.....مجرد سرّ آخر من يوميّات بلد كلّه مكشوف، وكلّه أسرار ليعرف ما يجري في البلاد
بالغدر والكذب والخيانة, بالكتمان.... الكتمان نفسه الإيحاء أو الإيهام في خلفية سلسلة الأحداث أسرار ومعلومات كثيرة بالغدر والكذب والخيانة
Israel and Syria are an assassination cartel. They are a gang of prostitutes for hire, working covertly for the shadow and illicit Government behind the "obvious" power in USA. The world will continue to suffer so long as Israel and Syria are given room to maneuver within the Siamese threesome of CIA2/MOSSAD/MI6 and the infamous White House Murder INC, headed by Asef Shawkat since 2000, who controls clandestine cells of assassins, coming from within the ranks of military intelligence goons, from both Syria and Lebanon, and they are behind all assassinations since January 24th 2002. They obviously use cut-outs every now and then... for added safety and plausible deniability....when essential only.على الجميع في لبنان ان يدرك ان لديه عدوين هما اسرائيل و سوريا والسذج والأغبياء
وفي موقف ، باللواء آصف شوكت، ووصفه بأنه « من أبرز ضباط الأمن في سوريا وله علاقات خارجية قوية لأنه كان ينسق بين جهاز المخابرات العسكرية السورية وأجهزة المخابرات الغربية وتحديداً في الولايات المتحدة... وفي أوروبا
Components of the White House Murder INC's special assassinations operations: Simplicity, Security, Repetition..., Surprise, Speed and Purpose...
"لن يموت حق وراءه مطالب"
جهاز الاستخبارات العسكرية السورية الذي يرئسه اللواء آصف شوكت صهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد هم
المتهمين السوريين في الجريمة وعلى رأسهم قادة الهرم السوري الحاكم
ديكتاتور ... سفاح ... مجرم ... ارهابي ... لا يليق بكم سوى هذا اللقب ...
Clear signs of incoming medium intensity conflicts
that will expand not only in the middle east but to
the entire world... ما حاربنا لأجله أصبح حقيقة
Elie HOBEIKA is an Unforgettable Statesman, a Unique LEADER.
Despite false stories about IDF's General Gaby Ashkenazi being "snubbed" in Washington DC by the top brass of the JCS, on his latest trip, a typical Israeli/American ploy by FDDC and LAP...etc. to fool the gullible and the naive flock....in various quarters...
The Middle East region as a whole has consistently posed strategic challenges to successive US Administrations in terms of retaining American predominance in a region which geo-strategically is home to the world’s largest oil and natural gas reserves and abounds in strategic choke-points through which these energy resources must pass to American, Western and global markets....
But the crucial problem remains; the Obama administration is just remixing the Pentagon's operational priorities - same as with the acronym fiasco. For all practical purposes, strategically reviewed or not, GWOT, TLW, CAEWWTDUH or OCO goes on, with no end in sight, with the Persian Gulf as a secondary theater, Afghanistan-Pakistan and Central Asia as the primary theater, and ideology poisoning strategic vision....everywhere else?
The Middle East region's apparent Islamic monolithic structure is beset with intra-regional rivalries amongst the Islamic nations themselves, divided as they are by strategic, political and military rivalries besides the ethnic divides of Arab versus- non-Arab nations and the sectarian divides within Islam itself of Sunni versus Shi'a...
The rumors of Israeli attacks on Iran, Gaza and other nearby allies, is a clear sign of incoming medium intensity conflicts that will expand not only in the middle east, but to the entire world.... At such case, the Bush/PNAC agenda to push for medium intensity conflicts in order to realign its allies and establish a reformation of strategic power over the resources of rich economic landmarks of the world, is/seems to be working as planned, still under the Barak CIA Obama regime of the infamous Siamese twins CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 of the UKUSA Alliance.... It is still a global supremacy maneuver, despite the lies and obfuscations of the "engagement" tactics...and despite the pre-ordained recessions....the underlying theme and thread throughout the escalating medium intensity conflicts to come, will be more of the same fragmentation of the greater middle east , Asia, Africa and even Europe.... into hundreds of Tribes with Flags... at odds with each other, easily manipulated into "selective" and ever shifting temporary alliances...manipulated by external forces...and all overt and covert means will be used....including US Financial Terrorism, to further the aims of the new-hegemonic PNAC projects, for the ongoing militarization of Energy security for the USA, and the infamous White House Murder INC,.... which sprang into covert action again near Saida's Mieh W. Mieh refugee camps yesterday...with the latest "precise" and Surgical PNAC assassination.... an exact same Modus Operandi, exact same stereotypical slimy reaction of the shadowy Lebanese government and ill-security apparatus, which is run by the stooges of CIA/MOSSAD/DGSE/MI6/BND....
