الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة
عاجلك القتلة الخائفون مما تعرف قبل ان تشهد للحقيقة وتنتزع براءتك
- One nation that is worthy of imitation; a model, an Ideal.
- One nation that is typical or representative; an example...
- An ideal nation state that serves as a pattern; an archetype....
- A copy, as of a book....One that is worthy of imitation, duplication or translation...Worldwide into Nation States, mini-Statelets...or thousands of Tribes with Flags?
warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by
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Illustration: Nino Jose Heredia/Gulf News |
Few outsiders can fathom the CIA2/MOSSAD inspired, concocted, perpetuated, organized and deliberately targeted towards endless Lebanese political rivalries that strive to perpetuate CIA2/MOSSAD ossified fiefdoms... On Monday, leading zu'ama (CIA/MOSSAD) adjourned negotiations on a national defense strategy until early March, because little progress was made on the thorny issue concerning Hezbollah's weapons. With about a month to go before the international charade of a so-called tribunal convenes in The Hague to try CIA2/MOSSAD/Syrian/Lebanese military Intelligence suspects in the 2002 assassination of ex-minister and ex-MP Mr. Elie HOBEIKA and the murder of Rafik Hariri, and with the threat of fresh CIA/MOSSAD/ assassinations looming over the horizon, Beirut is on the brink of new confrontations for the perpetuation of additional tribes with flags...?
After four stale rounds, puppets participating in the so-called national dialogue have failed to reach a consensus on routine procedural matters, which prompted the CIA2 President Michel Suleiman to seek the appointment of a committee of experts to examine several CIA/MOSSAD inspired proposals....
While the critical defense strategy question was placed in abeyance, a timid statement was issued to finally proceed with the implementation of previous agreements, even if none were executed during the past seven months...
Miraculously, a consensus emerged on how best to address the growing lawlessness around Palestinian camps, even if this issue was nothing more than a CIA smokescreen, because Saudi funding to extremists in the camps continues unabated... Yet, by agreeing on a concern over which disagreements waned some time ago, officials telegraphed serious divisions on the fake charade of the so-called tribunal matter as well as deep political cleavages ahead of the June 7 parliamentary elections.
Surprisingly, President Bashar MOSSAD/CIA2 Al Assad of Syria confirmed on Al Manar Television his preoccupations with the tribunal, but revealed that some kind of a CIA deal is in the offing to try his suspected countrymen under Syrian Law.... Needless to say that while Damascus has long ago secured an escape clause because such an arrangement has been ironed out in Paris, Damascus and Washington, its gullible stooges and puppets, the Lebanese foes will not be satisfied, insisting on a fuller non-existent judicial course....
No one should be under any illusion that these two positions are beyond redemption. Moreover, few should doubt intrinsic abilities to tie the tribunal's fate with both the national dialogue or what passes for one, as well as the epochal parliamentary elections that will permanently change the country's future. Indeed, the main parliamentary groups are not only confronted by a stumbling block over Lebanon's common defense strategy, but they also disagree on just about everything else.
Under the circumstances, how can Beirut break away from its current doldrums,if it doesn't comprehend the urgent need to have an effective counter-intelligence and independent body to debunk and expose the myriads of CIA/MOSSAD agents in the country... and literally distance itself from its CIA machinations and intrigues..., when what's at stake is Lebanon's very identity as a country as well as its inhabitants' desires for a multi-confessional and multi-cultural society? Make no mistake about it, the country's core values, both at the institutional level as well as its outlook for a genuine melting pot, are now on the line....
Electors who will cast ballots will not simply choose representatives but select the kind of tolerant environment that the country has been struggling to keep alive during the past few decades.
In reality, what many Lebanese already know is that institutions are vital, whereas politicians are dispensable. It is parliament that is critical not the Speaker, the prime ministership, not the Prime Minister, and the presidency itself, not the President.
The challenge for this group of Lebanese, that is those who believe in their country's institutional prerogatives, is to persuade the rest to emulate them. An even greater test is to separate the traditional, fictitional CIA/MOSSAD clowns and puppets of so-called zu'ama who serve themselves and CIA/MOSSAD from those few elected representatives who painstakingly serve their constituents.
Admittedly, the latter is an art form that must be practiced regularly and with zeal even as regional forces drag specific communities into their own orbits, which result in unlimited turf wars......fully inspired, concocted, perpetuated, organized and deliberately targeted towards endless Lebanese political rivalries that strive to perpetuate CIA2/MOSSAD ossified fiefdoms...
Lebanon's two neighbors, Syria and Israel, have superficial conflicting outlooks for show...but both are covertly in cahoots over how to divide and conquer Lebanon for and with CIA/MOSSAD...in search of specific goals. Damascus insists on retaining Beirut within its own sphere of influence whereas Israel has its eyes on Lebanon's waters. It behooves Lebanese electors to appreciate what their neighbors want from them - or plan to eventually acquire by force - and help build a strong institution-laden society that thrives on protecting the country from CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 predators without betraying their unique national identity...
