The CIA2 "veil..." is not the same as the CIA inspired "suicide belt...." that's what the Neo-realists in DC would like the world to believe...
The CIA2 strategy forward is to use the "VEIL" in a re-invigorated joint-venture...or partnership; with HEZBOLLAH, and the likes of the Moslem Brotherhood etc. in order to foment the much desired Pentagon Strategy of Widening Circles...of thousands of "Tribes With Flags &Turbans" on a GLOBAL SCALE... in order to pursue the firm policy of militarization of Energy Security for the USA and the UKUSA Alliance, which started in fact since 1973...and never ever changed course one iota, since the odious ASSASSINATION of KING FAISAL of Saudi Arabia...by the infamous White House Murder INC.
We can better pursue "our values" if we recognize the local and cultural context, and appreciate that people want to find their own balance between freedom and order, liberty and license. In the end, time is on our CIA2 side. The creation of CIA, i.e., Bin Ladenism has already lost ground in almost every Muslim country. Radical Islam will follow the same CIA2 path....[ This is what CIA2 really believes...] Wherever it is tried—in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in parts of Nigeria and Pakistan—people weary of its charms very quickly... The truth is that all Islamists, violent or not, lack answers to the problems of the modern world. They do not have a world view that can satisfy the aspirations of modern men and women. We CIA2 and the Pentagon do..... That's the most powerful weapon of all....
Yeah right... we have seen your weapons of MASS FINANCIAL... DESTRUCTION, and we ain't buying any of it no more. THE WMDs were not in IRAQ...and they are not in IRAN...they are in Israel and at your door steps on Wall Street, with DOV ZAKHEIM and the lost Trillions, with Alan GREENSPAN, BEN BERNANKE , Hank Paulson and his ilk..., and with Bernie Madoff and thousands like him... we know that, Hezbollah knows that, Russia knows that, ASIA knows that... the EU pretends not to know that..., but the whole world, including Latin America, know that quite well indeed...