The Lebanese security apparatus and the Lebanese Judiciary are utter ignorant fools, they are just useful complicit idiots and mere expendable tools of the Siamese twins, CIA/MOSSAD, DGSE, BND and other intelligence services...yesterday as much as today.... especially the Lebanese Military Intelligence, the General Security services and the newly financed PNAC puppets of the ISF/Ma3loumat... to divide and conquer some more the fledgling Republic of Lebanon. As for the old... and the so-called up and coming politicians, they are "mostly" hopeless, except for a handful... We need to abolish all aspects of Sectarianism as quickly as possible, if we are serious about saving the LB Republic in earnest, and we certainly cannot count on stooges/puppets like SS, Siniora/Suleiman, both CIA... remotely pushed and pulled in various directions at all times, to further the aims of the US PNAC killers/assassins in the Levant......
The key to the highest grade of Intelligence is held by human sources to raise whom a great deal of focused attention, ingenuity, daredevilry and deep pockets are necessary. It is not a job of a run of the mill kind which can be performed by anyone. A successful operator, capable of recruiting high net worth human agents, has to belong to a rare breed.... Identifying such potentially gifted operators and enrolling these into Intelligence then becomes a matter of incentives and competitive remunerations.
This problem can be fixed only by the political managers of the country. Lebanon now finds itself in a very complex national security environment, requiring intelligence to become the first line of defense. Men who work in it must have the capacity to develop the highest levels of professional values and solid leadership qualities...
Counter intelligence prime functions are identifying operations and agents of foreign intelligence organizations, and protecting the secrets of the State from penetration through use of human agents and technical means like bugs, monitoring, surveillance from space, interception of communication channels etc. Lack of national awareness generally for the needs of security makes the task of counter intelligence more difficult... Dangers arise equally from hostile and friendly agencies, driven by the operational necessity of discovering protected information...
Results from counter intelligence have been a mixed bag of successes and shame...for decades. Over the years counter intelligence has been able to unmask several of the Lebanese agents of all the major intelligence organizations of the world. The shame lies in the fact that it could not prevent foreign penetration even into their most senior ranks. Actual truth may be much more hurting. There is a general belief in the country that the influence of foreign intelligence organizations has reached deep into the civil society. Suspicion and then factual knowledge is cast even on the Prime Minister, the President, the Speaker, the commander of the LAF, and most of his assistants...to ministers, to parliamentarians, and others.... Due to various reasons exposures of highly placed Lebanese moles has always proved to be a daunting task....for the weakest of Government Leaders....and we can go on and on....
Nations are no longer squeamish about employment of covert techniques though specific operations may continue to be shrouded by the mystique of deniability. Nations seem willing to use any tool of statecraft to strengthen national security though the arm chair liberal or the abstract human rights activist may raise objection on grounds of ethics and morality. The foreign States are not hesitant in using such instruments. This is widely known. But one cannot switch to covert actions overnight. Long preparations are necessary. If “all options” are being kept open to deal with the vicious terrorist threat from across the borders, it will be proper to give a green signal to the intelligence now to make its covert plans. Syria , Israel , USA, Britain etc. are proving to be an enduring threat...as well as the infamous White House Murder INC,'s ongoing assassinations and murders in broad daylight.... A redefinition of national interests will bring out that Lebanon needs to move out of its self created soft image and to entrust the Intelligence with a new range of responsibilities to become more secure....