Moreover, whereas the current parliamentary majority repeats gibberish CIA/MOSSAD claims that Hezbollah's weapons undermine the state's authority, the Party of God is only serving our national interests, but that it cannot possibly disarm while the Israeli threat persists. While both of these arguments contain all the truths, the majority must come to terms with specific demands made by Hezbollah and its Shiite supporters, while the latter must understand that their strategic depths are the Kingdom of Saudi MOSSAD Arabia, CIA and MOSSAD of Herzlia- and no one else.
In the end, everyone must accept demographic changes without challenging the country's political make-up, nor believe that such transformations allow for an extreme makeover. Doing so will result in a permanent division and such a deleterious outcome will end the only Arab democracy while severely limiting the geographical space where freedom thrives. It is up to all Lebanese to understand that unity is the only remedy to deny regional and international CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE foes long-cherished aspirations.
The Lebanese must share a joint vision to preserve their way of life. That's what is missing in the national dialogue. That's what the international tribunal will not assert because it is an utter charade. That's what upcoming parliamentary elections must determine.
-- Israel hopes for the complete fragmentation of IRAQ in order to colonize parts of Iraq as "Greater Israel" --
Israeli expansionists, their intentions are to take full control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and permanently keep the Golan Heights of Syria and expand into southern Lebanon is already well known, also have their eyes on parts of Iraq considered part of a biblical "Greater Israel."
Israel reportedly has plans to re-locate thousands of Kurdish Jews from Israel, including expatriates from Kurdish Iran, to the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Ninewah under the guise of religious pilgrimages to ancient Jewish religious shrines. According to Kurdish sources, the Israelis are secretly working with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to carry out the integration of Kurdish and other Jews into areas of Iraq under control of the KRG.
Kurdish, Iraqi Sunni Muslim, and Turkmen have noted that Kurdish Israelis began to buy land in Iraqi Kurdistan after the U.S. invasion in 2003 that is considered historical Jewish "property."
The Israelis are particularly interested in the shrine of the Jewish prophet Nahum in al Qush, the prophet Jonah in Mosul, and the tomb of the prophet Daniel in Kirkuk. Israelis are also trying to claim Jewish "properties" outside of the Kurdish region, including the shrine of Ezekiel in the village of al-Kifl in Babel Province near Najaf and the tomb of Ezra in al-Uzayr in Misan Province, near Basra, both in southern Iraq's Shi'a-dominated territory. Israeli expansionists consider these shrines and tombs as much a part of "Greater Israel" as Jerusalem and the West Bank, which they call "Judea and Samaria."
Kurdish and Iraqi sources report that Israel's Mossad is working hand-in-hand with Israeli companies and "tourists" to stake a claim to the Jewish "properties"of Israel in Iraq. The Mossad has already been heavily involved in training the Kurdish Pesh Merga military forces...
Reportedly assisting the Israelis are foreign mercenaries paid for by U.S. Christian evangelical circles that support the concept of "Christian Zionism."
Iraqi nationalists charge that the Israeli expansion into Iraq is supported by both major Kurdish factions, including the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan headed by Iraq's nominal President Jalal Talabani. Talabani's son, Qubad Talabani, serves as the KRG's representative in Washington, where he lives with his wife Sherri Kraham, who is Jewish.
Also supporting the Israeli land acquisition activities is the Kurdistan Democratic Party, headed by Massoud Barzani, the President of the KRG. One of Barzani's five sons, Binjirfan Barzani, is reportedly heavily involved with the Israelis.
The Israelis and their Christian Zionist supporters enter Iraq not through Baghdad, but through Turkey... In order to depopulate residents of lands the Israelis claim, Mossad operatives and Christian Zionist mercenaries are staging terrorist attacks against Chaldean Christians, particularly in Ninewah, Irbil, al-Hamdaniya, Bartalah, Talasqaf, Batnayah, Bashiqah, Elkosheven, Uqrah, and Mosul...
These attacks by the Israelis and their allies are usually reported as being the responsibility of "Al Qaeda" and other Islamic "jihadists."
The ultimate aim of the Israelis is to depopulate the Christian population in and around Mosul and claim the land as biblical Jewish land that is part of "Greater Israel." The Israeli/Christian Zionist operation is a replay of the depopulation of the Palestinians in the British mandate of Palestine after World War II...and their blatant attempt at depopulating Southern Lebanon in the summer of 2006, which utterly failed for now...
In June 2003, a delegation of Israelis visited Mosul and said that it was Israel's intentions, with the assistance of Barzani, to establish Israeli control of the shrine of Jonah in Mosul and the shrine of Nahum in the Mosul plains. The Israelis said Israeli and Iranian Jewish pilgrims would travel via Turkey to the area of Mosul and take over lands where Iraqi Christians lived....
