The rocket attack which slightly injured three Israelis in the Arab Christian village of Mailiyeh early Saturday, Feb. 21 is attributed by my counter-terror sources to the "Jihad Movement for the Victory of Gaza" – a new Saudi/Syrian terrorist organization operating out of the Ain Hilwa refugee camp near the South Lebanese town of Sidon.... The organization of Asef Shawkat is responsibile for the attacks....all of them since last December...
This ragtag group of Palestinian, Syrian, and Iraqi terrorists is headed jointly by Jamal Hamad, a Palestinian Sunni Moslem, and Ghandi Sahmarani, a Lebanese Shiite, with funding from Saudi intelligence, thorroughly penetrated by Syria's military intelligence of Asef Shawkat.... to buy recruits, weapons, explosives and rockets.... in order to draw a "timely" IDF/IAF into pounding Hizbullah again for a new attempt to tame Hezbullah for submission to Syria's Dictate.... on many crucial issues to come.....it also provides Assad with an opportunity.... If containment of Iran is everyone's chief concern, the Arab states' and the Obama administration's above all, then any Syrian effort to raise the heat on Hizbullah could serve three simultaneous purposes: it could force the party to embrace Syrian interests more heartily; it could bring Syria plaudits from all those states delighted to see an Iranian surrogate put under pressure; and it could permit Assad to reimpose a measure of the hegemony over Lebanon that he lost in 2005. The end result would be a compromise. As Syrian power in Lebanon increases, Iran, and with it Hezbollah, would have no choice but to bend to Assad's conditions, as that would at least guarantee Hizbullah's political and military survival...
Most of the recruits are drawn from groups linked to al Qaeda, such as the violent Jund al Sham, Osbat al Nasser and Fatah al Islam and ex-Sunni insurgents on the run from Iraq. The Jihad Movement for the Victory of Gaza has recently seized large sections of Ain Hilwa from Fatah control, at the same time running courses for its recruits in the use of car bombs ...., to give plausible deniability for the new assassinations to come, by the infamous White House Murder INC,...... rocket fire and suicide/assassinations attacks....
My intelligence sources name the group's three operations officers – Abdallah Liyani, a former Sunni insurgent from Ramadi, Iraq, another Iraqi called Hamad Naouchi and Hamis Ahmed, a Syrian.
Saudi intelligence is investing in the new group, and Asef Shawkat is using them for Syria's regime strategic aims with Israel... to create a militia for challenging Hizballah's sole grip on South Lebanon . To win recognition and legitimacy, the Jihad Movement for Gaza is trying to attempt to help draw a "timely" IDF/IAF into pounding Hizbullah again for a new attempt to tame Hezbullah for submission to Syria's Dictate.... on many crucial issues to come...
In the last two weeks, operations against UN peacekeepers and Israeli forces and rocket attacks on Galilee have been in the pipeline. UNIFIL has been on a high alert. But, although this information has been in Israel's hands since the last week of October 2008..., the authorities refrained from putting Israeli border communities and towns on guard....because Israel is in cahoots with Asef Shawkat, and they know exactly what they are trying to achieve together...when and where... This is compatible with the policy pursued by defense minister Ehud Barak and his senior adviser Amos Gilead to put all Israel's security eggs in the Syrian basket - and indirectly in Saudi intelligence and financial dirty "Migrin's hands" and Asef Shawkat.
Syria and Riyadh's interests come together nicely with those of Israel in the areas adjoining its borders – Lebanon. Saudi sponsorship of a new terrorist organization in South Lebanon illustrates this concordace of interests.
Earlier, we reported:
One rocket fired from Lebanon early Saturday, Feb. 21, destroyed a home in the West Galilee village of Mailieh, a second fell on the Lebanese side of the border. Three civilians hit by shrapnel, two suffered shock. Hizballah has denied responsibility for the attack .
Israeli artillery returned the fire emanating, according to Lebanese sources, from al-Qulaila and al-Mansouri near the Lebanese border town of Naqoura. The sources link the rocket attack to the flares Israeli forces fired over the border along 4-6 km of the south Lebanese coast Friday night after a soldier was reported by the Dubai-based Al-Arabia TV to have gone missing in the sea. No reports of a missing soldier came from Israel.....
UNIFIL spokeswoman Yasmina Bouziane denied information about a missing person but confirmed flares were fired over Lebanese territorial waters. Unconfirmed Lebanese sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur that the reportedly missing soldier might have drowned, explaining the flares. Early Saturday, the body of a wind-surfer was found on the beach north of the Israeli town of Naharia.
The last Katyusha attack from Lebanon occurred last month during Israel's Gaza operation by Asef Shawkat's agents to try to draw a "timely" IDF/IAF into pounding Hizbullah again for a new attempt to tame Hezbullah for submission to Syria's Dictate.... on many crucial issues to come...