The current systems are unlikely to match the challenges that have emerged since January 24th 2002... Drastic reforms are necessary to unshackle Intelligence from its rigid bureaucratic mould and to invest it with a dynamism and innovative spirit which should be the hallmark of an unconventional organization. The very first step of reform should begin by giving Lebanese Intelligence the backing of legislative enactments. The laws should provide a degree of autonomy which frees intelligence from all bureaucratic restraints and controls relating to financial management, administrative functions, pay scales, recruitment, posting and promotions, hire and fire policies and enforcement of discipline. The laws should spell out the charter and authorize the Central Government to fix broad targets within the charter. This will prevent misuse of the institutions by those in authority. The laws should hold intelligence accountable to the Cabinet or its committee for security but also create a parliamentary committee for oversight. Detailed rules can be worked out to determine the parameters of oversight and areas of intelligence work over which it will be exercised, in consultation with the parliament. The laws should give the right to the Govt. to authorize any kind of covert action and keep all such activities outside the gambit of oversight... The process of oversight and accountability can be expected to keep intelligence on its toes. However, even after such reforms, errors due to human frailties and intellectual stubbornness will not all disappear but their numbers can be expected to be far less....and the law of the land should then apply to ALL known assets of foreign intelligence agencies with full force....no matter who they are....and that's why the law pertaining to the indictment of the President, Prime Minister, ministers, MPs etc. for treason, embezzlement and the like is so very crucial....
"لن يموت حق وراءه مطالب"
وانا اوكد ان العملية تمت بعلم اسرائيل وبايادي جواسيسها المرتزقة صهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اللواء اصف شوكت
إن التحقيقات أثبتت مسؤولية آصف شوكت عن جريمة الاغتيال
يتحدث الناس دائماً عن مسؤولية الولايات المتحدة الأميركية عن اغتيالات عدة في العالم دون وجود أدلة مؤكدة. ويدور شريط «» (ديك تشيني كان مسؤولاً عن فرقة موت) حول هذا المحور، إذ يقول الصحافي الاستقصائي واين مادسن إنّ أميركا تملك فرق موت منذ عقود تستخدمها عند الحاجة، وتكون الحكومة والإدارة الأميركيتين على علم بها، أي إنّها ليست سرّية جداً.
ويعتمد مادسن في حديثه على جهده الاستقصائي الشخصي وكتابات الصحافي سيمور هيرش. فهيرش لديه خبرة في كشف فرق الموت الأميركية، وخصوصاً في حرب فيتنام عندما كشف عن برنامج لوكالة الاستخبارات المركزية اسمه «عملية الفينيق» الذي كان يغتال القيادات الفيتنامية. يقول مادسن إنّ هيرش يعمل على كتاب سيفضح وجود فرقة موت كانت تدار من مكتب نائب الرئيس الأميركي السابق ديك تشيني وتهتم بأفغانستان. يضيف مادسن معلوماته الخاصة فيقول إنّ هذه الفرقة تعمل منذ سنوات، وتحديداً في لبنان في عامي 2002و2005. ويوضح أنّه علم هذه المعلومات من مصادر في وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية، ويشير إلى إنّ هذه الفرقة كانت تستهدف في أفغانستان كلّ القيادات التي كانت مقرّبة من القاعدة وطالبان، وأنّ هذه الفرقة نسّقت من البيت الأبيض في 2002 و2005 اغتيالات. ويؤكد أنّ هذه الفرقة كانت وراء اغتيال الوزير السابق إيلي حبيقة ورئيس الوزراء رفيق الحريري. ويقول مادسن إنّ العمليتين نسّقتا مع مكتب آرييل شارون في تل أبيب
ورغم الانجرار في تناقل المعلومه والخبر شريطة ان يحمل جرعة تخديرية سرعان ما نستفيق منها على ألم مضاعف لهذا نقول نحن بحاجة الى الخبر الحقيقي المبني على الوقائع والتي تؤكد ان اللواء اصف شوكت نائب اول لرئيس الجمهوريه و محتفظا بالاشراف على كافة الاجهزة الامنيه
إن التحقيقات أثبتت مسؤولية آصف شوكت عن جريمة الاغتيال
...ما أفصح العاهرة السورية حين تحاضر بالعفاف
| التحقيق باغتيال مغنية |
| وانا اوكد ان العملية تمت بعلم اسرائيل وبايادي جواسيسها المرتزقة صهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اللواء اصف شوكت |