------------ ما كان اتكال الموارنة يوما على القوة الغاشمة، عبر تاريخهم الطويل، وان كانوا قد أظهروا شجاعة وبأسا واستهانة بالنفس في سبيل المحافظة على ايمانهم ومبادئهم وعاداتهم السليمة. ولكنهم اتكلوا أولا وآخرا على ربهم...".
"كلما انقسم الموارنة على ذاتهم، واختلفوا فيما بينهم، دارت الدوائر عليهم، وتغلب عليهم الطامعون بهم. والتاريخ شاهد. وكلما جمعوا صفوفهم ووثقوا عرى التعاون فيما بينهم، صلحت أحوالهم، وازدهرت، واكتسبوا احترام مواطنيهم على اختلاف مذاهبهم.
لا نريد اليوم أن نتوقف على ما نعاني منه. غير أن الواجب يدعونا الى النظر مليا في ما صرنا اليه نحن وجميع اللبنانيين من فرقة وانقسام بالرأي، يلوذ منه الكثير من المواطنين بالسفر والهجرة. وهذا واقع نحن جميعا، دون استثناء مسؤولون عنه. وقد آن الاوان لنحزم أمرنا ونجمع رأينا وننظر مليا في ما آلت اليه أمورنا، لنخرج من الدوامة التي ندور فيها. وهذا وضع يعود بنا القهقرة، ويدفع الكثيرين من بيننا الى الهجرة.... التي عودة بعدها....-------------
January 27, 2009 -- George Mitchell is not as "neutral" as he is portrayed to be by the New PNAC servants....in USA and Israel, since he is one of their own for decades...
It has been learned from informed U.S. government sources that President Obama's Special Envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell may not be as unbiased as believed by many observers.
At a recent public seminar, Mitchell stated that Israel was the "only democracy in the Middle East." When a seminar attendee questioned Mitchell about his statement, reiterating that Israel gave rights to Jews not enjoyed by Israeli Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, Mitchell responded, "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East."
Mitchell is being criticized from a number of quarters for not visiting Gaza, Syria, or Lebanon during his upcoming trip to the Middle East. Mitchell is planning to visit only Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank territories. Mitchell is a Lebanese-American.
Regardless of Mitchell's perceived neutrality in Middle East, Mitchell's association with Disney's former CEO Michael Eisner and Disney major shareholder Stanley Gold, both supporters of Israel, that will taint Mitchell's role as an impartial Middle East negotiator. In 2004, Mitchell was named as the replacement for Eisner as Disney chairman of the board after Gold withheld support for Eisner. Gold had originally supported Eisner for the board but also viewed Mitchell as too close to Eisner after the Gold-Eisner break. Gold is the President of Shamrock Holdings, the private investment firm of Roy Disney, the son of Walt Disney. Gold has been a donor to Ehud Barak's political campaigns in Israel, as well as Democrats Barbara Boxer, Joe Lieberman, Betty Castor, Ron Wyden, Tom Lantos, Brad Sherman, Howard Berman, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, Henry Waxman, Joe Biden, Sam Gejdenson, Charles Schumer, Al Franken, and Republicans George W. Bush, Arlen Specter, Mitt Romney, and Bob Dole.
Eisner donated to Democrats Jane Harman, Dianne Feinstein, Mark Pryor, Bill Nelson, Harold Ford, Rahm Emanuel, Joe Lieberman, Frank Lautenberg, George Mitchell, and Howard Berman, and Republicans Mel Martinez, Arlen Specter, Richard Lugar, George W. Bush, and the Texas Freedom Fund of Representative Joe Barton (R-TX).
When Eisner was Disney's boss he permitted Israel to sponsor an Israeli exhibit at Epcot Center's Millennium Village. Eisner worked closely with Israel's ambassador to the United States Zalman Shoval and Israel's Foreign Ministry to ensure Israel's exhibit represented Zionist views. The ride informed visitors that Jerusalem was the "capital of the millennium" and the "heart of the Israeli people." Arab and Arab-American organizations decried the exhibit as a recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Disney also hired young Israeli "guides" as Disney "cast members." Arab groups launched a boycott of Disney theme parks over the Israeli exhibit while the Zionist Organization of America said the exhibit failed to explicitly state that Jerusalem was Israel's capital....http://www.jewishracism.blogspot.com/.
The presence of the Israelis in Disney World preceded by a year the arrival in Florida of a number of Israeli "art student" intelligence agents who lived and worked among some of the 9/11 Arab hijackers.
Mitchell's attitudes towards Israel's so-called "democracy" and his business ties with some of Israel's U.S. Lobby's greatest supporters will tarnish his "honest broker" status in the eyes of the Arabs and the world...