pimp of the new evil alliance of the PNAC.....
"To reach peace," Abbas said, "what is required is will, courage and strong support from the international community, especially the U.S...."
Peres: We won't cede Golan only to have Iran, Syria control Lebanon .....
Earlier Sunday, President Shimon Peres dismissed recent Syrian calls for peace talks, telling Cheney that Israel would not consider ceding the Golan Heights to Syria only to have Damascus and Tehran increase their dominance in Lebanon.....
During a meeting between the two leaders in Jerusalem, Peres said "Israel is not willing to return the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for Iranian-Syrian control of Lebanon," referring in part to the Damascus and Tehran's support for the Lebanese Resistance Hezbollah.
Last week, Peres made similar remarks to visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov , when he said "talk of peace from Syria arouses distrust within Israel......"
The president added that while Israel is always ready to negotiate toward peace with Syria, the duplicitous game that ISRAEL and Assad are playing in the region cannot be ignored..... He noted that a tremendous amount of Iranian-funded weapons are transferred to Hezbollah every day through Syria.....under the nose of the Israelis and with their tacit approval..... for a very long time...... and "this fact" is not at all MUSIC to the ears of Dick Cheney......
For his part, Cheney said at Sunday's meeting that it appeared Syrian President Bashar Assad was not interested in peace talks with Israel.....because he already has one very good deal with Israel, through Assef Shawkat.... Cheney also said that the U.S. is concerned about Syria's arming of Hezbollah...... under the nose of the Israelis and with their tacit approval......
Cheney also spoke about Israeli-Palestinian fake peace efforts...., while in the same breath referring to the threat posed by Iran, though he did not mention the country by name.....
"We are obviously dedicated to doing all we can as an administration to try to move the fake process forward, and obviously actively involved in dealing with the threats that we see emerging in the region - not only threats to Israel, but threats to the United States as well," the U.S. vice president said.....
On the subject of Iran, Peres said anti-Israel declarations made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against Israel, and Tehran's support for Lebanese and Palestinian militant groups, cannot be ignored..... under the nose of the Israelis and with their tacit approval.....
"We have this problem of the Iranians who want to build two satellites, the Hezbollah [in Lebanon] and the Hamas in Gaza. ... Nobody can control us and say that declarations by Ahmadinejad are less serious," Peres said. "We have to take it seriously.....LOL."
The president added that the U.S. and Europe must lead a campaign against Iran's bid to develop long range missiles..... and it was MUSIC to the ears of Dick Cheney......
"Right under the International Atomic Energy Agency's noses, the Iranians are spending a massive amount of money in order to develop long range missiles that can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. These missiles are damning evidence that Iran's nuclear plan is not for civilian purposes," Peres said.... and this was MUSIC to the ears of Dick Cheney.....
He said time is of the essence in the fake peace process, but that he believes progress is achievable. "The mere fact that in spite of the differences the negotiations go on is a great hope for the future," Peres said..... so, we can keep on fooling the world, the gullible and the naive that we are talking about talking about the process within the process of a genuinely fake process in order to talk about the process of talking to the gullible.....for ever and ever.
After Cheney's arrival in Israel on Saturday, the U.S. vice president vowed his country would never pressure Israel to take steps that threaten its security...... and promised that we will keep on fooling the world, the gullible and the naive that we are talking about talking about the process within the process of a genuinely fake process in order to talk about the process of talking to the gullible.....for ever and ever.
"America's commitment to Israel's security is enduring and unshakable, as is Israel's right to protect itself always against the PNAC....one day.... when Israel decides to ditch AMERICA...and join the rising new forces in India and China...., rocket attacks and other attacks from forces dedicated by Israel's MOSSAD," Cheney said ahead of a meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert..... ,End for now....
Battle of the Iranian conservatives....
With elections already accomplished in Iran , the popular joke among Iranians remains: Mahmud Ahmadinejad and Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (current and former conservative presidents) are in an airplane over Tehran. Ahmadinejad says, "I am going to throw down $100, and let 10 Iranian citizens get them and pray for me." Rafsanjani, who is richer by far, replies, "I am going to throw out $1,000, and let 100 citizens pray for me." Provoked by the bravado of both men, the pilot mumbles, "I am going to throw both of you out, and let 65 million Iranians pray for me." The same joke applies to Lebanon...???
It is no wonder that Iranians are not enthusiastic about voting for the parliamentary elections. Instead of heading to the ballots, they are shopping for the Iranian New Year (Nowruz). The reasons vary, including lack of inspiring candidates, along with lessons learned - the hard way - being that the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) cannot deliver real change in Iranian society...
Most Iranians are young - 70% of them are below the age of 25, born after the Islamic revolution of 1979. Slogans about preserving or exporting the revolution are no longer attractive. Typical politicized college freshmen, for example, who are usually the catalysts for voter turnout on election day, were born in 1989 or 1990, 10 years after the revolution.... and yet, the Iranian "model" is still thriving...enduring, cohesive enough when dealing with outside agents of influence...because Iranians have a very long memory and know how to preserve the national interests despite all odds...
These young people are searching for ways to combat the 20% unemployment rate in Iran and 22% inflation. Female unemployment, as a result of increased religious conservatism in society, stands at a staggering 21.2%. Another 31% of young men and women, aged 15-29, are unemployed. Within this range, 34% are in the 15-19 age group and 16% in the 25-29 group....Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.
Currently, 800,000 Iranian youths enter the job market every year. This is very large when compared with countries in the neighborhood, like Syria, which welcomes 250,000 new job-seekers every year. In 2005, one of Ahmadinejad's campaign slogans was an additional "US$550 for every citizen".