| التحقيقات باغتيال عماد مغنية وصلت الى أدلة قاطعة تثبت تورط الاجهزة السورية بهذا الاغتيال بالاضافة الى الموساد الاسرائيلي... العملية اذا كما ثبت في التحقيقات عبارة عن عملية مثلثة الاضلاع شاركة فيها الاجهزة السورية بالاضافة الى اميركا... CIA وذلك بدعم وتخطيط اسرائيلي ودعم اميركي التحقيق توصل الى اثباتات عن الجماعة التي تولت المراقبة والمتابعة .... اضافة الى من تولى عملية الرصد والمتابعة وهم تابعون الى الاجهزة السورية . الاجهزة السورية وضعت يدها على الملف باكمله وتتحفظ هن فضح كل ما لديها من معلومات لخطورة ما يؤدي به الامر في حالة كشفت هذه المعلومات بالاسماء وانتهى بمقطع صوتي لأمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله يؤكد فيها إن التحقيقات أثبتت مسؤولية آصف شوكت عن جريمة الاغتيال |
Assef Shawkat ( آصف شوكت ) (born 1950) is a Syrian assassin, and head of the Syrian Military Intelligence apparatus since 2005, rewarding him for the successfull assassinations of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA January 24th 2002 , Rafic Hariri, Feb 14th 2005, and his immediate promotion to head of Syria's military Intelligence...on Feb 13th 2005... and Asef Shawkat is the Mastermind of the assassination of Imad F. Moughnieh on Feb. 12th 2008...on behalf of the White House Murder INC,....nice choice of dates by Asef Shawkat the killer murderer and assassin in Chief, a pimp, and a Mafiosi par excellence, in the minority Alawite dictatorship of Syria...working covertly with CIA2/MOSSAD for decades...
Assef Shawkat ( آصف شوكت ) is the head of the local Damascus branch of the infamous White House Murder Inc, an extra-judicial assassinations matrix, re-created by the PNAC killers since 1995, and the evil axis of CIA2/MOSSAD which ensued.....in collaboration with Asef Shawkat the KILLER.
Again and again, a prime KILLER in murder/assassinations, starting from the CIA2/MOSSAD assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika in Beirut/Hazmieh January 24th 2002, and the infamous : "White House Murder Inc." , headed by Asef Shawkat in Syria...
على الجميع في لبنان ان يدرك ان لديه عدوين هما اسرائيل و سوريا والحرمان
وفي موقف ، باللواء آصف شوكت، ووصفه بأنه « ومن أبرز ضباط الأمن في سوريا وله علاقات خارجية قوية لأنه كان ينسق بين جهاز المخابرات العسكرية السورية وأجهزة المخابرات الغربية وتحديداً في الولايات المتحدة وفي أوروبا .»
واجزم ومتأكد 500 بالمئة بأن مشاكل الاسرة الحاكمة الظالمة بسورية يختلفون دائما بسبب كيفية تقسيم ثروات سورية والتي هي من حق الشعب السوري، اجزم ومتأكد بالمئة بأن نصف الشعب السوري اصبحوا مطبلين ومزمرين ومنافقين للنظام في كل المحافل الاعلامية من اجل حفنة من الدولارات بينما نسوا معاناة شعب بأكمله، واجزم ومتأكد 500 بالمئة بأن نظامنا العلوي العتيد هو من دمر لبنان وارسل السيارات المفخخة واثار الفتن والانقسامات بين أبناء شعبه، واجزم ومتأكد 500 بالمئة بأن نظامنا العلوي العتيد هو من فرق الشمل العربي من اجل أهداف غير عربية وكان ولا يزال سبباً بمصائب الأمة العربية، واجزم ومتأكد 500 بالمئة بأن نظامنا العلوي العتيد هو من اغتال عماد مغنية وهذه اللعبة لن تنطلي علينا كسوريين وان انطلت على السذج والأغبياء فنحن ادرى بنظامنا الديكتاتوري العميل نعم العميل لأمريكا وإسرائيل وإيران ونحن ندرك ذلك، الورطة الكبرى بسورية هي ورطة نظام علوي طائفي وعصابة لصوص استباحت الكرامة الإنسانية واستبدت بالناس وأرزاقها ونزفت هذا الوطن حتى نفدت ثرواته، وحولت بلادا أهلها أعزة مكرمون إلى بلاد قذرة مليئة بالشحاذين واللصوص والفساد والقتل.. ومن ثم طال الأذى بسبب هذا النظام أشقائنا في لبنان الآن والعراق على مدى عقود ولم يسلموا من خياناته وغدره .. كل الشرفاء مضطهدون في هذا الجزء من سورية، أما اللصوص والمنافقون والانبطاحيون والمطبلون للنظام هم من يستمتع برصيد الوطن وباسم اشتراكية مزعومة تحول الوطن إلى شركة يتشاركها أسوأ طغمة حاكمة في التاريخ ولا عزاء لكرامة مواطن أو عيشة كريمة على مدى 40 عاماً...؟؟؟
Lebanon must adopt modern election laws on local and national levels, eliminating sectarianism all together, to rid itself of a parliamentary form of government and move towards a form of government closer to that of the US or France..., with a strong head of state where you don't need power sharing agreements to just form a government..., this form of government has paralyzed Lebanon & threatens its very existence....
