The New Cover-Uppers at CIA2.
Military Intelligence loses their Top Advocate,
General Michael Hayden is ousted from CIA,
CIA2 will continue unabated...
" The esoteric world of Intelligence "
"He who controls the past, controls the future" ...
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
The parochial agendas of the secretive and rogue spy agencies in USA.
UKUSA alliance, and the new evil Nexus CIA2/MOSSAD....with BND
kowtowing to BOTH as of late...
The controversial covert policies on covering up the inside job of 9/11,
during the months leading up to 9/11, and especially afterwards....are KEY
in the sordid but laughable nominations of OBAMA Chicago thug, to the US
SPY agencies...Those Who Know...Don't tell !
"For too long, the US intelligence community has operated under a policy
of questionable effectiveness and legality in which consulting two members
of the Senate Intelligence Committee counted as consulting with Congress,
and lying to them at the same time, hiding facts and rogue operations galore."
The agencies are best-served by having intelligence professionals in charge
all the time, but they have so much dirt to hide beneath the carpets of lengthy
corridors at Langley, that they always end up having the cover-uppers anyway.
Otherwise, how else to hide all the extra-judicial assassinations galore of the
odious and criminal enterprise of the White House Murder Inc,
"He who controls the past, controls the future" ....
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"
January 6, 2009 -- Chasm opening up between Obama and Democratic Leadership Council on CIA nomination...
President-elect Barack Obama's nomination of former California Democratic Representative, Office of Management and Budget director, and Clinton Chief of Staff Leon Panetta as director of the CIA has opened up the first very visible chasm between Obama and adherents of the center-right Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) doctrine.
Obama's pick was quickly and publicly criticized by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and outgoing chair Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) who opined that a CIA "insider" should have been selected for the director's post.
On December 12, 2008, WMR reported on the sense of the CIA during "Polish CIA agent Day" sponsored by current director Michael Hayden: "Retired Air Force General Michael Hayden is pulling out all the stops to remain as the head of the CIA under the Barack Obama administration. Hayden has already received the endorsement of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Sylvestre Reyes (D-TX), who has called on Obama to retain Hayden as CIA director for a period of time similar to the extension in office offered to and accepted by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Yesterday, Hayden hosted a day-long ceremony at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia that honored the late Polish Army Colonel and CIA spy Ryszard Kuklinski. Kuklinski spied for the CIA from 1972 until his exfiltration from Poland in November 1981 after Polish counter-intelligence discovered the Polish military high command had a senior spy in its midst . . . Hayden's special guest yesterday at the CIA ceremony honoring Kuklinski was [Zbigniew] Brzezinski [a national security adviser to Obama] . . . After Hayden's and Brzezinski's remarks at the CIA auditorium, they left together. WMR learned that Hayden's ceremony for Kuklinski has moved Brzezinski to the point where Brzezinski heartily endorses Hayden remaining as CIA director. It is expected that Brzezinski, who is a senior adviser to Obama, will press the president-elect to keep Hayden on board at Langley. Hayden's terms as National Security Agency (NSA) director and Deputy Director of National Intelligence have been controversial for his support for the Bush administration's electronic surveillance and torture/rendition policies."
Apparently, Obama rejected the advice from the DLC and its supporters, including Feinstein, Rockefeller, Reyes, and Brzezinski. Hayden, who approved the National Security Agency's illegal STELLAR WIND warrantless wiretapping program directed against U.S. citizens, may ultimately face future legal problems over his decision, one of the reasons that Obama decided to send Hayden packing from Langley.
WMR's intelligence sources report that Panetta, known as a no-nonsense cost-cutter and critic of the CIA's torture and "extraordinary rendition" practices, is certain to shake up the CIA.
However, Panetta's tenure at the CIA may face a stumbling block. Obama also nominated retired Navy Admiral Dennis Blair, a former chief of the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) and the CIA's first associate director of military support, to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position that puts Blair in charge of Panetta. Based on Blair's coddling of the Indonesian military while he was PACOM during a time when Indonesia was brutally and bloodily crushing East Timor's independence drive, Blair can be expected to continue the "global war on terror" policies of his two predecessors: John Negroponte and Blair's fellow retired Navy Admiral Mike McConnell.
Panetta should realize that in the event of a "urinating contest" within Obama's "Cabinet of Rivals" over intelligence policy, the CIA director should watch his back from the direction of Blair. This editor bases this on a short experience with then-Lieutenant Commander Blair while I was a 21-year old newly-minted Ensign at the Naval Surface Warfare Officer's School in Newport, Rhode Island in early 1976. Even when I was an inexperienced 21-year old officer, I picked up on the arrogance and pomposity of Rhode Scholar and 1968 Naval Academy graduate Blair. Panetta should realize this is a guy who will hold "Star Chamber" meetings with long knives drawn behind Panetta's back at which the primary subjects and targets will be Panetta and his top close advisers at the CIA if any policy differences open up between Panetta and Blair. Bet on it.
Blair is likely the DLC overseer of Panetta and that means that Panetta will also have to watch out for behind-the-back moves by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel was quick to throw New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson under the bus when news came out about a grand jury investigating the Governor. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not now have to look over her shoulder from Richardson at the Commerce Department a few blocks away from Foggy Bottom. That is sure to please the Clintonista DLC'ers in the Obama administration, as well as Emanuel and his pro-Israel cabal that includes Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Feinstein.
Langley headquarters can be an idyllic respite from the political turmoil of downtown Washington. However, Panetta will have to keep his ears and eyes open at all times. He will have powerful enemies within Langley and outside its fence line. However, Panetta is just the person the CIA requires in the aftermath of neocon rule in Washington, just as Admiral Stansfield Turner was the man to take control of the agency in the aftermath of George H. W. Bush and Watergate in 1977. In fact, Panetta's first phone call should be to Admiral Turner, who lives in McLean, Virginia. The advice will be valuable....
The New Cover-Uppers at CIA2.
Military Intelligence loses their Top Advocate,
General Michael Hayden is ousted from CIA,
CIA2 will continue unabated...
" The esoteric world of Intelligence "
"He who controls the past, controls the future" ...
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
The parochial agendas of the secretive and rogue spy agencies in USA.
UKUSA alliance, and the new evil Nexus CIA2/MOSSAD....with BND
kowtowing to BOTH as of late...
The controversial covert policies on covering up the inside job of 9/11,
during the months leading up to 9/11, and especially afterwards....are KEY
in the sordid but laughable nominations of OBAMA Chicago thug, to the US
SPY agencies...
"For too long, the US intelligence community has operated under a policy
of questionable effectiveness and legality in which consulting two members
of the Senate Intelligence Committee counted as consulting with Congress,
and lying to them at the same time, hiding facts and rogue operations galore."
The agencies are best-served by having intelligence professionals in charge
all the time, but they have so much dirt to hide beneath the carpets of lengthy
corridors at Langley, that they always end up having the cover-uppers anyway.
Otherwise, how else to hide all the extra-judicial assassinations galore of the
odious and criminal enterprise of the White House Murder Inc,
"He who controls the past, controls the future" ....
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"