But the exact opposite happened; oil prices tripled, but living conditions stayed the same. According to Economy Minister Davoud Danesh-Jaafari, foreign investment in Iran under Ahmadinejad has reached $10.27 billion. He added that Iran also had an impressive 6.7% economic growth rate, and is aiming at revenue of $63 billion from oil money. None of that extra money is streaming into state coffers, however, materializing as more food on Iranian dinner tables, or as more money in their pockets. The candidates competing for the 290-seat Parliament, however, have failed to attract these young people for now.... Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.
In Iran, there are reformers, conservatives and the really conservative....and regardless these labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.
Those running for office are the really conservative. They have introduced a new term into political discourse, "Principalism"; commitment to the principles of the Islamic revolution. In January, Mohammad Ali Jaafari, the commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC - currently numbered 10 million) referred to the "Islamic government" in Iran, rather than the "Islamic republic". Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.
At first glance, the two words may sound the same to a Western audience. In reality, the new title (coming from such a senior official) is noteworthy, says Mustapha Tajzadeh, a senior official at the Ministry of Interior, because "any government is a regime that has no free elections, free political parties, freedom of speech, or freedom of the press ... a packaged thought creates a packaged society".... and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.
Most people simply no longer buy the rhetoric of someone like Jaafari. The Iranian Parliament, in theory, can draft legislation, approve or veto treaties and budgets, and even dismiss the government or impeach the president.
In practice, all its work cannot pass into legislation unless signed off by the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the 12-man Guardian Council. Running the "show" and supervising the ballots on Friday are Mustapha Poor-Muhammadai, the minister of interior who was minister of intelligence under Rafsanjani, and his political deputy, Alireza Afshar, an ex-commander of the IRGC.
Both are conservative to the bone. As if their presence is not enough, the Iranian system has already disqualified over 2,000 reformist candidates wanting to run for office. That poured cold water on anybody expecting real change in these elections. Nearly 7,600 applied, but only 4,500 qualified, something ex-president Mohammed Khatami described as "catastrophic".
Surprisingly, even the hard-line Jamhoori-e Eslami newspaper spoke against the disqualifications, saying they harm the Islamic revolution, and Ahmad Tavakkoli, a prominent conservative parliamentarian, wrote an open letter to the Guardian Council advising it to change course, saying, "A pagan government may last, but an unjust government will not."
Reformers are expected to win no more than 30 seats at best. Surprisingly, even the highly charged student community, which traditionally would be the first to object to these disqualifications, was relatively silent. This leaves the stage open for conservatives and ultra-conservatives; men who make Ahmadinejad look like a dove. All indicators are expecting an ultra-conservative coup within the political system, cementing the hold of Khamenei.
On January 24th, there was a meeting of "giants" in Iranian politics; Khamenei, Khatami, Rafsanjani and ex-Parliament speaker Mehdi Karrubi. Khatami, Rafsanjani and Karrubi pleaded the grand ayatollah to change course vis-a-vis the disqualifications. Khamenei made a public speech on February 8, saying, "Everybody has to participate in the elections." He then described Friday's elections as "one of the most accurate in the world". Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.....
Then, suddenly, after a hard-line stance on the disqualifications, Khamenei allowed 280 disqualified candidates to re-enter the race. These included Eli Eshragi, the grandson of the republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Some voices simply refuse to be silenced and are still hopeful that a Tehran spring is in the air. Boycotting the elections will only harm whatever hope people have for change, say many Iranians. They site how in 2005, nearly 11 million people boycotted the elections, because of the disqualifications, and as a result, Ahmadinejad was elected president.
What makes things all the more worrying is the alliance of conservatives preparing for the upcoming presidential elections in 2009, spelling no danger for Iran. Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.....
Ali Larijani, [Mossad Sayyanim] who has his eyes set on becoming the next speaker (after having failed in the presidential elections of 2005), feared that he would not win in Tehran and therefore is running for Parliament from Qom. He is teaming up with Mohammad Baqir Qalibaf, the mayor of Tehran, and Mohsen Rezai, the ex-commander of the IRGC.
Speaking to the student agency last week, Larijani (who stepped down as senior nuclear negotiator in 2007) noted that there were "ideological differences" with Ahmadinejad. Qalibaf, 46, is a former general and commander of the Nasr Forces during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. A decorated war hero while still in his early 20s, Qalibaf headed the IRGC in the 1990s, becoming chief of police in June 2000.
Among his memorable achievements is the purging of the police force of all political elements, particularly those opposed to the Iranian revolution. This was done to ensure that if rioting ever erupted, as was the case during the Shah's era in 1979, and the army sided with the demonstrators, then a loyal police force would be there to maintain order. His reputation as a hardliner was cemented in July 1999 when, along with 24 IRGC members, he told Khatami that unless the government intervened to suppress student demonstrations in Tehran, he would take matters into his own hands and crush them. Iranians view him as pragmatic, ruthless and "very conservative". He is also very popular, seen as an Iranian necessity..... Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.....
The other conservative heavyweight is Larijani. He was director of Iranian Radio and Television in 1994-2004. Loathed by many as much as Qalibaf, he succeeded Khatami at the Islamic Culture and Guidance Ministry in 1992. Larijani was "impeached" from this position at the ministry because he had too liberally allowed the influx of foreign films and music into Iran. To prove his merit, Larijani did the exact opposite and was backed by his brother, Sadegh Larijani, who is an influential member of the Guardian Council. He is close to Khamenei and serves as his representative at the National Security Council.
Hence Iran will have to know how to preserve the national interest despite all odds...and this is precisely what you see in the astounding and resounding support which the "national Interest" gets in IRAN, regardless the actors in any election, and regardless the labels which the outside world still tries to bestow on various Iranian groupings...because the outside world....has not learned from their mistakes of the Iran/Contra of 1986/88....YET.....