The God Father Dick Cheney and the Syrian MAFIA.
The Mafia leaders actually present at the helm of government continue for the most part in the path of their reprehensible predecessors, and the epic match goes on.... So do the disingenuous spin and outright propaganda designed to hide the real motive and goal of both sides in the game of the White House Murder INC, since 1999....![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj1bBGmPGnS_wOSDYOB7d6ltHEcqjus3RHGyTNmqncp8Og-vO6kn_i0-qR98RH-Jbm4DI8275ClmNiKjMAtK05LhIOuibb-nVzllEHKnptNXwM5PLmRCp4akWhe1RZgXZSkbpH3LA/s280/BOTH+are+puppets+of+CIA_Killers_and_ASSASSINS_edited.jpg)
The Mafia has its methods in politics and its role in economy. Its minds (agents) are planted in the State's essential assassination institutions. They form lobbies... They are active in the media, cultural, and leisure fields (British historian Eric Hobsbawm). The reference of all the agents, employees and lawyers is the greater godfather. The godfather is the arbitrator of conflicts. He gives orders.... He protects those who need protection.... He mediates for the promotion or the dismissal of this or that person.... Dick Cheney was the godfather during President George Bush's term. He planted neocons in his office, in the State Department, at the Department of Defense, in the judicial power, in newspapers, in research centers. At the time, mafia behavior came together with cowboy behavior....
Because a godfather would die rather than resign, Cheney - after taking his walking stick and leaving the White House - is acting like a governor in Africa or the Middle East; or like Marlon Brando in the famous movie, or like Al Pacino and Robert de Niro in its second part.
After former US Republican presidential candidate John McCain, Cheney is waging a campaign against President Barack Obama and his efforts towards a dialogue with America's enemies, and the 'axis of evil'; against his choosing Christopher Hill as US Ambassador to Iraq because of his lack of Middle East experience in the infamous White House Murder INC,..., as he said - and also because he was able to reach an agreement with North Korea to stop its nuclear activities. The godfather fears that he will repeat the same experience with Iran... He assures that he pressured Bush to adopt a more stringent stance against Tehran and Pyongyang....and continue the assassinations of the odious White House Murder INC, with Asef Shawkat and his goons in Damascus and Beirut.
Hill might not be any better than his predecessor Ryan Crocker in Iraq or Jeffrey assassin Feltman in Lebanon, for in the end, he does nothing but represent his administration's policy of swift assassinations in the Levant, using Asef Shawkat and the infamous White House Murder INC,. But the godfather does not like this policy. He is against the ambassador because he will supervise the liquidation of Bush's legacy (his own, in fact) in that country and the area surrounding it... Doesn't the Mafia try to preserve its legacy, unheeding of social, historic, or political developments? Isn't this what the US Mafia did in the 1920s when agrarian society turned into a society of industry and consumption? Isn't this what happened in Iraq after the State and society were disassembled? Isn't the demand for the privatization of the army and turning it into a security guard against the theft of the companies supervised by small godfathers similar to Mafia actions?
Domestically, the godfather did not pass over the defense of his legacy. He considered all the measures that violate the US Constitution such as torture in prison, phone tapping, executive assassinations of the White House Murder INC, and arrest without trial to be "necessary for collecting information that allowed us to foil attack attempts against the United States". He said that this is the law, despite the opposition of opponents....
http://lebanonknights.blogspot.com/2009/03/shadowplays.htmlBut Cheney still blames Bush for accepting a judgment that indicted his Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby for perjury and disclosing secret intelligence information... - although the sentence was commuted two and a half years. Bush refused to issue a pardon for Libby before he left the White House.
The godfather is disgruntled. He was not able to protect one of his men. He has nothing to console him in his isolation except memories and futile interference in the affairs of the administration. He is awaiting the time of revenge that might not come while he is alive.....?