Selon d'autres infos... l'hypothèse israelienne serait en plus confortée... car il est probable vu la desertion actuelle du Liban par sa population chretienne, que Israel cherche a islamiser le liban, [ une tentative a deja ete faites avant l'election du faiblard Michel Suleiman, a travers le Roi Abdallah d'arabie...mais elle a echoue miserablement grace a d'enormes efforts de la part de HK...] vraisemblablement pour y exporter tous les palestiniens......wake up and Unite for ever.
Ask the Assyrians, they know best the greater Middle East for centuries...
- One nation that is worthy of imitation; a model, an Ideal.
- One nation that is typical or representative; an example...
- An ideal nation state that serves as a pattern; an archetype....
- A copy, as of a book....One that is worthy of imitation, duplication or translation...Worldwide into Nation States, mini-Statelets...or thousands of Tribes with Flags?
warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by
Few outsiders can fathom the CIA2/MOSSAD inspired, concocted, perpetuated, organized and deliberately targeted towards endless Lebanese political rivalries that strive to perpetuate CIA2/MOSSAD ossified fiefdoms... On Monday, leading zu'ama (CIA/MOSSAD) adjourned negotiations on a national defense strategy until early March, because little progress was made on the thorny issue concerning Hezbollah's weapons. With about a month to go before the international charade of a so-called tribunal convenes in The Hague to try CIA2/MOSSAD/Syrian/Lebanese military Intelligence suspects in the 2002 assassination of ex-minister and ex-MP Mr. Elie HOBEIKA and the murder of Rafik Hariri, and with the threat of fresh CIA/MOSSAD/ assassinations looming over the horizon, Beirut is on the brink of new confrontations for the perpetuation of additional tribes with flags...?
After four stale rounds, puppets participating in the so-called national dialogue have failed to reach a consensus on routine procedural matters, which prompted the CIA2 President Michel Suleiman to seek the appointment of a committee of experts to examine several CIA/DIA.... inspired proposals....